
“Who dares to be so arrogant?!”

“Did he address the four major military regions?”

“It’s really life-threatening!”

Just when everyone was confused by the sudden sound.

Everyone was surprised to find out!

They can’t find anyone!

Who said that?

“Fuck, door! There’s someone on the door… there’s someone on the door?!”

Until among the local forces, a dear man’s voice suddenly trembled and he exclaimed, breaking the original calm.

Everyone followed the sound.

The eyes focus invariably.

On the majestic entrance gate.

Standing suddenly was a man in black robes.

He has a calm posture and stands with his hands behind his back.

Look down at the crowd quietly.

The face is hidden in the shadow of the hood.

The black robe moved slightly in the wind.

It exudes an extremely dangerous atmosphere.

“When did he…why could he escape my detection?”

“This is impossible! I have SSS-level reconnaissance skills, no one can escape!”

“I always have an ominous feeling.”

“This guy climbed onto the gate so easily. He may be a person with awakened flying talent. It’s a bit tricky.”

“This person is weird! Everyone, be careful!”

Those closest to Chen Xiao are non-major local forces, and their strength is already weak.

Seeing Chen Xiao’s posture at this time, I felt a little scared, and kept spreading.

Chang Xiangyang frowned: “Sir Gu, do you know him?”

Master Gu Ling shook his head: “I’ve never heard of it before. Are you helping Jiangbei again?”

Lou Jianjun gritted his teeth: “It doesn’t make sense… Jiangbei Military Region has been abandoned a long time ago, why…”

Chang Xiangyang interrupted Lou Jianjun.

“No matter who he helps, our three major military regions have joined forces today, and it doesn’t matter who comes!”

“Dead end!”

The moment Zhao Huan, Wang Yan and others from the Jiangbei Military Region saw Chen Xiao.

I almost cried!

The nicest thigh is finally out!

Although he said he would not take action for Jiangbei Military Region, he still took action!

Although I don’t know if it’s for the military region or for Chief Ayao, it doesn’t matter anymore!

Ayao snorted and acted coquettishly at the door: “It’s just like you said… the water is too deep! I really can’t control it! I’m so angry!”

Originally, she was the one who didn’t let Chen Xiao come forward.

As the second executive officer, he must rely on his own strength to protect the Jiangbei Military Region.

But it turns out that the hole in the Jiangbei Military Region is too big.

Even her strength cannot fill it…

Who would have thought that so many masters could emerge from the power exchange meeting in the Sanjiang River Basin!

we can even say.

In today’s China, those who have the ability to save the Jiangbei Military Region.

There are only a handful of them!

“Brother Fulu, strike first to gain the upper hand!”

Suddenly, Lou Jianjun shouted loudly.

The Fulu brothers responded quickly!

Yulu didn’t hesitate at all, and instantly hugged his brother Yufu, who had infinite strength.

The two of them seemed to have become one body, speeding toward the door at an alarming speed.

Yu Lu’s footsteps were like a rushing wind, each step was precise and powerful, accompanied by drops of water splashing.

SSS level speed talent [Bloodthirsty Shark]!

Immediately afterwards, Yu Lu exerted force.

Then throw it hard towards the sky!

They have practiced this move thousands of times!

Specialize in flying talent!

next moment!

Yufu shoots out like a shooting star!

“I feel the bloodlust.”

“I can only kill you…”

Said, on his arm.

A huge shark fin emerged!

SSS level talent [Bloodthirsty Shark Attack]!

“What kind of method is this?!”

“Brothers Fulu from the Demon City… they really cooperated perfectly. It will be difficult for the gods and generals to compete in the end, right?”

“So what if his flying talent is left to him? The two of them have already figured out a way to deal with it!”

“The strength of the Magic City is indeed unfathomable…”

With the two talented performances.

Everyone was completely convinced.

A gift for speed.

A gift of strength.

It’s so fun!

Lou Jianjun sneered: “This is the fate of threatening me.”

Chang Xiangyang echoed: “We didn’t want to see blood at the exchange meeting, but there are always people who don’t have eyesight…”

The two looked at each other and smiled.

The Fulu brothers’ trump cards are well hidden!

I didn’t expect it to come in handy so quickly!

Lou Jianjun looked at Gu Lingshi: “I will prove to you that the right side is the right one.”

“Ha ha ha ha.”

Zhao Huan and others were surrounded, hearing the laughter and compliments around them, and felt a little panicked.

Ayao chuckled, she could escape at any time anyway…

But the question is, do we really need to escape?

What these idiots are facing is blocked in the national game.The man killed by the strong men of all countries!

Door top.

Chen Xiao smiled lightly: “Shark?”

A silver bone knife slowly appeared in his hand!

The blade of the blade is filled with an intimidating cold light!

“Then let me show you.”

“The strongest species in the history of sharks…”


Chen Xiao raised the silver bone knife in his hand high.

Dusk is falling and darkness is coming.

This is Luna’s home court.

The blade trembled slowly.

It seems to be alive.


A strange trembling sound sounded, reaching people’s hearts.

Immediately afterwards, an indescribable regular power surged out from the bone knife!

Sweeping around like a tidal wave!

This is the pressure from the megalodon!

For a moment.

The terrifying aura emanating from the long knife was like an invisible giant hand strangling his throat!

“What is this!!”

“what have you done!!”

Yufu’s face in the air suddenly changed drastically, and his eyes revealed a look of horror!

He felt a fatal crisis!

The bloodthirsty impulse was completely suppressed!

only left with…

fear?! !

With the slash of the giant-toothed sword.

The sound of the knife exploded like thunder, stirring up the surrounding areas!

The silver arc cuts straight into the air!


Yufu’s throat rolled and he immediately wanted to avoid it!

But the body seems to be tightly bound by iron chains!

This is absolute suppression from the bottom of my heart!

Megalodon’s suppression of baby sharks!

He had no time to make any move.

Where the blade passed, the cold light was low.

The whole square is at this moment.

Absolute silence fell!

And what broke the silence… was the sound of bones breaking and flesh and blood being separated, which was particularly harsh!

Blood was scattered everywhere.

“No! Brother!”

Yulu not far from the gate.

Witnessed the whole process with horror.

He didn’t understand why his eldest brother suddenly fell short of his standard today, couldn’t he dodge such a slow blade?

“What happened! Brother Fulu is dead?”

“This horse riding is too rough!”

“I watched him crash to death under that man’s blade, risking my own life?”

“I saw it too, and he flew over to deliver it without dodging! I’m convinced!”

Whether it is local forces or military region forces.

Everyone stared at each other with big eyes.

What is this operation?

The master that Mr. Lou worked so hard to invite from the devil city died without even having a face-to-face photo?

Lou Jianjun: (O_O;)

“This…it’s impossible to ride on a horse!”

“Absolutely impossible!”

Chang Xiangyang: |ʘᗝʘ|

“Damn it, old man, what’s going on with you!”

“You won’t be able to get the blessings of taking a vacation if you ride a horse!”

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