The first person to speak was the second executive officer of Jiangbei Military Region, Liu Zihao.

He looked at the two of them with a smile.

As soon as A Yao approached, she immediately put down the smile on her face and gradually became cold: “Call sir!”

Liu Zihao didn’t expect that this little girl was quite powerful. She was not afraid of so many people when they met her for the first time.

As expected of someone from the capital, he has seen big scenes.

But she brought an entourage…

Dare you be so arrogant?

I’m quite brave…

Liu Zihao’s expression did not change, but he shouted angrily: “Welcome, Sir A Yao!”

“Welcome, Sir Ayao!”

“Welcome, Sir Ayao!”

The voices of seven or eight people were vigorous, passionate, majestic and powerful!

Like thunder shaking the valley, extremely loud!

Faced with such an overwhelming momentum, most people would be frightened and take two steps back.

But Ayao didn’t panic at all.

With her current strength, she does have the capital to not panic. After all, she is also a double animal and a double talent, which can be said to be one in a million!

not to mention…

The person next to her…

Zhao Huan took a step forward: “Sir Ayao, I am Zhao Huan, the first executive officer of Jiangbei Military Region.”

“According to the transfer order, from now on you will be the second executive officer of Jiangbei Military Region, alongside Zihao.”

As he said that, he pointed at Liu Zihao.

Liu Zihao nodded: “Nice to meet you. We will be colleagues from now on. We must get along well.”

He gave Wang Yan a look.

Wang Yan quickly said: “Ah, yes, there is a rule in our district that the newly appointed leadership must work at the grassroots level for a period of time…”

Ayao raised her eyebrows: “Who stipulated it? You stipulated it?”

Liu Zihao chuckled: “Sir Ayao, it’s the end of the world… Is it normal to have more rules?”

Ayao’s face showed a trace of displeasure: “You mean, even if I take office in the Jiangbei Military Region, I won’t be the second executive officer?”

Zhao Huan came out to smooth things over: “How is that possible? Chief A Yao is still the second executive officer, but…”

Wang Yan continued: “I just have to start with secretarial work…”

Ayao’s face turned completely dark: “Where’s the transfer order? I want to see what Pei Tianyuan said. Did he say that such a complicated procedure is needed!”

Liu Zihao shook his head: “I won’t show you the transfer order. It’s an internal secret.”

Zhao Huan felt that things were a little out of control, and he was still struggling with his teeth.

On the one hand, it is a transfer order from the capital and cannot be violated.

On the other hand, it is the Jiangbei Military Region that he and others have worked hard to maintain and cannot let go.

“Secret? Then keep it safe and leave it to the King of Hell.”


Simple and crude language sounded.

Let the whole audience widen their eyes.

As if questioning his own ears.

This is at the gate of Jiangbei Military Region!

Dare you speak like this? !

Tired of living? !

When they saw the person speaking… turned out to be the follower?!

Even more angry!

Liu Zihao said unhappily: “You are just a follower of Commander A Yao. Don’t you know what the occasion is? You are worthy of saying…”


The next moment, Liu Zihao seemed to be trapped in a death vortex.

Instantly the hair on the hair stands on end!

As if surrounded by endless crises.


He didn’t have time to react at all.

I just feel like the world is spinning and the back of my head is in severe pain!

Total darkness!

When he opens his eyes!

He has been pressed against the door more than ten meters away!

Unidentified fluid drips from the back of the head.

My whole head was buzzing.


It hurts too much.

“Fuck, crazy, crazy! The second executive officer was beaten at the gate!”

“There’s something wrong. Who is the follower that girl brought? I think it’s the eldest father!”

“After all, Commander Liu is also an S-level defensive talent! He can’t be so unbearable!”

“I have fought with Chief Liu in the fighting gym. His physical strength is very abnormal, but why…”

“The most important thing is that at such a long distance, that guy only needs one second?”

When everyone saw this scene, they were extremely shocked.

They didn’t expect that the capital would send such a strong escort of awakened people.

Zhao Huan looked a little worried.

Bullying the second executive officer like this at the gate of the military area, isn’t this a slap in his face?

He shouted: “Wang Hao, take him down for me!”

Zhao Huan snorted coldly in his heart.

Although the Jiangbei Military Region is in decline, there are still a few good seedlings!

Wang Hao is the best among them!

He is also the youngest awakened person!

Owners of the SS-level power talent [The Coming of the Ant God]!

His strength is enough to overpower some small forces!

The Beijing Military Region would never send an SSS-level talented warrior to escort this girl, would it?

Even if heSo what if you’re from the capital?

Anyone who dares to act wildly in the Jiangbei Military Region’s resumption will pay a price!

Immediately afterwards, a handsome young man stood out from the crowd.

It’s just that his face doesn’t look good.

He had witnessed with his own eyes the incredible speed of the man in black.

He was a little embarrassed: “Mr. Zhao, won’t the system be reformed after the end of the world… I… I have submitted an application to return home. Isn’t it appropriate for me to do high-risk events now?”

Zhao Huan was stunned: “Return home to apply?”

They did reform in the last days, because they couldn’t guarantee everyone’s safety and stability.

So the quota for returning home has been opened.

But how could Wang Hao return home?

“Are you kidding? You are the best in our military region…”

Wang Hao clenched his fists and interrupted: “I just want to live, Chief Zhao… I have decided to go to the Jiangbei Triangle. When Chief Zhao needs me in the future, Wang Hao will definitely be there…”

Damn it! ! !

Zhao Huan cursed in his heart.

When is it used by you? !

I need you now, why don’t you come? !

It’s the Jiangbei Triangle again!

All the good seedlings have run away!

After a while, Zhao Huan suddenly sighed.

He seemed to be discouraged all of a sudden: “That’s all, just leave, that’s the best place to end up.”

He slowly spoke to Chen Xiao: “Brother, let Zihao go. Thank you for not killing him.”

“Zihao has been dazzled by profit, so he should go to the grassroots to exercise first…”

“You can go back and deliver your duties. Chief Ayao will be the second executive officer.”

He took out a piece of white paper and handed it to A Yao.

It clearly says:

Ping Tiao, second executive officer!

Ayao tilted her head and smiled.

He looked at Chen Xiao and shook the transfer order on his hand.

Chen Xiao immediately let go of his hand.

Let the sluggish Liu Zihao fall to the ground.

After seeing the incredible speed of the man in black, Liu Zihao knew that he was wrong.

The military region attaches much more importance to Ayao than I and others thought…

He actually sent a god-general-level guard? !

But it was too late.

Chen Xiao took the order and said calmly: “It seems that Lao Pei didn’t understand what I meant…”

Zhao Huan raised his eyebrows.

Lao Pei?

Isn’t this guy talking about Pei Tianyuan?

Probably not, otherwise what kind of identity would this guy have…

Those Chinese god generals don’t dare to call them that…

And what did he mean?

Not even the second executive is satisfied?

Ayao grabbed the transfer order: “Okay, the second executive officer is good, but I don’t want to be the first executive officer.”

“With so many things to do…how can you go and play with two sisters, don’t you think so?”

Chen Xiao thought about it and realized that was the case.

No more worries.

“Dare I ask if this big shot in the military region is one of China’s top ten generals?”

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