Jiang Ling and Zhang Longqi looked at each other.

Compared to Chen Xiao’s incredible methods, they sighed.

I had no choice but to climb the lava boulder with my bare hands.

Fortunately, the rules for designing lava boulders are very reasonable, and climbing them is not very strenuous.

By the time Chen Xiao and others had returned to the surface.

On the dry and cracked earth, there were only a few people left.

They too were breathing heavily.

It seems that he could not bear the high temperature and chose to leave the team and go ashore.

“People from China…”

“Why did so many people from China suddenly come ashore?”

“Did they get enough fire and choose to leave the game directly?”

“Most likely, that’s the safest thing to do.”

Except for everyone in Huaxia, only three people were left on the shore.

[Dragon Breath] Under investigation.

They are all relatively weak beings.

Otherwise, the ability to withstand high temperatures would not be so poor.

There’s no point in looting them.

There is a high probability that they did not get a single fire, otherwise they would have been out of the game long ago.

“Crazy boss, how long do we have to wait?”

Zhang Longqi asked weakly.

Chen Xiao thought for a while: “It depends on their heat resistance, maybe one day, maybe two days.”

Indeed, if other camps also have talents like [All Things Water], it will greatly extend their search time.

The rules don’t require time. Maybe they will search the entire underground furnace before coming out.

Chen Xiao raised his index finger and aimed carefully.

If you throw a spurge by yourself, this angle is enough to penetrate someone dozens of meters underground!


Having made all preparations, everyone in China sat around the entrance of the cave and began to wait.

This wait lasted for several hours.

The brightness of the day gradually faded, and the brilliant golden sunshine began to slide towards the sleeping horizon at the edge of the sky.

Under the setting sun, the sky was dyed with a faint layer of twilight mist.

They swirl gently and slowly gather, making the originally clearly visible scenery vaguely visible.

Even the blazing red rock wall under the entrance of the cave is no longer dazzling, and is now hazy and layered.

“Someone is coming.”

Chen Xiao was the first to speak and stood up slowly.

Jiang Ling frowned, scanning her talent but found nothing.

But soon, several tyrannical forces appeared.

“Boss, there seem to be a lot of people on the shore.”

“What should we do now?”

A total of four figures are all the people of the free country.

The leader among them is a middle-aged man.

He walked with steady steps, and his deep eyes flashed with confidence.

He wore a battle armor made of fine leather, which was tough and shiny.

A badge representing freedom hangs on the chest, shining brightly!

His name is Eric.

Double SSS level talent owner.

One of the strongest awakeners in the free country.

He is also the team leader this time!

He looked at the people on the shore from afar with sharp eyes: “Go up first, I don’t believe they dare to take action.”

Eric was very fast and soon came close to the entrance of the cave. He could already feel the coolness outside the cave.

Eric, whose body surface temperature was burning, felt more and more that the underground furnace was really not a place for people to live, so the right way to crush the fire and run away was!

Eric nodded gently towards the Chinese people: “Dear Chinese brothers, what does this mean?”

Chen Xiao was carrying a map of mountains and rivers on his back, with his hands in his pockets.

“Hand over the fire to get out of the cave.”

“Of course, I am compassionate. I remember that you have worked hard, so I can leave one for each of you.”

The kind words almost brought everyone to tears.

Thank you very much.

He also knew to leave one for us.

Zhang Longqi and others were even more shocked.

Of course they knew that Chen Xiao wanted to block the road and steal money, but they didn’t expect that he was driving people to death!

It’s too perverted to keep just one!

Eric was stunned for a moment, a little angry: “Keep one for each person?”

Chen Xiao nodded: “You don’t have to stay.”

“I came out of a hole and you took advantage of me!”

Eric had already endured the scorching heat, but now he was even more anxious and screamed.

Compared to his anxiety, Chen Xiao took his time and said calmly: “If you find it too expensive, then don’t come out and stay in the underground furnace.”

“What’s wrong, boss? Get out quickly!”

“Yeah, it’s so hot down there, I’m going to pass out!”

“Those in front of you, please move forward. Why are you blocking the road?”

The entrance to the hole is just that big, and once Eric blocks it, no one can get in.

Eric gritted his teeth: “Someone is collecting tolls at the entrance of the cave!”

Behind him, an awakened person from a free country shouted: “Kill him, what are you waiting for, boss!”

Eric turned slightly and said, “Go ahead, these people are from China.”

“Well…They didn’t hear me, did they?”

Eric sighed. It was impossible to count on others. The heat underground was rising steadily. It would be too late if he didn’t make a decision.

He glared fiercely at Chen Xiao and others who were guarding the entrance of the cave, and said in a thunderous voice: “Chinese people, how dare you…”


Before he finished speaking, a huge boulder with a diameter of one meter suddenly appeared at the entrance of the cave and smashed downwards!

In mountain and river pictures, the most indispensable thing is stones.

“Chinese people! Do you want to be the enemy of the whole world?”

Eric couldn’t believe it and clenched his fists.

Are these Chinese people so arrogant? Will they start a war if they disagree?

However, his strength was severely suppressed by the underground furnace. He was burned for a whole day and his physical strength was almost exhausted.

But he has no choice!

The surging white magic power burst out instantly, like a bright beam of light!

Eric was panting, but luckily, he finally smashed the stone into pieces!

However, while what he did was good enough, Rock Splash exceeded expectations.

Knocked several people back several steps.

Beside him, there were three other companions from the Free Country. They were hit by flying stone chips and looked particularly embarrassed at the moment.

They were also roasted in the underground furnace all afternoon!

The hot environment not only consumed their spirit, but also drained their physical energy.

Now that his physical strength is too weak, he cannot fight at all, and he cannot even dodge the gravel that has just reached him.

This is after a long period of burning, and the reaction speed of the big brain has been slowed down.

These Chinese people… just saw this opportunity!


Eric gritted his teeth: “Chinese people, do you know the price of doing this?”

Chen Xiao smiled lightly: “The price is to get the first place in the national fortune.”

Eric clenched his fists, he didn’t want to talk nonsense with this messy Chinese.

“Rules are for peace.”

“But you were the first to break the rules.”

“Then don’t blame us!”

A white light flashed from the soles of Eric’s feet, and he shot out violently!

“Hmph… Do you really think that our free country is a soft persimmon?”

“People from China think that being number one means they are invincible? Haha.”

“You dare to collect tolls, how brave you are!”

“Eric’s strength will make them realize the reality.”

Everyone in the Free Country breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Eric take action.

Eric’s awakening animal is the mantis shrimp!

Speed ​​and power are top notch!

SSS level speed talent [extreme speed in water]

SSS level strength talent [Shrimp Claws]


He hasn’t been afraid yet!

“Crazy boss, he’s here!”

Everyone in China saw Eric rushing out with terrifying brilliance!

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