On the cracked ground, an irregular hole with a diameter of three meters appeared.

Looking down from the hole, the scorching light seems to come from the center of the earth.

Layers of lava rocks extend downwards in layers.

Each piece looks like it was carefully designed and placed in its designated place.

Like huge steps, they contain strong hints.

The miraculous craftsmanship of nature?


This is a magical work of rules!

Chen Xiao was the first to go down the cave, followed by Ayao, Jiang Ling, Zhang Longqi, and Zhao Yuanhang.

“It’s amazing, who developed this game?”

“Aren’t these lava rocks just stairs for us?”

“Really human…”

Zhang Longqi was shocked by the scene, and kept feeling emotional.

Zhao Yuanhang nodded: “This is the rule that everyone often talks about. I am also curious about who made the rule.”

As everyone walked down gradually, the hot smell became more and more obvious.

The temperature is estimated to have reached about 40 degrees and is still rising.

Ayao was so hot that she kept fanning herself with her little hands, but it was actually of little use.

“Why does it get hotter the further you go down?”

“If this continues, we won’t get scorched!”

“No wonder those people above can’t go down. This feeling is so uncomfortable!”

The people who were roasted frowned and sweated, and they kept wiping the sweat with their hands.

Chen Xiao naturally felt the overwhelming heat.

I originally wanted to persevere, but in the end I helped everyone when they couldn’t hold on any longer.

But think about it carefully and forget it.

He waved his hand, and streams of water surged up.

Soon, pieces of water robes appeared in his hands.

He handed them out: “One for each person, it should be able to block some heat.”

“Crazy boss, it’s you who pays this back! Rui Sibai!”

“I call this method the God of Water!”

“Don’t tell me, I don’t feel so hot instantly when I put on this water jacket. It feels so good!”

Zhang Longqi and others felt alive again.

Everyone looked at Chen Xiao with gratitude.

If it weren’t for this piece of clothing, even if they reached the underground furnace, they wouldn’t be able to hold on for long and would have to return to the surface immediately.

The task of finding fire is indeed difficult.

But fortunately, now I have the robe of water.

Soon it was down to the ground.

The air was filled with a strong smell of sulfur.

This is a cave that extends in all directions, extending to all unknown directions like a maze.

There is invisible pressure and heat beneath the red earth.

It seems like there is an endless river of magma flowing under the thick soil and rocks.

The walls of the cave are rough and hard, with a faint red light shining through.

The temperature at this time has exceeded 50 degrees Celsius.

This is terrifyingly hot!

“Hurry up. If you see something suspicious, take it away quickly.”

Following Chen Xiao’s order, everyone rushed in one direction like an arrow from a string.

The wind flow generated by the rush alleviated the suffering caused by the high temperature to a certain extent.

But along the way, not even a shadow of fire was seen.

Either someone else has walked this road and all the fire has been taken away.

Or fire is very rare!

“Chen Xiao, I met someone.”

Jiang Ling reminded, frowning slightly.

Chen Xiao nodded.

He had already discovered four people, not far away.

But from the perspective of energy intensity, it is not very strong.


Chen Xiao gave a faint order, and then his whole person disappeared in an instant, leaving only afterimages.

He is not invisible.

This is pure [Moon Shadow] blessing.


“It’s so fast! The one who comes here is evil!”

“Get defensive!”



The four people in the fighting country felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

The space around them was shattered like a mirror, revealing danger.

Who is it!

Then, a black shadow appeared.

He is a young man with an oriental face.

He floated quietly in the air, his whole body exuding a strange pressure.


“It’s really China!”

“Leader Alexander, something is not right, they are number one in fault lines!”

“Afraid of Mao Yao! If not, let’s fuck him!”

“That’s right! Our Brown Bear team hasn’t been defeated yet!”

In the battle country.

A tall, round-waisted man stood in front of everyone, like a majestic and motionless mountain.

The muscles all over his body are as textured as a hard rock.

He had a beard and his eyes were wide open, staring at Chen Xiao.

“You are from China, why do you come to our fighting country?”

“Could it be that under this peaceful rule, you, China, are going to be the first to break the balance?”

AlexanderAs the leader of a fighting nation, he loves to fight.

But if the opponent is China, he loves peace.

That’s why he wants to pull all the camps together and force China not to take action.

Chen Xiao shook his head: “I’m not here to fight.”

Alexander’s eyes flashed a glimmer: “Does China want to join forces with us? You’ve chosen the right person.”

Chen Xiao shook his head again: “That’s not the case. I’m just curious about what the fire is. I haven’t found it for a long time.”

Alexander had a bad feeling.

He said helplessly: “Brother Huaxia, if you want to join forces with us, I’m willing. But if you want to see the fire… we can’t do anything.”

Behind him, another strong man walked out: “Yes, we didn’t even see the shadow of the fire along the way.”

The strong man pulled Alexander and was about to pull him back: “Let’s go, leader, the fire will be taken away by the people of the Euro Alliance in a while!”

Chen Xiao shook his head: “You are not honest…”

The next moment, he suddenly disappeared.


A dull and shocking loud noise!

In full view of the crowd!

A huge hand suddenly appeared, like an iron clamp, tightly holding Alexander’s neck!

Alexander’s body was pressed into the hard ground, with countless cracks and dust flying!

The severe pain swept through his body like a tide, making his face distorted!

He struggled hard, but couldn’t shake the giant hand that was firmly holding him!

His SSS-level talent [Bear Body Burst] was actually completely defeated in terms of strength!

His eyes were full of bloodshot, but he still couldn’t believe it.

Why is someone so strong!

The strength and speed just now were simply unbelievable!

“Alexander! What happened!”

“I just blinked, how did the fight start?!”

“Leader Alexander lost so quickly? Tell me, I’m dreaming!”

“[Bear Body Burst] is the strongest power among us…”

The other three people from the Fighting Kingdom were full of horror and disbelief in their eyes.

The person who was pinned to the ground by the young man…

It was Alexander, one of the best awakeners in the fighting country!

A sense of unreality swept through their hearts.

If it was Chen Xiao in the past, it would be impossible to be so devastating.

Because he could only [invisible], and could not achieve the burst of speed and time.

If you want to pin Alexander down…

It takes at least two more seconds than it does now!

Don’t underestimate these two seconds. In a duel between masters, two seconds can often decide a lot of things.

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