“You’re not familiar with it yet, so I’ll leave this place to you.”

“We will be stationed outside until the blood moon is approaching and you enter the game.”

Pei Tianyuan finished speaking calmly and left the courtyard with An Ning.

At this time, a total of thirteen people gathered in the courtyard!

Ten boys and three girls.

These people are all participants in the game.

Chen Xiao believes that this number is not made up. It is most likely the number of people admitted to this game, which is thirteen!

“Zhou Xun! Come here quickly!”

Suddenly, a female voice came.

Chen Xiao looked sideways, seeing a girl he didn’t recognize at all.

She looks very exotic, with deep and three-dimensional facial features, and her skin is like the finest mutton-fat white jade.

Thick hair fell down on her shoulders, with several small braids hidden in it.

Chen Xiao had a guess. This girl… was Zhou Xun’s old acquaintance?

Chen Xiao approached slowly.

The girl said excitedly: “I didn’t dare to recognize you when I saw you just now. I didn’t expect you to be here too!”

Chen Xiao said calmly: “Just giving it a try.”

The girl laughed: “You will die if you try it? Hahahaha, I’m just joking, by the way…your voice?”

Chen Xiao was helpless: “I am practicing my falsetto. It is still important to learn a technique in the apocalypse.”

The girl nodded: “Let me just say, there have been huge changes from two years ago! Originally, I was still worried about you…”

“You said, we came to the Beijing Military Region from home together, and we were able to participate in the national games together. The old principal must be so proud!”

Chen Xiao smiled awkwardly: “Indeed.”

He couldn’t continue to answer the call.

Because he doesn’t know them at all.

Unexpectedly, this Zhou Xun actually had a fellow villager in the military region!

And it looks very familiar!

Lao Pei and An Ning didn’t even tell themselves such important things!

“Zhou Xun, you must be careful when entering the game this time… Even if I am very capable, my care for you is very limited.”

The girl spoke brightly, her bright eyes moving up and down Chen Xiao’s body, looking carefully.

Chen Xiao thought in his mind.

The beauty tour this week has been a blessing!

There is such a beautiful childhood sweetheart.

Chen Xiao smiled: “Don’t worry, I will be careful.”

“Sister Ayao, is he the fellow you always mention?”

Suddenly, a discordant sound came.

There were three people, led by a young man in a black jacket.

His figure is not exaggeratedly muscular, but every inch of his muscles is firm and powerful, giving him a sense of steady and solid strength.

“Gu Liao, let me introduce to you. He is Zhou Xun.”

“You saw his ability just now, his defense is very strong! We, China, have another big help!”

Ayao introduced actively, but Gu Liao never looked at Chen Xiao at all.

His eyes stayed on A Yao’s plump breasts.

I have to say that Ayao is not only exotically beautiful, but also has a first-rate figure.

He is 1.65 meters tall, but he has a D-level background!

“Sister Ayao, you don’t need to say more. We all see his ability.”

“If there is no bright light, how strong will he be if he only relies on his own talent?”

“He is different from us. You are the girl with the most outstanding speed talent in the military region. Don’t waste the feelings of a so-called fellow countryman on him.”

Just as A Yao was about to explain something, Chen Xiao suddenly said: “A Yao, there is really no need to say more. We will find out when we enter the National Games.”

Hearing this, Gu Liao laughed.

“Hahahaha, okay, okay, you are so brave. I have only heard of… Chief An has a bitch, but I didn’t expect that one day the bitch would dare to participate in the national destiny!”

Chen Xiao was a little irritable and took a step forward with cold eyes.

But he was pulled hard by A Yao.

“Zhou Xun… don’t be impulsive. Just listen to me… okay?”

Ayao stared at Chen Xiao with wide eyes.

He even bit his lip.

This expression made Chen Xiao’s talent flutter a little.

This Ayao…

It can inspire a man’s protective desire.

The most important thing is that Gu Liao just said it.

The girl with the most outstanding speed talent in the military zone?

Isn’t this the speed talent that I have worked so hard to find?

Just a little awkward.

Because his fellow countryman Zhou Xun… had been killed by him.

“Gu Liao, his strength is not that bad, and I know Zhou Xun very well, he is a very reliable person!”

Ayao was still trying her best to protect Zhou Xun, holding Chen Xiao’s sleeves tightly.

Chen Xiao patted her head: “You’re right, I’m very reliable. Come with me after entering the game.”

Behind Gu Liao, an eagle stood outThe hook-nosed man said: “Zhou Xun, sister A Yao’s ability is beyond your reach, so why ask for trouble?”

On the other side, there is a short man, about one meter tall, with narrowed eyes: “If you continue to pester Sister Ayao, be careful I will kill you before entering the game!”

As soon as the little man finished speaking, a loud voice came.

“Who are you going to kill?”

Hearing this voice, the little dwarf immediately behaved: “Oh Captain Cao, I was just talking nonsense, I was just trying to scare him.”

The person who came was none other than Cao Linxuan.

He walked up to A Yao and smiled softly: “Sister A Yao, you can rest assured that with me, Cao Linxuan, as the captain, no one will die, including Zhou Xun.”

The little dwarf echoed: “The captain is right, once the name of Thunder God General comes out, no matter whether he is from the Sakura Kingdom or the Euro Alliance, everyone has to tremble!”

Gu Liao’s face looked a little ugly. He couldn’t understand Cao Linxuan’s style.

After all, he has always liked Ayao.

But he has a very good figure and good looks, and is very strong.

Who wouldn’t like this kind of girl?

This also attracted guys like Cao Linxuan who are not short of women!

He was not angry in his heart, but he did not dare to speak rudely.

“What’s wrong, Gu Liao, look at your expression…are you feeling uncomfortable?”

“Ah, no, no, I just ate too much in the morning and I feel quite full.”


Cao Linxuan smiled coldly, he didn’t know what Gu Liao was thinking.

What I just said was just a warning.

He looked at Chen Xiao as if nothing had happened: “Zhou Xun, Ayao is a good girl, you can weigh it yourself.”

He never looked at Chen Xiao from beginning to end.

Chen Xiao smiled lightly: “Don’t worry, my relationship with A Yao is far closer than you think.”

This is a very hateful statement.

It’s also a random nonsense.

Everyone, including A Yao, looked at Chen Xiao in disbelief.

Zhou Xun…isn’t he a very low-key person?

Why did you suddenly have a convulsion today?

Dare to contradict the fourth divine general? !

Ayao also didn’t expect that Zhou Xun, who used to be honest and honest, would suddenly say such words.

But she didn’t argue.

They have known each other since they were teenagers, and their friendship has become very close indeed over the past ten years.


Cao Linxuan didn’t reply and turned back to the vicinity of the flash.

Gu Liao was helpless: “Sister Ayao, you have to think carefully. The National Games game is not a child’s play. Although the lineup this time is very strong, it cannot be foolproof!”

After he finished speaking, when he saw that A Yao was still stubborn, his heart stung a little, and he turned around and left.

After everyone left.

Ayao sighed and glanced at Chen Xiao: “Zhou Xun, why have you changed suddenly?”

Chen Xiao smiled, slowly approached A Yao, bent down and looked into her big eyes.


Ayao smiled brightly: “I’ve become domineering, but I don’t know… whether it’s good or bad.”

In her heart, she was also sincerely happy for Zhou Xun.

Chen Xiao did not answer, but suddenly pinched A Yao’s face.

“Oh, what are you doing!”

“Zhou Xun! We haven’t seen you for two years. You are no longer overbearing! You are too frivolous!”

Chen Xiao spread his palms: “Mosquitoes.”

Ayao was stunned for a moment, her face turned slightly red: “Ah, then I wrongly blamed you.”

Then, she suddenly noticed that there was nothing on the palm!

“Zhou Xun! You actually lied to me!”

Chen Xiao burst out laughing.

This Ayao is quite interesting.

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