Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 101: Fat man focused on eating

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"Two people, since you have ordered the dishes, please pay first. Two bowls of white rice plus a plate of pickled radishes, a total of eight top-grade spirit stones." Su Yu said slowly when Bai Xiaolong took the menu down .

"What? Payment?" The fat man's squinted eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at Su Yu in disbelief. Su Yu was also surprised. It was unexpected that the fat man's eyes could still be opened.

"Our store rules, pay first, then taste." Su Yu continued.

"Su King! Do you really think we are soft persimmons?!" Looking at Su Yu's calm appearance, the thin man really can't wait to beat him up. These junk vegetables are sold at a high price, let alone pay? You really think I'm the wrongdoer. There are at least five bowls of inferior spirits in white rice, let alone pickled radishes. Many shops are free of charge. I am afraid that this wonderful price and regulation can only be made here!

"I think the two instruments are magnificent, and Qi Yu is extraordinary. These eight top-grade spirit stones are nothing to the two." Su Yu said indifferently, using the aggressive method.


The thin man directly smashed eight top-grade spirit stones on the table, his face flushed with rage, and he endured his anger, saying: "My general will not care about this little money! I will see if your sky-high price food can Eat a flower!"

At present, there is no dedicated chef in Dawangshan, so the dishes on the menu are simple to make and fast. The white rice is self-evident. It is steamed directly in an electric rice cooker. The pickled radish is Su Yu’s pickled white radish. Take it out directly and eat it.

Bai Xiaolong ran to the villa, cooked meals from the villa, and then hurried back to the Yingbin Building, about 20 minutes before and after.

It seems that Da Wangshan still needs a kitchen. When the kitchen is drawn, it is built behind the Yingbin Building. Su Yu thought about it secretly.

Bai Xiaolong held a tray in his hand. Two bowls of white rice and a small dish of pickled radishes were placed on the tray. It can be said that it was very simple. The fat and thin people looked at the tray and even their hearts were cold.

Black shop, can it be black again?

The bowl of two bowls of rice is not big at all, even smaller than the average bowl, and the pickled radish is only a small plate with a half slap, and the number of radishes in it is estimated to be no more than the number of hands.

"Please enjoy your meals."

Bai Xiaolong placed the egg fried rice in front of the two, and said blankly.

Enjoy? For these things, I enjoy a fart!

The fat and thin duo looked at the food in front of them, and there was an unrelenting expression on their faces, white rice and pickled radish. This sounded sad, and they didn't think they still have today...

The hand holding chopsticks, sometimes put down, sometimes lifted, and eat, this meal is too few, lose their identity, do not eat, this dish was bought at a high price, and I was really unwilling.

While hesitating, the fat man sniffed his nose unconsciously, his expression slightly stunned, and he could not help swallowing.

This taste...not ordinary!

He carefully looked at the white rice in front of him. The grains of rice were like jade carvings, crystal clear and translucent. The whole body seemed to be emitting a faint white light. He stretched his neck and sniffed. His eyes suddenly light up, the taste of this rice Very peculiar, with a hint of sweetness, it flows down the nose into the throat, making the appetite greatly increased.

The smell of white rice and pickled radish is not strong, and if you don't smell it carefully, you can't find it.

Then I set my sights on this plate of pickled radishes. In a half-slapped small dish, a dozen pieces of radishes lie scattered. Unlike the pickled radishes in other stores, there is no chili, sugar, and oil. Seasoned condiments like that.

There is nothing but radishes, the dish is as its name suggests, pickled radishes. I just lay a dozen pieces of jade-colored radishes randomly, except for the radishes, just the ones that were just cut out, and the display was not good. It seemed to be cut in a hurry. of.

However, it is not difficult to find that the color of this pickled radish is particularly beautiful, like white jade, crystal clear, and the appearance is also haunting this layer of brilliance.

Fat people seem to have discovered the New World, and the dishes here can all shine by themselves.

Try it!

The fat man's hesitation finally became certain, first he put a chopstick in the rice and sent it to the mouth.

The squinting eyes seemed to have a flash of light, and the fat on the whole body trembling violently, took a deep breath, and quietly experienced the delicious taste in the mouth.

The white rice seemed to have elastic rubber. Every time it was chewed, it would bounce in the mouth once, and the taste was full, and it seemed to have a dew in it. The sweetness of his mouth made him unable to swallow.

While chewing on the rice, he extended the chopsticks to the pickled radish. Looking at the radish clamped on the chopsticks, he looked directly at the left and stuffed it directly into his mouth to start chewing.

A bite of sweetness rushed directly to the taste buds as soon as the mouth was bitten. The radish had a crisp, tender, fresh, salty, and sour taste, which instantly opened the appetite. Then, he unknowingly caught a piece Crammed into his mouth.

good to eat! too delicious!

The fat man screamed in his heart. At this time, he didn't want to do other things at all. Even if he could, he didn't even want to breathe.

I tried a bite of pickled radish and stuffed it with a bite of white rice. The taste of the two was almost heavenly. Under the stimulation of the taste of pickled radish, the delicious white rice instantly raised a level with a hint of stimulation The taste in the mouth makes people feel as if they have entered a magical world.

The lips chewed quickly and swallowed. The taste of white rice mixed with pickled radish burst into the mouth.

Right is the outbreak, only the outbreak is enough to describe such delicious!

Close your eyes and feel quietly, from the tip of the tongue to the fur of the to the throat, esophagus and finally the stomach, every place passing by is cheering and delicious, it is a kind of heart that makes people happy Extremely delicious, beyond description.

This is what people eat, this is life...

The cells of the fat man's body are leaping, and even the soul is sublimated.

He couldn't control himself now, his brain was blank, he just wanted to eat, and all the cells on his body were clamoring to eat, eating the things in front of him. With a bite of white rice and a piece of pickled radish, the fat man was completely in a state of ecstasy, and he happily ate...

The thin man was stunned looking around. It all came so suddenly that his brain couldn't turn.

In his eyes, the fat man laughed while eating, and his expression was very rich, and his eyes even began to shed tears.

What is the situation like this, eating a meal like this, and getting enchanted?

The thin man looked at the white rice in front of him, unable to resist curiosity, hesitated to pick up a pair of chopsticks, and slowly stuffed it into his mouth... (Zhanshan head as king...8888962)--(Zhan mountain head Be king)

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