Doom Lord

Chapter 92 Liu Hao Advances

After coming out of the barracks, Cheng Yang led Liu Xiyue into the jungle to kill the demonized beasts.

As the number of battles increased, Liu Xiyue's grasp of the rhythm became better and better. However, her skill also has a weakness, that is, she cannot face the siege of multi-headed monsters. After all, her skill has a two-second cooldown.

Cheng Yang intends to find a way to get Liu Xiyue a better scepter, at least it must be of bronze rank, and with ordinary necklaces and earrings, she will have the strength to instantly kill a mid-level demonized beast. Converted to single-target damage, this is no less than that of a naked high-level apprentice-level combatant.

After one night's struggle, Cheng Yang gained about 1,500 psionic energy points, which was a little less than the previous two days. After all, he was carrying an oil bottle, which affected his display of strength. However, Liu Xiyue's gains were very rich. When she returned to Luofeng Village, her psionic energy had already reached more than 500 points.

Compared with Cheng Yang, this number is indeed not much, but compared to other fighters who can only get more than sixty psionic points per day, this is already an astronomical number.

Cheng Yang's psychic value harvested this day reached 15,000 points, of which nearly 5,000 points were obtained by clearing the dungeon, and the other 5,000 points were earned by killing the demonized beasts around the Dongshan Village resident , and the rest are the psionic energy gained from killing ordinary demonized beasts.

The current Cheng Yang is indeed a bit too aggressive, because most of the demonized beasts can't break through his defenses, so he has no worries about killing these guys. If the ice thorns go down one after another, you will definitely get some spiritual energy points.

Cheng Yang temporarily lent 10,000 psionic energy points to Liu Xiyue, allowing her to start six times the speed of cultivation. With her own ability to earn psionic energy points, it is enough to support cultivation at six times the speed.

Anyway, Yu Kai and others didn't return to the courtyard now, so Cheng Yang asked Liu Xiyue to practice in this small courtyard, which can increase the cultivation speed by 30%, and it would be a waste if not used.


While Cheng Yang was practicing, Xianghe Village managed by Liu Hao had completed the upgrade of the level 2 professional statue. He immediately selected 120 ordinary people from the territory and walked towards Xianghe Village in the dark.

Of course, it is impossible for Liu Hao to do this operation alone, except that he brought all the troops of his brigade, he also brought along Yu Kai and Li Wanshan. Originally, Liu Hao wanted to wait for Niu Bing to come back and set off together, but that guy hasn't been seen yet, so Liu Hao didn't plan to wait anymore.

At this time, Liu Hao and the others are no better than before. After today's training, they are already a veritable mid-level apprentice-level fighter, and their combat effectiveness has been greatly improved compared to before.

Old Li, do you think we should find some time to clean up the lord and ask him to find a few more territory altars, so that each of us can get a village chief Dangdang, not to mention anything else, just to improve our strength, It’s not comparable to ordinary fighters.” Liu Hao couldn’t help being excited when he thought that he would immediately be promoted to a high-level apprentice through the altar in Xianghe Village. But when he thought of Li Wanshan, who was in trouble with his group of people, he couldn't help but suggested to him.

Li Wanshan was very calm, and said with a smile: Captain Liu, the lord has his own ideas on this matter, so let's not disturb his arrangements. I think if the lord has a way to find more territorial altars, he will definitely find a way to occupy them Come here. If there are no more subsidiary garrisons to occupy now, even if we go to ask the lord, it will be of no avail.

Liu Hao smiled wryly, You are open-minded!

Li Wanshan's mouth showed a trace of bitterness, and said: So what if you are not open-minded? In this damn doomsday,

Our current situation is considered to be very superior, and this is also brought to us by the lord. Now that my family has been reunited, I don't have any regrets. The rest of my life is considered to be sold to the lord.

Yu Kai and Liu Hao could understand Li Wanshan's feelings. Cheng Yang helped him rescue his family from the ruins regardless of pay. This gratitude cannot be expressed clearly in a few words. However, as Cheng Yang's brother, Yu Kai didn't want Li Wanshan to have such thoughts, and said with a smile: Old Li, don't say anything about working hard, the lord probably doesn't want to hear such words. By the way, you will also Don't call me Captain Yu anymore, you are older than us, just call me Xiao Yu.

Li Wanshan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled sarcasticly, and said, That's fine, I also think this is quite awkward.

Liu Hao turned to smile and said: Hey, after tonight, I will be a high-level warrior apprentice. Wait for me to go around the hard-level dungeon and get you some good equipment.

Yu Kai glanced at Liu Hao contemptuously, and said, Stop bragging, whether you can clear the difficulty-level dungeon now is another matter, not to mention that the lord has already cleared the nightmare-level difficulty. The good equipment that we don’t need is also distributed to us. Can you get better equipment?”

Liu Hao suddenly cried and said, Can't you make me proud? I won't compare with those ****, those guys are simply inhuman.

To be honest, Liu Hao was full of frustration about the fact that the territory guards could be upgraded with Cheng Yang. He knew very well that no matter how fast his cultivation speed was, it would be impossible for him to catch up with Cheng Yang, and correspondingly, it would be impossible for him to catch up with those territory guards.

Yu Kai ignored him, and suddenly asked: Haozi, do you think the lord knows the location of the entrances of other dungeons? Now there is only one entrance of the Scarlet Church dungeon in our territory, and the number of daily entries to this dungeon is limited after all, we cannot Getting too much money from dungeons.

Liu Hao stopped playing, and said directly: Maybe there are other dungeons, isn't there a canyon of undead in Xiangcheng City? The income of each dungeon is higher than that of the Scarlet Church.

Yu Kai said: The income of the dungeon is indeed high, but if there is no lord to go with you, I am afraid that those of us who go in will never return.

Liu Hao smiled and said, Don't worry about that. After tomorrow, you and I will be both high-level apprentices. With Lao Niu and Lao Li, it shouldn't be difficult to clear the dungeon. In addition, the first It is estimated that a group of fighters who have changed jobs will be able to advance to the middle-level apprentice level in two or three days at most. At that time, our strength will increase again. Even if we divide into several teams and go to the Death Canyon question.

Yu Kai said: Whether this will be successful or not is hard to say, but one thing is for sure, in a short time, the forces in the main city of Xiangcheng will extend their tentacles to the entrance of the dungeon of the Undead Canyon. I am afraid there will be a lot of conflicts between them.”

Conflict is conflict, whoever is afraid of whom! Liu Hao said disdainfully, Right now the main city of Xiangcheng City doesn't even have a middle-level apprentice-level master, and those of us can completely crush them by rushing over. .”

Li Wanshan said: Xiao Liu, you don't need to bring us with you. If the lord really wants to crush the main city of Xiangcheng, he can do it alone.

After Liu Hao was taken aback for a moment, he had to agree with Li Wanshan's statement.

A few people talked while walking, and the speed was very fast. Although the road at night was not particularly safe, occasionally a demonic beast would appear. But under the hard work of Liu Hao and others, these demonized beasts did not make any big waves.

More than an hour later, everyone arrived at Xianghe Village.

At this moment, Xianghe Village is very quiet. Occasionally, there are two sounds of bowstrings or the sound of magic missiles piercing the wind from the wall, letting people know that the night in the doomsday is not so peaceful.

Most of the rest of the fighters were practicing in private houses. When Liu Hao and others came in, Cai Chengtian, the deputy head of the village, came out to welcome them.

Cai Chengtian was not surprised by Liu Hao's arrival, because when Cheng Yang took Liu Hao and others away yesterday, Liu Hao had already said that after Xianghe Village was successfully upgraded, he would bring some ordinary people over. Supplement the personnel gap in the territory.

After Liu Hao briefly asked about the general situation of Xianghe Village today, he asked Cai Chengtian to take the staff to change jobs.

Liu Hao came to the altar of the territory by himself, and after calming down, he opened the attribute panel of the territory and chose the opportunity to use the divine favor (false).

After a few breaths, Liu Hao successfully changed from a newly promoted middle-level warrior apprentice to a high-level warrior apprentice, and became the second expert in Luofeng village territory except for the guards who could not leave the territory.

Liu Hao waved his weapon a few times, looking full of energy, he couldn't help grinning. He felt that even if there was a tiger standing in front of him at this time, he still had the ability to split it in half. Of course, this tiger must be from before the doomsday. Who knows what kind of existence the tiger is now after the catastrophe of the doomsday?

Old Yu, before dawn, why don't I accompany you to Dongshan Village so that you can also raise your level? Liu Hao, who had just been upgraded to a high-level warrior apprentice, was full of confidence.

Yu Kai was much calmer and said: Forget it. Although you have been upgraded to a high-level apprentice, you will not be as calm as a lord when facing a large group of demonized beasts. The most important thing is that the sudden change at night There are many situations, and it is difficult for us to cope with the condition of limited vision. To be on the safe side, let's go tomorrow during the day, anyway, there is no rush at this hour and a half.

Liu Hao didn't force it, and said: You are not in a hurry, what should I be in a hurry, let's wait until tomorrow.

In this short period of time, the new arrivals of the one hundred and twenty ordinary people all completed their job transfers.

Since ordinary people can also have psionic power points, it is much easier for the people to change jobs, at least they don't have to rely entirely on the psionic power points of the territory. Just take the example just now, Cai Chengtian just asked none of the fighters who had changed jobs yesterday to lend a part of their psionic energy points, plus the part they returned back, successfully made everyone change jobs.

PS: Please recommend, please collect...

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