Doom Lord

Chapter 78 Special Abilities

Niu Bing immediately laughed and said: This is easy to handle. My deputy is a carpenter. I can cut down 10 cubic meters of wood in one day, which is enough to build a first-class residential house.

Pang Shan listened to his wretched smile, reached out and pinched his waist, and the guy jumped up in pain.

This scene immediately made everyone burst into laughter, but Niu Bing didn't take it seriously.

After laughing, Pang Shan turned to Cheng Yang and said, Lord, can you see if Xiyue can change jobs?

Cheng Yang looked at Liu Xiyue, making the other party feel uneasy.

After a long while, Cheng Yang said: It's no problem to let her change jobs, but not now, the quotas for those statues in the territory have been used up. Let's talk about it after the statues are upgraded. It won't take too long, at most It's only been two days.

Liu Xiyue was pleasantly surprised, and immediately said, Thank you... Lord. To be honest, she was really not used to being called Lord.

It's okay, anyway, I will change jobs in the end. Cheng Yang said.

Lord, what about us? Zhou Jie also asked anxiously at this time. Although they had heard Cheng Yang say that they had a chance to change jobs, they hadn't received a definite answer after all, so some anxiety was inevitable. .

Cheng Yang said, The same goes for you.

Thank you lord. Zhou Jie and the two immediately said happily.

Cheng Yang looked at the crowd, and couldn't help asking: So many of you came to look for me, isn't it just for this matter?

Liu Hao immediately said: Why? These things are just incidental, and the most important thing has not been said yet. Captain Li, let you talk about it.

Cheng Yang immediately turned his head to look at Li Wanshan, and suddenly understood, maybe they have some suggestions about the management of the territory. If it was something else, Liu Hao would not have asked Li Wanshan to speak.

Li Wanshan took a step forward and said: Lord, it's like this. Now the population of our Luofeng Village territory has grown to nearly 20,000, and there are more than 800 warriors. It's a bit chaotic, and it can even be said to be loose. Whether it's the use of private houses or the arrangement of living materials for ordinary people in the periphery, there are some problems. We discussed it last night, and I have some ideas that I want to share with you, the lord.

Just say it directly, you don't have to be so polite. Cheng Yang said immediately.

Li Wanshan said: Thank you, Lord. I have two suggestions. One is to select a few people with management experience from the common people outside to specialize in the distribution of ordinary people's supplies and dispute mediation. The second point is to find the right one. Candidates are specially registered and compiled for military personnel, and then set some conditions so that they can have independent private houses under suitable circumstances. Lord, you also know that the word home is very important in the hearts of our people. So there is a It is very important to have a house of your own.”

Cheng Yang immediately said: Lao Li, your suggestion is very good. How about this, please worry about the first thing, and see if there are any people outside who are suitable for this matter. If someone is selected, they can do it in the future. The priority is to change jobs to fighters. But you should pay attention when selecting people, those with strong bureaucratic thinking should not be selected.

Yes, lord! Li Wanshan replied immediately.

Cheng Yang continued: As for the second point, I have already made some arrangements. After the upgrade of the territory, the citizens can donate psionic energy or materials to the territory to increase the contribution value of the territory.

In the future, the treatment enjoyed by the citizens in the territory will be linked to the contribution value. You should think about the specific details first, and we will discuss and decide tonight. Then the problem you mentioned will be solved.

Li Wanshan breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly said: Lord, can you only get contribution points by donating psionic energy points and supplies? Isn't this too one-sided?

Cheng Yang said: I understand the truth of what you said, but in terms of purely contributing to the territory, there are too many things in it, and it is difficult to quantify. The importance of a thing is not determined by the rules of this world. Simply measure, after all, the same thing will produce different effects in different periods, and the contribution value to the territory is also different. Therefore, for this matter, we can only formulate rewards and punishments other than the rules of the gods, such as If someone does something for the territory, we will reward him with a certain amount of psionic energy, as for whether the other party is willing to donate to the territory, it is up to them to decide.

Liu Hao said from the side: This method is good.

Li Wanshan said: The method is possible, but it contains too many details. I'm afraid I won't be able to come up with a specific management method for a while.

Cheng Yang said with a smile: There is no need to rush this, we can take our time, first formulate a big framework, and then make adjustments when encountering details.

That's true. Li Wanshan sighed. He also knows that now is different from the past. Before the apocalypse, to decide on a matter that affects tens of thousands of people, you must first hold a large or small meeting, and then the leader will make a decision. It will not be possible to come up with a final conclusion within a few months. But it's different now. If you really want to decide something, you only need to say a word from Cheng Yang, which undoubtedly simplifies the process a lot.

After the discussion, Liu Hao asked: Lord, what are we mainly doing today? We don't need to kill the monsters around the territory now, and we can't touch the large groups of monsters further away.

Cheng Yang also knew what Liu Hao meant. With the territory guards, the monsters within one kilometer outside the territory no longer needed a brigade of warriors to kill them. Originally, in the outer circle area, the large group of demonized beasts had been cleared away, and these warrior brigades could kill monsters within the range of three to four kilometers.

However, as the level of the territory increased, almost half of the area was included in the territory, and the remaining area was no longer enough to accommodate more than 800 fighters to kill monsters with maximum efficiency.

Cheng Yang said: Let's do this. Today, let those who have life skills and tools collect resources, especially stone mining. This is imperative, otherwise none of our important buildings will be able to be built.

Li Wanshan said: Lord, there are only a small number of people who have the tools of life now. Except for those who often play dungeons with us and have some remaining spiritual energy points, the rest of the people do not have much spiritual energy left except for the double cultivation speed every day. Energy value. However, I heard that some fighters have suspended their double cultivation and are preparing to accumulate energy points to buy life tools.

Cheng Yang nodded, which was also expected. Although life skills are not a necessary condition for survival in the apocalypse, if you can have a higher level of life skills, you will undoubtedly make your life more nourishing in the future.

For those who do not focus on life professions, manufacturing skills can be upgraded, but gathering skills are very necessary. Generally speaking, a lot of precious raw materials are scattered scattered in this world. If a warrior finds a kind of precious material far away by himself, but finally has no choice but to give up because the collection skill level is not enough, How sad is this?

Therefore, it is very necessary for these people to practice life skills as early as possible.

It's not that Cheng Yang never thought that he would take out another batch of psionic energy points for these people to buy tools, but now that the number of fighters in the territory has reached more than 800, how much psionic energy points can he provide? He is a lord, not a nanny, and Cheng Yang cannot accept that he would lose eight times his cultivation speed in order to allow these people to practice life skills.

Anyway, now I am not in a hurry to build those buildings in a day or two, just let them develop slowly.

Cheng Yang nodded immediately, and said: There is still an area around Luofeng Village for your activities, let some fighters kill monsters in that area first. You go to choose ten each later. Fighters come out and act together with me. Don’t go, Lao Niu, noon is the time for your team to practice.”

Niu Bing also knew the importance of cultivation, so he didn't ask to act together.

Suddenly, Cheng Yang remembered something, and hurriedly asked: Lao Niu, you said yesterday that a warrior in your team died, has the transfer quota been used up now?

Niu Bing was taken aback for a moment, and then said: No, they dragged him over to criticize him as soon as he came back last night, and he didn't have time to go outside to find someone suitable for job transfer.

Cheng Yang immediately said: Then there is no need to look for it, I will borrow your quota first, and I will return it to you after the professional statue is upgraded.

Just when Niu Bing was stunned, Cheng Yang turned to Wang Lu and said, Wang Lu, why don't you change jobs with me first?

After all, regardless of Wang Lu's surprise and joy, she walked outside directly. Faced with such a good deed, Wang Lu naturally would not refuse, and immediately followed Cheng Yang out.

Leaving Liu Hao and the others staring at each other, Niu Bing couldn't help but slander: Haozi, you said that Yangzi and that...Wang Lu is...

Without waiting for Liu Hao to answer, Pang Shan said from the side: As long as you have complicated thoughts, maybe the lord asked Wang Lu to change jobs first because of her special talents?

That's true. Niu Bing said in a daze, However, Wang Lu hasn't changed his job yet, so how does Yangzi know whether Wang Lu has special talents?

Pang Shan rolled her eyes and said, Why are you so stupid? The apocalypse hadn't happened before, how could the lord know that the apocalypse is coming?

Niu Bing smiled wryly and said, Didn't you want to go there?

Li Wanshan watched the two young people quarreling, couldn't help but smiled and said: I agree with Pang Shan, then Wang Lu may really have special talents. Otherwise, why would he take her and Zhou Jie from Xiangcheng City specially? return.

Zhou Jie said in surprise: So, I also have special talents?

The rest of the people all looked at Zhou Jie, Liu Hao shook his head directly and said, I can't tell.

PS: At two o'clock in the code word, I finally completed the addition of the four chapters owed by the new book list, thank you for your support. After that, before it goes on the shelves, as long as there are fans with the title of rudder master or above, Doze will be updated. Can you guys give Doze a little motivation?

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