Lin Yi ran very fast, and he felt that this might be the fastest speed in his life.

Even when he escaped from the alien, he didn't run as fast as he did now.

Although Lin Yi didn't know this alien, its slimy appearance, coupled with the hole on Tian Wenlei's back, made it easy to guess that this was an alien that parasitized the human body.

So, when he tore off the silk thread connected to Zhou Kai's mouth, he felt something drilling into his throat.

If Zhou Kai hadn't overused his ability, he might have been able to see this disgusting alien on the ground.

However, Zhou Kai closed his eyes at this time, and he couldn't find it at all with his unenhanced hearing.

When Lin Yi's shout was heard, the alien had already jumped up.


Lin Yi frowned and shouted,"Stay still!"

At this moment, only by activating his own abilities can Zhou Kai be rescued from this alien.

However, time did not stand still.

Seeing that the alien was about to wrap Zhou Kai's head, a dramatic scene appeared.

Zhou Kai instinctively turned around to run after hearing the shout, but his tired body made his legs weak when he turned around and fell to the ground.

Zhou Kai's fall was so coincidental that it was unbelievable. The alien jumped high and missed and jumped over Zhou Kai's head.

Could there really be such a coincidence? Lin Yi felt a little incredible.

Taking advantage of this gap, Lin Yi rushed to Zhou Kai's side.

He raised the knife in his hand and prepared to chop at the monster on the ground.

But when swinging the knife, Lin Yi suddenly found that the sticky body of this alien had some black hair like hair.

If Lin Yi had chopped it down with a knife just now, although he could have hit the alien, he would have been entangled by the black hair on its body.

Lin Yi didn't know what these black hairs were, so he stopped for safety.

The black hair swayed in the air, and the eyes like the double-disc fluke emerged from its soft body, staring straight at Lin Yi and Zhou Kai, and eagerly crawled towards them.

Looking at the alien on the ground, Lin Yi came up with an idea.

He threw away the knife in his hand, rushed to the outside of the house in two or three steps, grabbed the torch standing there, and waved it at the alien that was about to pounce again.

Feeling the temperature of the flame, the alien was ready to escape.

Lin Yi would not let this alien go.

This disgusting thing that wanted to take away Zhou Kai's body, this culprit who made Tian Wenlei look like this.

These aliens that took away the places where humans lived and also used humans as food, Lin Yi wanted to chop it into pieces, burn it into jerky, and then grind it into powder to feed the mice.

The alien was squirming on the ground. After losing its host, it seemed unable to speak.

Not only that, whether it was speed, strength or reaction, it had all decreased a lot.

The moment the flame approached, the black hair instantly bent.

As the torch was waved, accompanied by a burning smell, the black silk hair was instantly burned out.

The soft body of the alien was shaking violently, as if the burning of these black hairs made it feel pain, and more mucus came out of its body to protect itself.

Unfortunately, the thing that was least lacking in this area was flammable dead branches.

Without these black hairs, Lin Yi picked up the knife on the ground.

When the alien wanted to escape, he stabbed the knife into the alien's body with force and nailed it to the ground. He picked up branches from nearby and threw them at the monster, and then threw the torch on it.

The dry branches were ignited by the flames, and looking at the struggling figure of the alien in the raging fire, Lin Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's going on?"Zhou Kai heard a series of voices and was a little worried.

"It's okay." Lin Yi was a little worried, so he added some branches to the fire before walking to Zhou Kai's side.

"This alien looks like a slug parasitized by a double-disc fluke, and there are some black hairs on its body that are as thin as hair. It is disgusting."

"It should be a parasitic alien. After leaving the host, the body is extremely weak."

"Could those black hairs on its body be its organs used to control humans?" Zhou Kai asked

"It's possible." Lin Yi sighed,"However, it was so powerful when it was parasitic in the human body, why is its main body so weak after it escaped?"

Lin Yi thought about it and guessed,"Could it be that the reason why Uncle Tian has such a powerful strength is because this alien has stimulated certain specific functions in the human body through some means?"

"Like speed and power, or even not feeling pain."

"Just like your ability, if it is overused, it will cause Uncle Tian's body to become weak, or even cause organ failure?"

Lin Yi felt that this possibility was very high. Otherwise, with the strength that Tian Wenlei had just shown, the people in the village could have taken them down as soon as they entered the village, and there was no need to waste so much time.

"It must be like this. To this alien species, humans are consumables."

"Once they stimulate the human body's functions through some means, their hosts will quickly become weak, forcing them to change hosts."

Tian Wenlei's body functions have been stimulated to the limit, but even so, he still couldn't catch Zhou Kai.

Seeing that Tian Wenlei's body was about to become weak and unable to continue to use, this alien had to separate from Tian Wenlei and choose to attack Zhou Kai.

Unfortunately, its plan did not succeed, and Zhou Kai's"coincidental" fall allowed him to escape.

In addition to this reason, another reason why these aliens did not take action in the village is that they did not want their hosts to be injured in the village.

Otherwise, the smell of blood would attract rats and strange birds in the woods, which would become even more troublesome.

"How are your eyes?" Lin Yi asked with concern.

"Won’t I ever see it again?"

"Don't worry, even if you can't see, I will never abandon you, I swear."Lin Yi patted his chest and said

"Can you say something good?"Zhou Kai frowned,"It's just that I overused my ability and can't see clearly temporarily. I'm not blind yet."

"I should be able to recover after a rest period." Zhou Kai seemed a little worried when he said this,"It's just that I can't use my vision for the time being, and I feel a little uneasy."

"However, other sense organs can also be used"

"Besides......"At this point, Zhou Kai smiled and then jokingly said,"If I really go blind, I will give you a knife and ask you to go back in time and find a way to make me not blind."

"Let's go. Now that we know that everyone in this village is a weirdo, I'm a little worried about Xiaoyun."When Zhou Kai mentioned Zhou Yun, his face became serious.

"We don't know when these aliens will attack us. I'm worried about Xiaoyun being alone with them. Besides, it's better to tell everyone about this as soon as possible."

Lin nodded and said,"Wait for me, I'll clean up the battlefield."

Lin Yi asked Zhou Kai to stand still. He quickly stuffed the knife and Zhou Kai's crossbow on the ground into his bag, and even did not forget to retrieve the crossbow arrows on Tian Wenlei's body.

Before leaving, Lin Yi deliberately cut Tian Wenlei's body a few times.

The smell of blood will attract mice and strange birds in the woods, and these strange things will help them deal with Tian Wenlei's body.

After they go back, they will continue to pretend that they know nothing.

Tian Wenlei did not return to the village, and the villagers will definitely come out to look for him.

If Tian Wenlei's body is found here, Lin Yi and his friends will definitely be suspected.

In order to avoid these unnecessary troubles, Lin Yi resorted to this last resort.

The weak Zhou Kai could not use his abilities for the time being, and Lin Yi was more cautious on the way back.

He always paid attention to whether there were any silk threads connecting them. After all, this was his only way to avoid danger now.

Fortunately, they returned to the village safely, but when Lin Yi saw Zhou Yun, he found that there was a very bad person standing next to her.

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