
Lin Yi's words made Lu Linhai unable to hold back a burst of dry heaves.

Thinking that the food he had eaten might be human, Lu Linhai felt his stomach churning.

If possible, he wanted to take out his intestines and clean them.

Zhou Yun on the side covered her mouth. Although she did not bend over and dry heave like Lu Linhai, her face was pale and she also felt uncomfortable.

Zhou Kai noticed his sister's expression and gently pushed Lin Yi, motioning him to stop talking.

After Lin Yi noticed the reactions of Lu Linhai and Zhou Yun, he quickly changed his words and said,"Don't take it seriously, these are just my random guesses."

"Maybe those machines in the basement of the hospital are just a way for aliens to deal with humans."

"For example, if we mash it up and drag it to the fields to use as fertilizer, or mix it with cement to build houses, it is not necessarily eaten by us."

"puff——"Zhang Cheng's suppressed laughter came from the drone.

Zhou Kai, who was standing next to him, twitched his mouth and wanted to cover Lin Yi's mouth.

He did change his words, but it was not much better than before.

""Stop talking." Lu Linhai panted, wiped the corner of his mouth, and said,"It's better to keep silent than to say it. We still have friends to be friends."

Lin Yi smiled embarrassedly and quickly changed the subject.

Looking up at the drone in front of him, Lin Yi continued to ask,"What happens after that?"

"How do you know that girl was killed?"

"I found her hairpin next to the pit."Zhang Cheng said

"That was her favorite hairpin. She said that after she recovered and her hair grew back, she would wear this hairpin every day."

"......"Lin Yi noticed that there was a hint of sadness in Zhang Cheng's tone, so he did not continue to ask about the girl, but changed to another question.

"How did you hide yourself all these years and not be discovered by those monsters?"

Zhang Cheng's situation is different from Zhou Kai's. Zhou Kai was trying to protect his sister, and because of his awakening ability, he was not discovered by the monsters.

However, Zhang Cheng has no ability - if he had the ability, he would have guessed it when Zhou Kai discovered him.

It is not easy for a person without ability to survive in a city full of monsters.

"After I ran out of the basement, my first reaction was to tell my parents and ask them to call the police."

"After all, the basement of the hospital is the evidence, and the hospital cannot handle it in a short time."

Zhang Cheng was still young at that time, and it was quite remarkable that he could remain calm when faced with such a terrible thing.

He didn't know how to deal with it, and he could only think of his parents.

However, after returning to the ward, Zhang Cheng thought of the girl's parents.

The girl was obviously not discharged from the hospital, but the girl's family did not come to the hospital to look for her.

Zhang Cheng felt a little strange, so he did not tell his parents about his discovery immediately, but continued to investigate the hospital.

Soon, Zhang Cheng found that many cancer patients in the hospital had the same situation as the girl.

They would suddenly disappear one night, and their families would not care about it.

Zhang Cheng felt more and more abnormal, and began to doubt the people around him.

With this experience, Zhang Cheng observed the things around him more carefully.

He began to find that there were such disappearances around him.

Sometimes it was his classmates, and sometimes it was neighbors.

Some classmates would reappear soon after disappearing, and some people would never appear again after disappearing.

Moreover, for these people who never appeared again, the people around them reacted surprisingly consistently, as if there was no such person in the world at all, and they were never mentioned again.

"Gradually, I noticed that the people around me were a little abnormal."Zhang Cheng continued

"So, I began to reject contact with the outside world."

"This gave me more time to study, and I felt that only by learning more knowledge could I find the truth."

"Later, my studies got better and better, but the two things at home treated me more and more strangely."

"Whenever I achieved excellent results, they didn't say anything, but I could see that they were very unhappy."

Lin Yi didn't find this strange.

These aliens are selfish. The reason they were angry was probably because Zhang Cheng's subsequent performance made him a high-quality food that needed to be paid as tribute.

Of course they would be angry when they thought that the livestock they had worked so hard to raise could not be eaten by themselves.

After Lin Yi told Zhang Cheng about the high-quality livestock, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but laugh.

"No wonder they insisted on me choosing the recommended university and said they would take me to see how good the recommended university is."

"At the time, I just felt something was wrong. Their sudden enthusiasm made me feel very strange."

"Therefore, I strongly requested to give up the recommendation and insisted on taking the college entrance examination."

"Now it seems that they can't wait to send me out."

Lin nodded:"Only by sending you away can they raise new livestock."

"But, since there are so many aliens in this city, why don't they just occupy this city and raise humans as real livestock?"Zhang Cheng was a little puzzled.

"In this way, they can eat whatever they want without any trouble, and they don't have to waste more than ten years to feed one or two humans."

"We have discussed this issue before. During the half month they were hiding in the mountains, Lin Yi and his friends had discussed this issue many times.

"It's just that we have too little information, so we can't draw any conclusions."

"Besides, the most important thing now is to escape from here. As for other things, we can study them slowly later."

Perhaps outside this city, Lin Yi and his team can find more clues.

For example, the information left by the skeleton before his death - the Peach Blossom Spring in the Far North

"This is why you came to see me."Zhang Cheng's tone sounded a little proud.

"You guys are great, you knew to ask a genius like me to help you escape."

Lu Linhai on the side snorted disdainfully, he took the opportunity to say:"You are so shameless, you call yourself a genius, bah"

"Besides, it doesn't have to be you, any good human being can do it."

"This at least shows that I am a good human being, better than some gorillas."Zhang Cheng joked

"However, the talking gorilla......A high-quality gorilla."

"You guy——"Lu Lin was also so angry that his teeth itched.

"Did you come to me to help you develop a perfect escape plan?" Zhang Cheng asked

"You yourself are locked up by the aliens and can't escape, yet you still help us make plans." Lu Linhai looked at him with disdain.

"If you have the guts, run out first."

"You don't have to worry about this. If I figure it out, those two things can't hold me back."

"We already have a plan."Lin Yi told them the plan they had made.

After listening, Zhang Cheng was silent for a while.

"Insider? That sounds good, but......"

Zhang Cheng seems to have a different opinion on Lin Yi's plan

"If you really follow this plan, you will definitely fail in the end."

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