Chapter 360 Crossing the River Bottom

"My God, those are all pure sandbags weighing hundreds of kilograms. Even a giant bear wouldn't dare to collide directly. Instructor Zang Chong broke out in such an understatement!"

All the special forces were stunned and almost called out perverted.

"Let's set a small goal first, and each person must hold on for at least ten minutes in a row. Anyone who falls off will be punished for 100 push-ups, and then continue to practice until they are finished." Qin Yuan's voice seemed very flat.

"What? Ten minutes? Isn't this killing me, let alone ten minutes. Even if it's one minute, I don't think I can hold on." Little Bee's face was full of a wry smile.

"That's right, with this kind of hanging sandbag formation, the greater the force you exert, the greater the force of the rebound, plus the weight of 100 kilograms, even if a normal person hits it, he will be seriously injured and vomit blood! "Harry's voice was also a little bitter.

"But since Instructor Zang Chong can easily do it, according to the ancient rules, we are his junior brother. What the senior brother can do, why can't the junior brother do it." Da Niu said in a rough voice, his eyes full of eyes. Is war.

"That's alright, you go first, as long as you can hold on for ten minutes, I will follow without a word, without any hesitation!" Yan Wang Yang nodded.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, I'll try it first."

After Lei Zhan finished speaking, he strode forward and jumped up with a little force.

Feeling the shaking of the panel under his feet a little, Lei Zhan took a deep breath and threw a punch on the sandbag in front of him.

The surrounding sandbags were pulled and smashed towards him one after another. Lei Zhan's spirit was highly concentrated, and he used all the places on his body that he could use to blast away the attacking sandbags.

However, with the passage of time, the speed of the sandbag and the weight it carried were several times in succession, smashing towards him one after another.

In just a moment, Lei Zhan's face was covered with a layer of sweat. Not only did he need to deal with the sandbags thrown around, he also had to pay attention to the single board under his feet to prevent it from falling.

About two minutes later, Lei Zhan dodged the sandbag in front of him sideways, but suddenly staggered under his feet. He couldn't control his balance in an instant, and he could only watch several sandbags smashed on his body, and he was knocked to the ground in a great embarrassment.

"Zhuo, even Captain Lei Zhan only lasted for more than two minutes. The task the instructor gave us was ten minutes. We're really going to play this time!" The ostrich smiled bitterly. Really realize how hard this workout is.

"What are you afraid of, anyway, the instructor doesn't have a set time, and it's a big deal to train until the evening." Lao Pao said indifferently.

"Haha, training until the evening, you really have such a good heart as an instructor?" The hygienist nodded in the direction of Lei Zhan with his head.

"Forgot what the instructor said? As long as you fail once, you have to do 100 push-ups. According to our average ability to last for five minutes at a time, you need to do 1,200 push-ups in an hour. How many hours can you last? ?"

"Fuck, forgot about this!" Lao Pao patted his head with a wry smile on his face.

"Okay, let's hurry up and train, otherwise the instructor will punish us." Geng Jihui said solemnly, and walked directly to the sandbag formation in front of him. Everyone in Lone Wolf Group B looked at each other and followed.

This training ground is enough to accommodate five special teams to train at the same time. As an instructor of the sharp special forces of the entire Southeast Military Region, Qin Yuan has received the full support of Su Guoqiang, all the equipment is readily available, and even a special engineer is responsible for following his ideas Build a training ground.

Otherwise, just relying on Qin Yuan and Zang Chong, they would not be able to do this in a short period of time.

Qin Yuan looked at the figures with a satisfied expression on his face.

"When you stand on it, treat yourself as a beast. Any part of your body is the most handy weapon. Use your body's instinct to face the incoming attack."


Everyone roared at the same time, with a strong fighting intent in their eyes.

After more than half an hour, everyone was covered with bruises and bruises, and there were large bruises on their arms, knees and even their heads, but no one chose to give up, and all of them persisted with gritted teeth.

"For another hour of training, I will give you five minutes of rest, but before six o'clock in the afternoon, you must complete the training task, otherwise you will continue to train on an empty stomach tonight until late at night!"



At five o'clock in the afternoon, there were constant bangs and screams in the training ground. There was almost nothing intact on the special forces. Coupled with the long training, their physical strength was almost exhausted.

However, under Qin Yuan's teaching, everyone could hold on for more than nine minutes. Obviously, it didn't take long to complete the training task.

"Hey, this training is too harsh. I feel like my body is about to fall apart." The ostrich had just been hit by the sandbag on the ground, and the pain from every corner of his body made him gasp.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's almost six o'clock in the afternoon, hurry up and finish the push-ups and continue training. The whole team counts you for the shortest time. Don't drag your legs down and everyone can't eat." Qiangzi reprimanded.

"Hehe, I thank you for your reminder!" Ostrich rolled his eyes, endured the stinging pain on his body, turned over, and started doing push-ups as punishment.

After more than half an hour, everyone finally completed the training task. At the same time, they breathed a sigh of relief. They turned their heads and looked in Qin Yuan's direction, only to find that there was no one there for a long time.

"Damn it, this beast, the instructor, has slipped away a long time ago. Thanks to my hard training, I would have been lazy if I knew it earlier!" The little bee couldn't help but screamed out, but suddenly felt a cold gaze staring at him .

Turning his head, Little Bee was trembling all over, Lei Zhan was staring at him with a smile, but his eyes were full of dangerous light.

"Hey hey, Captain, I'm just joking. You know, when everyone trains, I'm the hardest!"

Lei Zhan also knew Little Bee's temperament, so he turned and walked towards the cafeteria. Everyone in the Thunder Commando followed suit. After an afternoon of training, they were already hungry.

More than half an hour later, Qin Yuan walked into the dormitory building carrying several large bags of Chinese herbal medicine bags that had just been prepared.

As soon as the door of a dormitory was opened, there was a sound of pig-killing from inside.

"Dead hygienist, can you take it easy!"

Glancing around, Qin Yuan saw everyone in Lone Wolf Group B was rubbing and applying the wound medicine in pairs.

Among them, the howls of the ostrich are the most intense and the posture is also the most unsightly.

"Cough cough."

Qin Yuan coughed lightly, and the dormitory instantly became quiet, and everyone in Lone Wolf Group B immediately got up from the bed and stood neatly in a row.

"One packet per person, add it to hot water for a bath."

Qin Yuan said, distributed a small packet of Chinese herbal medicine to each of them, then turned around and walked out the door, closing the dormitory door by the way.

During the training not long ago, all the special forces had shocking bruises on their bodies, and there was almost no intact place. The things they had given them before had no effect.

That's why Qin Yuan has newly equipped this kind of Chinese herbal medicine bag. Although it doesn't look like much, he cherishes it very much. There are many kinds of precious medicinal materials in it. When they get up tomorrow morning, most of their injuries will recover, and it will not affect the next training. .

A few minutes later, Qin Yuan had the last medicine bag left in his hand, and then came to the innermost room of the dormitory building.

This time, instead of opening the door directly, he reached out and tapped it a few times.

With a crunch, the door was opened, a fragrance poured into his nostrils, and a figure appeared in front of him, it was Long Xiaoyun, the captain of the Wolf Warrior Squadron.

At this time, Long Xiaoyun was wearing a green vest, which set off her beautiful figure, as if she had just taken a shower, and her face was flushed.

"Instructor? Is there something wrong?" Long Xiaoyun stared at Qin Yuan without blinking, as if to see through the mist on him.

"Oh, please come in." Before Qin Yuan could speak, Long Xiaoyun seemed to think of something, and turned his body to his side, indicating that he could go in.

Qin Yuan took a quick look, smiled and handed over the Chinese herbal medicine bag in his hand. After explaining how to use it, he said, "Hurry up and rest, and continue training tomorrow."

After saying this, Qin Yuan turned around and left, and the figure quickly disappeared in the corridor.

Long Xiaoyun stood at the door and watched for a long time before returning to the dormitory and starting to prepare hot water.

Early the next morning, Qin Yuan looked at the spirited special forces with a smile on his face.

"Everyone has it, carries a weight of 100 kilograms, runs with the military vehicle, when to stop and when to rest."


Lei Zhan, Chen Shanming and the others were already used to the 100kg load at this time. If they had just come here, they would have been cursed in their hearts.

On the rugged mountain road, everyone was carrying backpacks that almost surpassed their heads. They were slightly hunched, panting and following the military vehicle, rushing forward.

"Chenguang, Yanbing, what do you think the instructor will think of this time?" Li Erniu gasped.

"No matter what he does, we only have to suffer. Can't you resist?" Wang Yan's voice seemed extremely flat, as if the edges and corners had been polished. Just don't kill me.

"Yan Bing is right, we are rookies right now, and the instructors just knead it. The most important thing for us is to persevere to the end and complete the training task!" He Chenguang's eyes were full of fighting spirit.

"It seems to be the same, haha." Li Erniu laughed a few times.

"You guys stop talking, save your stamina, you don't know how far you have to run, if you can't hold on, you will definitely be punished." Gong Jian said solemnly, his face was covered with sweat, and he was obviously extremely tired. .

The trio of He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, and Li Erniu kept their mouths shut and rushed forward.

After running for more than 60 kilometers, Qin Yuan stopped the military vehicle slowly in front of a fast river.

Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and others breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. They held on to their body that was about to be exhausted. They gritted their teeth and walked a few steps slowly to calm down their beating heart.

Carrying a weight of 100 kilograms and galloping for more than 60 kilometers on the mountain road, this is a double limit test of physical fitness and will, that is, they have gradually adapted to this extreme challenge, otherwise they will definitely not be able to hold on to the other special forces. .

Qin Yuan silently turned on the aura of physical recovery, covering everyone.

About ten minutes later, Qin Yuan shouted loudly: "All have, gather!"

Swish swish!

All the special forces climbed up from the ground almost like a conditioned reflex, and then stood in a neat queue, staring at Qin Yuan with bright eyes.

Under the blessing of the physical recovery halo, everyone's physical strength has recovered more than half, and they can continue the next training.

"Seeing the river behind you, next, your task is to carry the load on your body, walk along the bottom of the river to the opposite bank, and then walk back!" Qin Yuan pointed to the turbulent river behind Ou.

"Ah? Walking over from the bottom of the river, why waste so much energy and just swim right there?" The ostrich said in a puzzled manner.

"Yes, Instructor, our water ability is very good. Even with a load, we can swim to the opposite side in less than two minutes. Why do we have to walk across the bottom of the river?" Lao Pao couldn't help but said.

"Hehe, swim over? If the enemy is on the other side now, why don't you just go over and put your head on the opponent's gun?" Qin Yuan's face was full of mockery.

"Don't tell me that there are extremely advanced individual diving equipment. We are special forces. On the battlefield, most of the tasks are to go deep behind enemy lines. The most important thing is to reduce the load. We only carry dry weapons and fresh water!"

Hearing Qin Yuan's words, everyone showed a stunned look, but they were still a little worried.

The river in front of you is not a small river, it is more than 400 meters wide, and the river is so fast that even if a stone is thrown in, it will be washed away very far.

"What are you still doing? Those who don't want to go into the water can say it directly. I will not force you to do anything." Qin Yuan glared at the special forces.

"Wolf Warrior Squadron, follow me into the water!" Long Xiaoyun shouted striding forward, the team members behind him followed closely without any hesitation.

"What are you still doing there, you're not even a woman, it's not shameful to lose it!" Qin Yuan shouted to Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui, Chen Shanming, Yang Rui and others.

"Go into the water!"

The four captains showed shame on their faces, and took their team members and strode forward.

This training method, Qin Yuan came up with based on a TV series, there is a person who only relies on a stone to feel the bottom of the river and cross the river ten times faster than the river in front of him.

"Hey, company commander, these guys may be scolding you in their hearts now, but they came up with such a crazy training method." Su Xiaoyu came up with a wry smile on his face.

"Hmph, don't talk about them. When I took you in the past, I scolded me in my heart, right? Don't think I don't know." Qin Yuan snorted softly, causing Su Xiaoyu to wave his hands again and again.

"How is that possible! You are our favorite company commander. It's too late for everyone to flatter. How could they scold you behind your back!"

(End of this chapter)

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