Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 79 The Youngest First Class Medal Winner

If Principal Chen found out that the academic director under him was actually a lieutenant colonel, his eyes would pop out of their sockets.

It's normal.

After all, it is a place to send talents to the military region, so how could it be uneasy to insert eyeliner?

What if the principal overshadows the sky with one hand, messes around in the school, or has an affair with a foreign enemy?

Gu Yan, the dean of academic affairs, was the person An Guanfeng had placed in the college to supervise the principal.

If there is no major incident, he will not contact the headquarters. But this time the situation is too special, and the East China Military Region cannot bear the consequences of losing two talents.

An Guanfeng had just fallen asleep when he was woken up by the phone call.

In the end, the daughter still didn't go home for dinner, and she was depressed, when she heard that Gu Yan was going to report about Zhong Yuan, she regained her spirits.

The phone call lasted fifteen minutes.

An Guanfeng listened with gusto, and asked, "Xiao Gu, are you sure that his ability to defeat Shangguanyi in the end isn't any of the eight abilities?"

"I'm sure, that must not be the furious blow of the ghost moat badger! It's a bit close to the king badger returning ten times."

"Wait, you mean moat badger?"

"Yeah! Any questions?"

"Hmm..." An Guanfeng fell silent.

"Commander, if Feng Qing doesn't act, Shangguan's will will be invalidated. Besides, what should we do with Zhong Yuan? He has been locked up in a confinement room and is already on hunger strike."

An Guanfeng almost laughed out loud, "Hunger strike is fine, it means he still has a bit of a temper. Don't panic, deal with it first. I'll see if he can go on a hunger strike for a few days. I will personally greet Feng Qing. By the way, you send me the video of the battle between the two at that time, and I will ask the staff to study it later."

"Send it to you right away!"

The phone hangs up.

A few minutes later, the video arrives.

After An Guanfeng read it carefully, he was no longer sleepy.

Judging from the video, Zhong Yuan was indeed at fault for nothing. He even showed mercy and let Shangguan Yi go.

An Guanfeng's view of Zhong Yuan changed a lot, and he even appreciated him a little more.

Only cutting off Shangguanyi's arm as punishment shows that he is tolerant and has a strong view of the overall situation.

The compatriots of Huaguo are comrades-in-arms on the battlefield of Xudong, and they have a common enemy. There is no bottom line for mutual confrontation and internal friction!

The Shangguan meant that people must be punished for their sins, but they hadn't realized this yet.

Although Zhong Yuan is young, he is sober in the world, setting his sights on higher and farther places.

He is a rare general, it is a pity to let it go to Jiuxu.


The appearance is too romantic and suave! ! !

No wonder the daughter kept boasting! Keep praising! Keep praising! ! !

Let him go to Jiuxu!

You can't stay in the team and bring a bad atmosphere.

An Guanfeng thought for a moment, then called his deputy.

The God of War team made great contributions to the mission in Shennongjia Fangjie.

Zhan Hong, Xiong Youba, Wu Junrong won the second-class merit, and Mao Wei won the third-class merit.

As for An Caige and Zhong Yuan, they are both first-class meritorious service!

In addition, the military area also applied for the Medal of Honor for Zhong Yuan and Xiong Youba.

Enlightenment Medal: It is specially used to reward the warriors who have made great contributions in battle and performed outstandingly. Divided into one to three levels, of which one is the highest.

Xiong Youba awarded a Level 3 Enlightenment Medal, and Zhong Yuan received a Level 1 Medal!

Even An Guanfeng was a little jealous.

At Zhong Yuan's age, he just entered the academy, and he didn't get his first medal in his life until he was 24 years old, and it was only in the third level.

He won the first-class medal at the age of 16, and Zhong Yuan set a record as the youngest recipient of the first-class medal.

"Xiao Qin, give me a little reminder about the medal."

"Ah? Not so fast? Urge it! Anyway, this time it will not be awarded publicly in the military region. It doesn't matter if the process goes faster."

"Yes, yes! Medals and honorary certificates, send them to Chengying College. Also fly a pennant and send them there together."

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

The time was pushed back to the earlier dinner time.

Five o'clock in the afternoon, the cafeteria.

Feng Qing watched helplessly as Zhong Lan ordered two servings of spicy chicken, and specifically told the cook to add more chili.

The chicken is covered with red and green peppers, which has a strong visual impact.

Feng Qing frowned, and couldn't help but said, "You eat this again. I saw you eat it several times a week."

Zhong Lan whispered, "I love to eat!"

Feng Qing's eyelids twitched wildly, thinking: Zhong Yuan is so picky about food, yet Zhong Yuan doesn't even mention her!

No, if this continues, the nutrition will definitely be out of balance.

If you don’t eat any vegetables, you will be in trouble if you don’t come out!

Finding a secluded place to sit down and having a few mouthfuls of food, Feng Qing deliberately said, "I suddenly want to eat spicy chicken too, Lan Lan, shall we exchange dinner?"

Feng Qing's dinner: steak set meal.

A tomahawk steak, a hard-boiled egg, green salad, and a cup of corn kernels.

Super healthy!

Zhong Lan was a little bit reluctant, and looked at Feng Qing's colorful set menu, thought for a while, and said, "But, I have eaten..."

"I don't mind!" Feng Qing took away the little girl's dinner with a smile, and pushed the steak in front of her.

"Alright then! The spicy chicken is so delicious, you will definitely like it too!"

Recently, I have often eaten with Feng Qing, so we are acquainted. Zhong Lan doesn't mind developing another ally who loves spicy chicken.

Feng Qing calmly took a piece of chicken and stuffed it into his mouth.

In an instant, his butt was about to smoke, and the rocket exploded, ascending to the sky on the spot.


Is this really human food? !

Feng Qing's five senses were already stronger than ordinary people's. The spicy taste spread and spread in his mouth, and the stimulation was magnified more than ten times, and he burst into tears on the spot.

Zhong Lan asked expectantly, "Is it delicious?"

"It's... so delicious! It's so delicious that I cry!"

Feng Qing wiped away the tears behind his sunglasses, bit the bullet and ate another piece.

"It's delicious, really!"

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

He chewed like crazy, swallowed like crazy, and in two minutes he ate up a whole lot of chili chicken with chili.

Then, retroactively activate!

Damn, come back alive before being burnt to death...

Feng Qing let out a foul breath and rubbed his stomach, feeling quite grateful for his survival after the catastrophe.

Zhong Lan didn't know anything about it, and thought that Feng Qing was influenced by her and became friends with spicy chicken, so she couldn't help feeling better, "Let's have one or four tomorrow."


Feng Qing's head was getting bigger, and he had an idea, and said, "It's better to miss each other than to meet each other. If you like to eat every day, you will get tired of it. Eating it once in a while is the supreme delicacy."

Zhong Lan smiled innocently, "No, I will always love spicy chicken!"

It's over!

Eat with her, I will die!

Zhong Yuan eats with her every day, no wonder...

Feng Qing's mind went blank, he didn't know how to change Zhong Lan's bad habit of picky eaters.

At this time, Zhong Lan pouted and said unhappily, "Feng Qing big brother, where is my brother? Why hasn't he come yet?"

Friday afternoon was a self-study class. She didn't see the big brother entering the classroom, so she inquired, and it turned out that it was a meeting of the student union.

However, it has not appeared until now, and it is too slow.

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