Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 73 You Did A Good Deed Before You Died

Zhong Yuan tilted his head slightly, avoiding the attack of the paper ball lightly.

Shangguan Yi was furious and said loudly, "Zhong Yuan! You despicable and shameless little boy, what else can you do besides selling you in front of women?! Dare you fight me fairly? You dare not! You are soft! You are not worthy of being a man! I know that you not only sell the pulse hole!"

He scolded so badly that he almost scolded Feng Qing by name.

No one came forward to dissuade them.

Everyone is watching the show.

Not only waiting for Zhong Yuan's reaction, but also wanting to see how Feng Qing handles the conflict between the two.

Jian Rou couldn't bear it any longer, and said in a solemn voice, "Enough! Shangguan Yi, please don't say a few words!"

However, Shangguan Yi cursed more and more smoothly, and couldn't stop.

More and more trash talk was blurted out, it was unbearable, even Zhong Yuan's younger sister Zhong Lan was scolded by him.

"You are shameless, and your sister is not a good guy either! She seduced the big bosses of the military region at a young age, don't think I don't know about the deeds between you!"

Ni Lin was touched instantly.

In public, if dirty water is poured on Zhong Lan, how will she live and study in the academy in the future?

Zhong Yuan's thoughts were completely pulled back, and Leng Sen said, "Provocation again and again, and slandering my sister in front of so many people. Is that why you want to fight me? Yes! I promise you!"

To upgrade the ability to the disaster level, you need to absorb a large number of market crystals. For alien races, evolution must also take a long time.

And powerful alien races can't come out of the ruins casually, otherwise human society would have been messed up.

The mysterious alien that killed Zhong Lan should be restricted by some kind of force, and could only stick out one claw.

In the past few months after rebirth, there has not been a single opening of the ruins, and the situation is more stable than expected.

After sorting out his thoughts, Zhong Yuan's mood finally returned to calm.

"Maybe I am worrying unfoundedly, let's solve the troubles in front of me first."

There was a bit of sharpness in the godless eyes.

Seeing this, Feng Qing was overjoyed and thought: Shangguanyi really wanted to die, whoever was wrong to scold Zhong Lan, and forcibly scolded Yuan Yuan to death! Damn, he did a good deed before he died...

While Shangguan was scolding, someone suddenly challenged him, and he couldn't help but be caught off guard.

"What did you say?"

Zhong Yuan said with no expression on his face, "Just hit."

"Ha! Hahahaha!" Shangguan Yi laughed for a few seconds, then suddenly restrained his smile. Reach out and grab it, and lift the heavy walnut conference table with ease.

Then, he threw it casually, and the long table flew out immediately, smashing four windows.

When it fell from the sixth floor to the bottom floor, there was a loud bang.

The glass shattered all over the place.

The few people sitting at the table hurriedly retreated to the side to avoid being affected.

A large empty area was freed up.

Are the old and new generations of discipline committee members finally going to do it?

Jian Rou looked anxious, and said loudly, "Shangguanyi! How can you destroy public property?"

Shangguanyi snorted coldly, "I'm not afraid of punishment!"

My uncle is the principal, and I will copy the self-criticism, and the punishment can't stop me from making a fool of myself!

After crossing that hurdle and breaking free from some kind of shackles, he rushed to a new realm.

No one is worried about whether the table will hit innocent passers-by when it is thrown down.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Shangguanyi's dismounting is equivalent to telling Zhong Yuan that he has at least two abilities of strength and detection.

It's no secret either.

Having played in college leagues twice, his ability has long been thoroughly grasped by major colleges and universities. As long as you inquire a little, you can get detailed information.

On the contrary, it is Zhong Yuan, almost no one has seen him make a shot, and no one knows his ability.

Xie Yihan sat in the back, extremely excited.

He met the once-in-a-year Shura field!

Quickly record the historical moment.

He took out his phone and turned on the camera secretly.

The same is true for the people sitting on the sidelines, they are all melon-eating people who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

Jian Rou was sweating anxiously, and said to Feng Qing, "President, stop them!"

Feng Qing was surprised, "Fair duel, why stop it?"

Of course, he was afraid that Shangguanyi would accidentally kill Zhong Yuan, which would affect his future!

Unexpectedly, Shangguan Yi not only didn't appreciate it, but instead yelled at Jian Rou, "The grievances between men should be resolved with fists! It's not your turn to intervene!"

Jian Rou was attacked by him, trembling with anger, "You... idiot!"

Stupid was the only insult she could think of.

At this moment, Zhong Yuan relaxed a little, looked at his opponent and said, "Before I do it, I have a condition."

Feng Qing was looking forward to death.

I'm coming!

Zhong Yuan's old rules, put conditions.

Shangguanyi sneered, "What condition?"

Zhong Yuan said seriously, "If you lose, first of all, you have to apologize to my sister for what you said just now! Second, you will serve as my sister's servant for a period of one month. Third, you have to kneel at the door of the cafeteria every morning , and offered Xiaolongbao to my sister with both hands."


This is called a condition?

Obviously three!

And the three conditions are all from my sister, is your sister in control?

The last one, what the hell?

A group of people complained frantically in their hearts.

Feng Qing almost screamed out of laughter, he already had a sense of the picture in his mind.

The supply of Xiaolongbao in the cafeteria is in short supply. Zhong Lan likes to eat it very much. Recently, he has to wait in a long line to buy it.

Zhong Yuan's third condition is obviously selfish, and he doesn't want to queue up to buy it.

For the sake of years of friendship with classmates and being a teammate, Feng Qing decided to save the person who risked his life one last time.

"Shangguan Yi, listen to my advice, don't hit me."

Shangguan Yi didn't appreciate it at all, but felt that Feng Qing was bluffing.

"I'm ranked 209 in the youth standings, will I lose to a freshman?"

Nonsense, Xuan Ming ranks 68, you are doomed!

However, this guy was in the student union all day long, only paid for his salary and did nothing, never went to patrol the campus at noon, and said that he was arrogant and arrogant, which played a very bad role in leading the way.

Feng Qing's persuasion was fruitless, so he simply kept silent.

This is great, everyone thought Zhong Yuan was a paper tiger.

"Think that the harsh conditions can scare away Shangguanyi?"

"This can't be done!"

"Old mind! Teach him a lesson!"

"Be merciful, don't break his face!"

"With the president here, what are you afraid of?"

Public opinion is one-sided, and they all support Shangguan's will.

did you see that? This is Lao Tzu's popularity in the student union!

Shangguanyi couldn't help feeling complacent, and said to Zhong Yuan, "I accept your condition. But I also have a condition! If you lose, you will be my dog ​​for one month!"


Zhong Yuan readily agreed.

Shangguan thought that he would shrink back, and just wanted to taunt a few words, but he could only swallow the words.

Oh shit! I want you to look good later!

At this time, Feng Qing said loudly, "I will be the witness of this battle. Before the fight, I reiterate the principle. We are all classmates, there is no life and death enmity, there is no need to kill. Especially you, Zhong Yuan! Wait a while Makes me so tired!"

What does don't make me too tired mean?

Will Zhong Yuan fail in advance?

At this time, no one noticed that Feng Qing's wording was formal, especially using the word "witness".

Because this is not just a duel in school, but also a ranking battle for the youth rankings!

Regardless of the outcome of the battle, it must be reported.

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