Even if he went back to four years ago, Zhong Yuan still couldn't get rid of the fear of death.

Ruin caves appear irregularly, and at most they can be detected temporarily.


Four years later, the terrifying cave with black claws will appear in the sky above the museum as scheduled.

If you do nothing, you will inevitably repeat the same mistakes.

It's useless to escape.

If I escaped this time, there will be another time.

Lin Dongliang is right, the world in the future will only become more chaotic.

Zhong Yuan didn't want to, and couldn't bear the pain of losing his sister anymore.

If you want to change the future, you must start by changing the present.

This time, as a big brother, he must shoulder the responsibility of protecting his sister!

Looking into Zhong Yuan's firm eyes, Lin Dongliang retreated.

Asking Chengying College to accept an extra transfer student is only a phone call away. Moreover, the academy also has ordinary classes, not just for cultivating capable people.

Zhong Yuan wanted to go to college to take care of his younger sister, but the request was not too much and there was no reason to refuse.

"I agree to your request."

Lin Dongliang seriously suggested, "By the way, your complexion is not very good-looking, don't be in a hurry to leave the hospital, and let the doctor do a comprehensive examination."

Zhong Yuan's expression remained unchanged, and he said, "No need. I don't have any discomfort, and it's not good for my health to have constant checkups."

He lifted up his sleeves, exposing a section of his arm, and said, "After so many drips, my hands are turning black!"

Lin Dongliang looked at him speechlessly.

There is a large light brown patch on the skin, it doesn't look like it was caused by a drip needle,

Instead, it looks a bit like... a corpse spot?

Lin Dongliang felt strange.

However, he didn't think too much about it.

I just got in touch with Zhong Yuan, so I have to be careful and follow the hair, lest I go back on my word.

Lin Dongliang nodded and said, "In this case, I will help you with the discharge procedures."

Zhong Yuan frowned, "How much is the hospitalization fee? I pay for it myself."

Lin Dongliang smiled and said, "I might as well tell you that for students of Chengying College, hospitalization is free of charge. With a student ID card, you can take public transportation and go to various scenic spots, amusement parks, art galleries, and theaters for free. How about this? , I'll help you get your student status first, and you can enjoy free treatment."

Hey, let's get the big brother done first, are you still afraid that my sister won't come to study?

Zhong Yuan was taken aback, and then fell silent.

Damn it, Chengying Academy's treatment is so good!

Lin Dongliang patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't have any mental burdens. Just treat Chengying College as an ordinary high school. Most of the ordinary classes are the family members of those who are capable, and you are the same kind of people. "

Zhong Yuan asked, "Where is my sister?"

Lin Dongliang said as a matter of course, "Zhong Lan is of course in a special class."

"Then I'll go to the special class too."


Lin Dongliang was in a dilemma.

What did Zhong Yuan go to the special class for?

In addition to teaching various combat knowledge, there are also actual combat exercises. It's just a waste of time for him to go, maybe it will affect Zhong Lan.

Just as Lin Dongliang was about to refuse, seeing Zhong Yuan's lifeless, desperate look, he started to get dizzy again.

Shun Mao, Shun Mao...

He thought for a moment, then pondered, "I can give you the status of an auditor. You must ensure that you will not fall behind in your high school studies, and your average score must be above 90."

This is a harsh condition.

It is really difficult to attend special classes during the day and get high marks in cultural examinations.

Lin Dongliang felt that Zhong Yuan would give up listening in after a while.

However, hehehe.

High school subjects are really nothing to Zhong Yuan.

He has learned it a long time ago, and he also worked as a part-time tutor in several part-time tutors when he was a freshman, and he can't be more familiar with the knowledge.

"Okay! It's a deal!"

. . .

. . .

In the blink of an eye, it's the end of August.

The summer vacation is over, and the day for the freshmen of Chengying College to register is coming.

A pair of brothers and sisters were standing at the gate of the school with their suitcases.

Zhong Lan looked around curiously, and exclaimed, "This is what Uncle Lin said. It is a private school that is about to close down and no one goes to it. The big stone sculpture at the entrance is almost three stories high! I know, this school is flashy and smashed. Money is used for face-saving projects.”

Under the shade of the trees at the gate, Xie Yihan was welcoming new students with the roster in his hand.

Hearing this, I couldn't help but have black lines all over my head.

Where did the kid come from, talking nonsense?

That is the statue of Mr. Cheng Yunqiao, the most powerful man in the Hua Kingdom,

He established the cultivation system for those capable in Huaguo Market!

He is a monument, a spiritual symbol!

Xie Yihan swept his eyes and immediately spotted the brothers and sisters of the Zhong family at the door.


Come to the special class of Chengying Academy at such a young age? School uniforms are also distributed in advance!

The little sister's talent must be amazing, and she has received special care.

The other person in casual clothes should be the family member who sent her here.

Xie Yihan secretly judged, walked forward quickly, and said to Zhong Lan, "Student, are you here to report? I'll take you to the dormitory."

The suitcase was quite big, taller than the little girl, and she definitely couldn't lift it by herself.

Zhong Lan glanced at Xie Yihan and said politely, "Thank you! No need, my big brother will take me there."

Xie Yihan immediately understood the identity of the boy next to her, and said with a smile, "The dormitory of the special class is a military-controlled area, and your big brother can't get in. I'm the senior of the special class, so I can help you with your luggage."

The little sister is very cute, pink, like a porcelain doll.

Xie Yihan thought Zhong Lan was cute the first time he saw him. As for the boy next to him, he ignored him after just one glance.

Ruins have already transcended the level of ordinary people, and will not be interested in civilians.

At this time, Zhong Yuan said calmly, "I'm an auditor in a special class, and I'm also a family member. I should be able to enter, right?"

"Huh?" Xie Yihan showed surprise on his face.


Does the special class still have this kind of organization?

He flipped through the roster and asked casually, "What's your name?"

"Zhong Yuan."

Soon, Xie Yihan saw the name from the roster. Sure enough, there was a parenthesis on the side, which said to attend.


Maybe, big brother is even more special!

Xie Yihan took a few more glances at Zhong Yuan and had to admit that this kid has a face that is popular with girls.

He has a handsome appearance, a thin body, unbelievably fair skin, and a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

To use the words of a certain woman Xie Yihan knew, she is extremely weak!

Good guy! You must stay away, so as not to be knocked down by CP and spread rumors!

Xie Yihan stepped back hurriedly, pointed in a direction, and said to Zhong Yuan, "In this case, go there by yourself, it's easy to find, just go straight on this road, turn the corner and go straight."

"Thank you."

Zhong Yuan pulled the suitcase calmly, and said to his sister, "Lan Lan, let's go."

"it is good!"

Zhong Lan didn't think there was anything wrong with Xie Yihan. However, Zhong Yuan was keenly aware that the other party's attitude had changed subtly in just a few minutes.

Did he see something?

In late August, the temperature was still high, but Zhong Yuan was wearing a long-sleeved shirt.

His eyesight has been maintained at 20, but he wears glasses uncharacteristically.

All kinds of things are wrong.

It's all about covering up one thing.

Zhong Yuan, in a biological sense, is dead.

When he got home on the day he was discharged from the hospital, he discovered something abnormal about himself.

No breathing, no heartbeat, no temperature.

Neither tired nor hungry.

He was able to eat, but didn't need to excrete, his sense of taste became extremely dull, and the food he liked before was tasteless.

Finally, Zhong Yuan confirmed one thing,

There was nothing wrong with the hospital's vital monitors.

He was indeed dead, even the corpse spots came out!

But the consciousness is still there, can speak, think, and act.

After resting at home for a few days, the plaques on the skin subsided. As long as there is no physical examination, he looks almost the same as a normal person.

Zhong Yuan didn't know why this happened.

Maybe something to do with that golden coffin? When the coffin was shattered by the giant claws, it seemed that something entered the body.

As for coming back, why is he still dead?

It can only be said that bad luck. The body just died in the hospital...

However, the fact is that after the car accident, Zhong Yuan lived until the Xudong Invasion four years later.

So, four years ago, what method did Lin Dongliang use to save him?

Unfortunately, these are not important anymore.

Zhong Yuan revived his life again, and Lin Dongliang had no chance to use his methods.

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