The leader of the Ruin Warrior team can issue 1 first-level mobilization order, 2 second-level mobilization orders, and 5 third-level mobilization orders every year.

First-level mobilization order: mobilize designated market crystals at all costs. Adjust as much as you can.

Second-level mobilization order: mobilize 10 designated market crystals.

Level 3 mobilization order: mobilize 3 designated market crystals.

At that time, An Caige used a second-level mobilization order for the 10 ghost trench badgers given to Feng Yumo. Now for Zhong Yuan, the highest authority is directly used.

This is the first time ever.

The logistics department of the military region does not meet with the major transfer order several times a year, and it seems very abnormal to name such a remote Xu Jing.

Therefore, as soon as the transfer order was issued, the headquarters got the news.

"Lao An, your daughter has done a great job again! Those Lighthouse people who sneaked into Shennongjia's square have all been executed!"

"One of the captains of the Navy SEALs, Robbs, is suspected. Even if he is a young commander, he will have to fight hard. In addition, there is good news from the hospital that all the officers and soldiers of the Shennongjia garrison are out of danger. This is all thanks to The toxin information provided by niece Ann."

"Haha! This time, our East China theater has a big face, and the group of people in the Central China theater are speechless!"

The deputy commander and the chief of staff gave thumbs up with smiles on their faces at the same time, and said sincerely, "A tiger father has no dog daughter!"

In fact, the Fangjie of Shennongjia belongs to the Central China Theater. Originally, it was not up to the team in the Eastern Theater to solve it.

But who made the people in Central China cowardly?

The defenders were all poisoned, and they didn't even have a team to take on the task. The heavy burden fell to the hands of the God of War team.

At the desk, An Guanfeng calmly accepted the compliment from his colleagues.

Don't look at his calm expression, in fact, his heart has long been filled with joy.

An Guanfeng said flatly, "It's not her fault alone! If she performed well enough, it wouldn't cause serious injuries to the two team members."

The deputy commander smiled and said, "Old Ann, what you said is wrong. No one is perfect, and there are always times when mistakes are made. Which commander didn't get up from tumbling? How old is niece An? Can you do this?" It's been great!"

"The two injured members of the God of War team are also out of danger. According to the course of treatment, they will fully recover in two weeks."

The chief of staff said, "It's better to give all the members of the God of War team a two-week long vacation, just to let them rest."

An Guanfeng nodded without any objection.

At this time, the deputy commander said again, "There is something strange. As soon as Niece An completed the task, she issued a first-level mobilization order. The ghost moat badger Huijing was called to the military area."

"Oh?" An Guanfeng raised his eyebrows in doubt.

The deputy commander said, "I looked at her records. Half a month ago, she used a second-level transfer order to transfer this Xu Jing."

The Chief of Staff chuckled and said, "Ghost Moat Badger Huijing has three abilities, Fearless, Furious Strike, and Poison Eater. I guess Niece Ann wants her team members to absorb the ability of Fearless. After all, her spiritual resonance is too powerful. , it’s easy to hurt yourself.”

"I've taken care of the logistics side and tried to meet her request. We can't let our ace team be wronged!"

Having said that, An Guanfeng always felt that something was wrong, so he couldn't help asking, "How many adjustments have you made in total?"

The chief of staff said, "The demand for ghost badgers is not much, and the stock in the warehouse is not large, probably more than two thousand."

"What nonsense!" An Guanfeng frowned and said, "Where does she need so much? Just transfer a thousand coins to her." Afterwards, I have to find out what happened.

However, the deputy commander and chief of staff did not think so much.

They only thought that one thousand Ruin Crystals were allocated to the God of War team, with an average of two hundred per person, and if they couldn't absorb fearlessness, they would be killed with a piece of tofu!

How did these people know that a large number of Ruin Crystals were about to be packaged and delivered to Zhong Yuan.

As for why so many ghost crystals are needed, An Caige doesn't want to ask.

A qualified captain respects the privacy of every team member.

Not to mention the strong ones on the leaderboard?

Who doesn't have a secret?

Just as An Caige was collecting Xu Jing with great fanfare, Zhong Yuan came to the instructor's office alone.

He is here to apply for a change of student status.

Liu Wen expected this day to come, and the form was prepared long ago, waiting for him to fill it out.

In fact, the students in the ordinary class of the college are all the family members of the savages, and even their parents are both savages.

Their affinity for Xu Jing is stronger than ordinary people, and it is easier to absorb abilities, which is equivalent to the backup students of special classes.

Therefore, Chengying College has many examples of ordinary class students being transferred to special classes.

"Based on your situation, there is no problem at all to transfer to a regular student in a special class. Come on, fill out the application form first."

Zhong Yuan picked up the pen and began to write in a hurry.

Name: Zhong Yuan

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Absorb market crystals: Frost Snow Snake Crystal, Ghost Moat Badger Crystal, Cute Bear Crystal


Super perception, green level lv4

Bingbing, green level lv6

regeneration, yellow level lv4

Death Savings, Level None

fearless, no rank

Furious Strike, Green Level lv2

Poison Eater, Level None

Cute, yellow level lv3 (this is a lie)

In addition, Ice and Blood Burst was not filled in.

The instructor also said last time that a person can have up to eight abilities. In addition to the ice and blood explosion, there are nine, and she will be scared to death.

What's more, Ice Blood Explosion is too heaven-defying, and the hole cards cannot be exposed.

The newly absorbed cuteness has been upgraded to the super cute red level lv2, Zhong Yuan thought about it, decided to hide the level, and filled in a cute yellow level lv3.

"Instructor, I have filled it out."

Every time Liu Wen sees him writing, it is pleasing to the eye. Picking up the application form and looking at it carefully, I couldn't help being surprised.

"So many youth-level abilities?"

Zhong Yuan's heart sank, and he asked tentatively, "Is there a problem?"

Liu Wen said happily, "No problem, very good, very good!"

The level of abilities absorbed into the ruin crystals can be high or low, depending on the quality of the ruin crystals.

Different races of the same race have different strengths.

A frost snake that has lived for 50 years is definitely stronger than a snake that has lived for 10 years.

Also absorbing Xu Jing, the 50-year-old Xu Jing may have a green-level ability. And 10 years can only be yellow level.

The effects of the two are not the same.

Here comes the problem.

The higher the age of the crystal, the harder it is to absorb success. The number of failures is too many, the body has resistance, and it is difficult to succeed again.

As a result, some aristocratic families have explored the knack of cultivating warriors through long-term experiments.

First use the market crystals that are young and contain multiple abilities to find out which type is most suitable for absorption, and after confirming the affinity, give high-quality market crystals.

According to this mode of operation, even a strong player with outstanding strength will inevitably be occupied by one or two yellow-level abilities.

Zhong Yuan absorbed three green-level abilities without knowing anything, really...


Liu Wen regretted to the extreme again.

Then, her eyes moved to the end of the form, and she almost threw the application form like a ghost.


A few days ago, it was said that there were only seven abilities, why did they suddenly have all eight?

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