Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 59 Return In Triumph And Send To School

Zhan Hong and Xiong Youba suffered serious burns and were sent directly to the local hospital for treatment.

The helicopter took off again, and there were only three people left in the cabin.

It has been almost an hour since we flew out, and the atmosphere has been very quiet, no one has spoken.

Mao Wei sat in the driver's seat without saying a word, wishing to have a showdown with An Caige and Zhong Yuan: You two just chat casually, just treat me as a transparent person!

Unfortunately, after the embarrassing age problem, An Caige was really embarrassed to chat with Zhong Yuan again.

She is thin-skinned and has never had a boyfriend before.

Now hazy has developed a good impression of the opposite sex, at such a young age, I am really not sure what this kind of feeling is.

Maybe it's the kind of liking for my younger brother?

He has read the note I wrote to Feng Yumo, will he think that I am a casual girl?

I'm skittish, I'm fickle, I'm too bad!

When An Caige was thinking all kinds of wild things, Zhong Yuan was also thinking, what he said before might have gone too far.

So, is she already 25?

Baby face, can't tell. Saying she was Aunt seemed to hit her hard.

The atmosphere was dull and somewhat depressing.

In fact, Zhong Yuan's soul is in his early twenties, only a few years younger than An Caige, barely the same generation.

After thinking for a while, he decided to take the initiative to break the deadlock, and said, "Captain An, in fact, twenty-five years old is not too old, it just belongs to the childbearing age. After three years, it will be late marriage and late childbearing..."

Mao Wei pricked up his gossip ears, and couldn't help but feel happy.

Good guy!

Xuanming is too awesome!

This started talking about marriage, and even making a villain is on the agenda?

He didn't know the conversation between the two before,

In fact, Zhong Yuan just hit An Caige's Achilles' heel by choosing which pot to open and which pot to lift.

An Caige said angrily, "You mean, at my age, it's over if I don't have children, right?"

Zhong Yuan had a black thread on his hair, and said, "Uh... no!"

"Then what do you mean?" An Caige bit his lower lip and gave him a sad and angry look, "I'm old Aunt!"

Alas, my heart is so tired. Talking to an unreasonable woman is harder than fighting.

Zhong Yuan couldn't help feeling worried.

What if this girl is unhappy and doesn't send him back to Shangdong City?

A wayward woman can do anything!

At the same time, An Caige became more and more sad when he thought about it.

What happened to 25 years old?

A beautiful young woman in her prime!

As a result, in this kid's mouth, it will become a leftover girl who will marry late and have children in three years.

Hun Dan, you should quickly say something nice and comfort me!

Straight guys can't hear girls.

Zhong Yuan only knew that she suddenly became unreasonable.


How old am I, how old are you?

Am I wrong to call you Aunt?

Do older girls care so much about age?

Seeing that the anger on An Caige's face was about to explode completely

Zhong Yuan blesses his heart, beeping softly, "Super..."

An Caige was stunned, raised his eyebrows and said, "Super?"

"Super cute!" (〃>皮<)

Zhong Yuan directly activated the newly absorbed ability.

rely on you! Tell her to shut up!

An Caige was still thinking about what he was chasing. After thinking about it for a moment, I still don't understand why. Suspicion suddenly arose, and he asked worriedly, "Xuan Ming, what did you say just now?"

The corner of Zhong Yuan's mouth twitched.

Grass is a plant.

The new ability has hit the street, and it's useless at all!

He turned his head, feeling so depressed that he was dying.

However, in An Caige's eyes, those simple movements were quite subtle.

Him, angry?

She blushed, realizing that she was indeed too recalcitrant.

What is the competition with a sixteen-year-old boy?

An Caige sighed, and said softly, "It's all your fault for being so mature, which caused me to have the illusion that we are the same age. I'm sorry, don't be angry."

Zhong Yuan was startled, and said in an imperceptible voice, "Not angry..."

The age thing is finally over.

An Caige took out the badge from his personal collection, handed it to Zhong Yuan reluctantly and said, "Return the things to you!"

There is also a hint of warmth on it.

Zhong Yuan casually put it in his jacket pocket and said, "Do you want to know how Robs died?"

An Caige struggled and said, "You just need to live. Anyway, we successfully completed the task and successfully prevented the unique crystals of our country from flowing into the Lighthouse Country."

When a woman tells you, "I don't want", "I don't want", "I'm 8", it's basically irony.

Zhong Yuan said seriously, "If you want to ask, just ask, and I will tell you."

Mawway continued to listen to what they were saying.

He was genuinely interested in the details of the final battle.

team leader! Hurry up! Just ask!

Who knows, An Caige actually changed the subject, "Okay! Then I asked. What happened to your ranking on the youth list? Why didn't you tell me?"

She took the time to look at the list, the sixty-eight is indeed Xuan Ming, and Feng Yumo is below him.


Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, right?

What is the power of invincibility?

An Caige put his hands on his hips and said brightly, "Please explain, Master Xuanming!"

Zhong Yuan could hardly keep up with her train of thought.

After working for a long time, this is the thing you mind?

He scratched his hair embarrassingly, and said in a low voice, "It's not always possible to tell everyone that I meet. Actually, I have a badge to verify that I am a master... Besides, I don't think I am very good. It was pure luck that I defeated Feng Yumo back then. Next time we fight, we probably won’t be able to win.”

Competing with friends, of course, it is impossible to use Ice and Blood Burst to use the trump card. Under ordinary conditions, Zhong Yuan has no confidence to win.

Super Cute is in the process of launching...Continuing to launch...

An Caige's eyes were straightened.

He's obviously so powerful, yet so humble.

Too much modesty is arrogance.

However, this uncomfortable quality was not felt from him at all.

He really doesn't think he's great...

An Caige couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed forward to rub Zhong Yuan's hair, while jumping.

"Make you humble! Make you humble! What on earth do you want! You're just a high school student!"

Zhong Yuan: ...

Three hours later, the helicopter returned to Fisherman's Wharf in Shangdong City.

It was almost dawn.

The time of parting will come.

An Caige said softly, "Xuan Ming, why don't we send you back to school?"

Zhong Yuan was rubbed all the way by her, with messy hair, he thanked Bumin, "I can go back by myself."

An Caige snorted coldly, "To put it bluntly, you just don't want me to know which school you go to, right!!!"

What a great cleverness!

Zhong Yuan said with no expression on his face, "Anyway, you are a major, so you can find out as soon as you check."

The IQ of a woman in love drops. An Caige twirled her fingers in small circles and said, "But, I want to send the Buddha to the west..."


Zhong Yuan's head grew big, and he said directly to Mao Wei, "Brother Mao, I'm ready to go down, please stop."

Mao Wei wondered, "Are you sure you don't need to send it to school? It will fly there quickly."

Zhong Yuan shook his head, "Don't bother, let's just leave now."

Mao Wei glanced at his captain, smiled and said, "I'd better send you off. Schools usually have a landing pad, so we can just land. Is it Chengying or Hualing?"

An Caige was shocked, and a bright smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Good job, old man!

It's useless to persist any longer, Zhong Yuan could only say sullenly, "Chengying."

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