Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 5 In Order To Abduct My Sister, They Resorted To Various Methods

Zhong Yuan's face changed slightly, and he recognized that the owner of the voice was the one who ordered Zhong Lan to retreat as the captain.

It should be the captain of their team.

Hearing the tone, there was actually a bit of a sense of intimidation.

What do you mean, you don't want your big brother to drop! ?

You can't let Lan Lan mix with them, she is only a sophomore in high school, and she is not yet an adult, why should she be allowed to bear this burden that does not meet her age!

Thinking of the dangers of the battle, Zhong Yuan's heart couldn't help twitching.

Afterwards, what happened to the fight?

Judging from the situation, it should be to suppress the cave.

Zhong Yuan is no longer that commoner who knows nothing.

He didn't want his sister to take risks again.

At this time, Zhong Lan said crisply outside the door, "My brother will be fine, right? You promised me that you will save him!"

"That's right, but Xiao Lanlan, there is no free lunch in this world."

"Well... don't you have children's meals? Grandpa Ken's children's meals are 50% off every Thursday!"

Outside the ward, Lin Dongliang looked at Zhong Lan's innocent big eyes, and he felt guilty in his heart.

The captain of the dignified Nighthawk team, who holds the rank of major in the military, actually fell to the point of deceiving children in order to find a good seedling.

A strong sense of guilt welled up.

However, the little girl in front of him was the most gifted child he had ever seen since he became a warrior.

If you miss it, you will regret it forever.

Lin Dongliang earnestly said, "Even if it's 50% off on Thursday, children's meals are not free. I'll wake up your big brother for you, and you agree to my conditions, okay?"

Zhong Lan lowered her head and twisted her fingers silently, as if she was thinking about something.

Lin Dongliang was overjoyed.

There is a show!

Work harder, as long as I agree, it will be easy!

Hearing this, Zhong Yuan couldn't bear it any longer. He strode to the door of the ward, slammed the door open, and shouted sharply, "No! I don't agree!"

"Brother! You're awake!!"

Zhong Lan let out a sweet cry of surprise, and Ruyan threw herself into his arms as if returning home.

? ? ?

Zhong Yuan was stunned.

what happened?

Zhong Lan was short, not even reaching his shoulders, and Team Lin was much younger than what he had seen before.

Lin Dongliang was also stunned.

Doctors diagnosed Zhong Yuan as having a high probability of brain death, why did he suddenly regain consciousness?

Lin Dongliang's original plan was to first establish Zhong Lanxu's status as a capable person and send him to the school to slowly train him.

As a conditional exchange, her big brother Zhong Yuan was handed over to the medical institution of the Necromancer for treatment.

As long as a person turns there, there is an 80% certainty that he will wake up.

Unexpectedly, the plan fell through before it was implemented.

"Brother, why don't you talk? Is there something uncomfortable?"

Zhong Lan happily wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and shook the big brother's arm worriedly.

Zhong Yuan quietly looked at the electronic clock in the corridor with the corner of his eye.

July 19th, 2042, 3:40pm!

The date and time roughly match, but the year is wrong, a full four years earlier!

So, not only did he not die, but he returned to this day four years ago!


Four years ago, when Lanlan was just in junior high school, a man surnamed Lin had already approached her, asking her to join the team of the warriors!

With a stern face, Zhong Yuan said to Lin Dongliang, "Captain Lin, please go back! I have declined the matter of the Martyrs on my sister's behalf."

Lin Dongliang looked Zhong Yuan up and down.

He is Zhong Lan's big brother.

The appearance of the brothers and sisters has six or seven similarities.

After a serious illness, his face was pale, but his body exuded the spirit of an adult, and he would kill the words as soon as he met.

Taking advantage of Lin Dongliang's lack of response, Zhong Yuan hurriedly dragged his sister into the ward, and quickly closed the door.


Lin Dongliang was shut out, feeling so depressed that he was dying.

The situation is not good, and I am disgusted by Zhong Lan's big brother!

First impressions are important.

After he woke up, he hid behind the door and heard their conversation, thinking he was going to kidnap his sister, so he rushed out.

This is how to do?

After contacting Zhong Lan several times, he managed to gain some trust. Lin Dongliang didn't want to waste all his efforts when he saw that he was about to succeed in "abducting".

But he couldn't tell Zhong Yuan how talented his sister was.

After all, the information of the Ruin Warriors is top secret!


Lin Dongliang rubbed his temples with a headache, turned and left.

In the ward, Zhong Yuan put his ear on the door, and after confirming that the footsteps were far away, he said to Zhong Lan, "Next time I see this person, stay away from him."

"Oh, I see."

Zhong Lan showed an angelic smile.

Zhong Yuan's heart melted.

Lan Lan is really super well-behaved, completely different from the crazy killing sister I saw in the museum before.

The vice must have started with the Nighthawks.

Fortunately, I came back, and I still have a chance to set things right!

Zhong Yuan secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

At this time, he noticed that the ward was very unusual.

A large remote sensing bed, a 70-inch wall-mounted TV, a walk-in closet with a full-length mirror next to it, and a piano in the space near the window.

If there were no instruments for monitoring vital signs, it would be just like a luxury single room in a hotel.

Four summers ago, he had indeed been involved in a car accident.

He was also treated at the No. 1 Hospital of Shangdong City. The conditions of the ward where he lived were not so good at that time, it was just an ordinary four-person room.

It seems that after traveling back, some things have changed.

Zhong Yuan hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Lan Lan, who booked the ward?"

Zhong Lan replied honestly, "The person outside the door helped to order it. He said that you can get the best medical treatment here."

Zhong Yuan frowned, "How do you know him?"

Zhong Lan said sadly, "You were in a car accident and I couldn't contact my parents. I stayed by your side and cried at the hospital gate, and then that person appeared."

Zhong Yuan's heart trembled, he touched her head, and said softly, "I'm sorry for making you worry. It's the big brother's fault!"

"It's okay! It's fine if you wake up, I'm fine!"

However, things were too coincidental.

As soon as the car accident happened, Lin Dongliang took the initiative to find him. Zhong Yuan even suspected that he deliberately arranged the car accident.

At any rate, he is a person with a temporary post in the military, so he wouldn't use such vicious methods.

While thinking, Zhong Lan said cautiously,

"Uncle Lin is helping you these few days. He said he can find the best doctor for you and make sure you wake up. He also said that a friend invested in a school called Chengying College, but no one signed up. , is about to close down, I hope that I will study in the past to gain popularity."

God damn it is about to close down!

Chengying College is the No. 1 private school in Shangdong City, with integrated teaching for junior high school and high school.

Having absorbed a lot of memories, Zhong Yuan knows very well that the school is backed by the military. In order to cultivate marketers, special classes have been set up.

Later, Zhong Lan did study at Chengying College.

Zhong Yuan suddenly realized.

Apart from joining the Nighthawk team, it was Lin Dongliang's handwriting that Zhong Lan went to any school.

Damn it!

He lowered his head and solemnly said to his sister, "I'm fine, and I'll be discharged from the hospital today. You don't have to force yourself to go to Chengying College! Didn't you always tell me that you miss No. 2 Middle School? Just go to No. 2 Middle School!"

Zhong Lan's eyes lit up, and she said happily, "Okay! Then, I can go to school with my big brother!"

Zhong Yuan is a student at No. 2 High School. She goes to junior high school, can often meet with big brother, and can walk together after school.

"Brother, your hands are so cold!"

The palms touched the top of the head, although Zhong Lan enjoyed such intimacy, but the temperatureless touch made her feel a little worried.

"Why don't you stay a few more days..."

"It's okay, I'm fine!" Zhong Yuan smiled and touched his heart subconsciously. Immediately, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

Are you mistaken, the heart doesn't seem to be beating!

Zhong Lan raised her feet, turned her cheek affectionately, and put one ear close to his chest, "Let me hear, are you telling the truth or lying."



Zhong Yuan quickly took a step back and coaxed, "How could I lie to Lan Lan? I'm really fine, and I can be discharged from the hospital today!"


Suddenly, the door was opened.

Lin Dongliang frowned and strode in.

He was ready to go,

When I got to the elevator, I suddenly felt something was wrong.

She hasn't told Zhong Lan about the Ruin Warrior yet, where did her big brother get the information from?

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