A few days later, Liu Wen really announced the college selection to the whole class.

"The general situation is like this. Students who want to sign up can come to my office to fill out the form after class."

"Don't be afraid of failure, this is a good opportunity to exercise. A freshman passed the college's selection the year before last, entered the main selection, and represented the college in the competition!"

"The most important thing in the team competition is to complement each other's abilities. Even if you don't have a strong offensive ability, don't belittle yourself. Some special auxiliary abilities can often win by surprise. In addition, students who are confident in their personal abilities can sign up for the individual competition."

Liu Wen glanced at the whole class.

The performance of this year's students in Fangjie was not very good. At least half of them haven't absorbed Xu Jing yet.

The remaining half is not strong enough, even if they sign up for the selection, they will be rejected in the first round.

If there is anyone in the class who is likely to be selected for the school team, Zhong Lan is probably the only one.

She possesses the two abilities of Fire Cloud Queen Bee, Tian Yuan and Divine Speed.

With super high-speed strong burst attack, it is easy to win with one blow.

However, her flaws are also obvious.

If she encounters control skill interference, or mental interference like intimidation, it will be difficult for her to give full play to her advantages.

Moreover, the league stipulates that minors under the age of sixteen are not allowed to participate!

In other words, Zhong Lan was directly rejected by the college league.

This requirement is also to protect the physical and mental health of minors.

After class, Liu Wen waited idly in the office.

After waiting for a while, no students in the class came to sign up. Just as I was about to pack up and leave, someone knocked on the door suddenly.

A pale boy stood outside the door, his black student union uniform was very conspicuous.

Liu Wen hurriedly said, "Come in."

Every time I see Zhong Yuan, I feel that he is going to faint anytime, anywhere.

Your face is so ugly, have you eaten properly?

He has been in the student union for a while, has he been bullied by the people inside?

Liu Wen asked with concern, "Have you encountered difficulties in the academy? Don't hold it in your heart! There is nothing you can't say to the instructor!"


Faced with the care of the instructor, Zhong Yuan could only bite the bullet and say, "There is no difficulty. Instructor, I am here to sign up."

"Ah? What name are you applying for?" Liu Wen was stunned for a moment, "The scholarship application is at the end of the semester."

Zhong Yuan said in a low voice, "No, I'm here to sign up for the individual competition selection."


Liu Wen was surprised, "You? But... have you become a market power user?"

Zhong Yuan said honestly, "Yes."

His answer completely exceeded Liu Wen's imagination.

"When did it happen? Since you are willing to become a warrior, why didn't you let me help you activate it?"

She was anxious, and asked again, "What Xu Jing did you absorb?"

Zhong Yuan said, "I hit the Ruin Crystal of the Frost Snow Snake in the cube, and I absorbed it successfully at that time."

Liu Wen frowned, "Prove it and let me see."

If he only absorbed the super perception, going on stage would be no different from delivering food, so he would directly dismiss his idea of ​​signing up.

Zhong Yuan stretched out a finger and poked lightly at the water glass on the table.

The water in the glass immediately condensed into ice cubes.

Liu Wen understood immediately.

This is the Frost Snow Snake's ability - Bing Bing, a not too strong control-type skill with a limited range and time.

She thought for a while, and said, "I don't recommend you to participate in the individual competition. The Frost Snow Snake's attack power is not strong enough, and only one Ning Bing is the control ability. You might as well apply for the team competition."

Zhong Yuan said, "I also absorbed a Trench Badger's Ruin Crystal as a supplementary attack."

"Ghost moat badger?" Liu Wen didn't realize it for a while.

After thinking about it for a moment, I remembered what a ghost moat badger is.

As a foreign race, the fearless character of the ghost moat badger is indeed a headache, but the crystals it bursts out are very unpopular.

Aside from the fact that fearlessness is immune to mind control, which is somewhat useful, the other two abilities are useless, and the success rate of absorption is extremely low.

This time, Liu Wen behaved well, and didn't forget to ask, "Which ability of the ghost badger have you absorbed?"

Zhong Yuan calmly seemed to be explaining a trivial matter, "I have absorbed all three abilities of the Moat Badger."

What? !

Liu Wen's whole body was shaken, and her breathing became short of breath.

The younger sister is a genius, and the big brother is not bad either!

The probability of absorbing all the abilities in the ruin crystal at once is ridiculously low!

Holding a shred of hope, Liu Wen asked again, "What about the Frost Snow Snake Crystal? How many abilities have you absorbed?"

Zhong Yuan answered honestly, "All."

Liu Wen's beautiful eyes widened, not daring to believe, "All? Do you know what abilities all include?"

Zhong Yuan nodded, "I know. Super perception, freezing, regeneration and death immunity."

The ice-blood explosion is too heaven-defying, it's better to hide it.

Even so, Liu Wen barely screamed, and raised her voice, "You even absorbed the death immunity?!"

"Yes." Zhong Yuan gave an affirmative answer.

Liu Wen's mind went blank.

It happened twice, and even the death immunity with a ridiculously low success rate was absorbed. What does it mean?

Once he absorbs Xu Jing, he will be 100% successful. His talent is even more terrifying than his younger sister Zhong Lan!

However, there is a limit to how much power humans can master.

Studies have shown that a person can absorb at most eight abilities from the crystal, and if there are more, the body will collapse.

Liu Wen regretted to the extreme.

Why didn't you discover Zhong Yuan's talent sooner?

After absorbing two garbage market crystals, a full seven places were taken!

Obviously he can give him a better Xu Jing, maybe he can even absorb 100% of the ability hidden in Wang Jing!

A super genius who could become a peerless powerhouse was actually strangled by her.

Liu Wen covered her face in pain and choked up, "I'm sorry! My fault! Zhong Yuan, I'm sorry for you!"

Although I don't know what happened to the instructor, in short, let's comfort him first.

Zhong Yuan said in a low voice, "It's my own choice, and you, the instructor, have no responsibility."

"No! It's my fault! It's my fault!"

"you are right."

"I was wrong!!"

"You are right!"

"I made a mistake! I only treat you as an ordinary auditor! I don't care enough about you! Woooooo! I'm guilty..."

The always heroic instructor, at this moment, has no image, crying spasmodically.

Seeing her tears spilling from her fingers little by little, Zhong Yuan could only change his words.

"Okay...even if you were wrong, now I forgive you! Please don't cry, okay?"

Liu Wen sniffled, shook her head and said, "Even if you are willing to forgive me, I will never forgive myself in this life."

"The upper limit of a person is eight abilities. If you exceed this number, you will explode and die! You already have seven abilities, and you can only absorb one more ability! Don't blame me now. When you grow up, you will definitely hate me. kill me!"

Zhong Yuan was silent for a while, and said, "Whether it will explode or not, I don't know for sure."

There is rebirth, and death immunity, I am dead, can I be afraid of exploding?

Liu Wen was shocked, wiped away her tears, and said furiously, "I don't allow you to mess around! If you dare to absorb Xu Jing casually, I... I!"

Because she was too excited, she couldn't catch her breath, and her cheeks were flushed.

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