Special class first grade classroom.

The tutor is teaching.

"Every time we absorb Ruin Crystal, impurities will remain in our body. After our body has been transformed by Ruin Energy, it will repel it to a certain extent."

"So, the success rate of absorbing Ruin Crystals for the first time is the highest, and the success rate will only decrease steadily after that."

A large group of students listened drowsily below.

Suddenly, the students sitting in the last row raised their hands.

Wearing a very special black uniform, he was the only one who listened carefully and took notes throughout the whole process.

I can't name him, so let's call him classmate with glasses.

The instructor kindly said, "Student, what's your question?"

Zhong Yuan stood up and said solemnly, "If there are too many impurities left in the human body, what will happen?"

The instructor looked solemn, and said, "Theoretically, he will die. However, there is no such precedent so far."

Zhong Yuan pushed the flat glasses, changed the direction, and asked, "Then, when the Ruin Warrior dies, will the Ruin Crystal explode like the alien race?"


It's the first time I've heard this question.

The instructor pondered for a while, and said, "I haven't heard of such a thing so far. The body structure of our human race is different from that of other races, so we can't generalize it."

There is no outright denial, but the underlying meaning is, no.

Zhong Yuan asked again, "Assuming that someone absorbs the Ruin Crystals from the womb and is born with Ruin Power, will the Ruin Crystals burst out when he dies?"

The instructor couldn't help laughing angrily at him.


The use of pregnant women for experiments is something that is explicitly prohibited by the state, and it is impossible for someone to absorb Xu Jing from the womb.

The assumption is not valid in the first place, so there will be no conclusion.

The instructor said with a sullen face, "Student, although it is good to be free and unconstrained, Huaguo's airspace is not a place outside the law. Please restrain yourself and stop thinking so much!"

As he spoke, he looked down at the student roster and kept Zhong Yuan's name in his heart.

I have to go to the instructor's office later and tell Liu Wen that this student named Zhong Yuan has dangerous thinking and it is best to correct him.

"Sorry, I have no more questions." Zhong Yuan sat down helplessly.

When he saw Feng Qing's eyes in the morning, he thought about it and asked questions in class.

It seems that the instructor is embarrassed...

It's not that the instructor can't answer, but that he doesn't want to answer.

Zhong Lan sat in the first row, quietly peeking back, the phone was still taking pictures.

The big brother is so handsome, the questions he asks, even the instructor can't answer them!

If Lin Dongliang knew that the mobile phone he had applied for was given to the little girl to secretly take pictures of the big brother, he might be so mad.

This little episode did not bring any waves to the dull class.

The cultural general knowledge class of the special class is an open-book test, and the key points will be marked before the test. As long as you can read, you can pass it. No one pays any attention to the basic theories about market energy.

How much ability an energy warrior can absorb depends on the individual's talent and physique.

Impurities or not, don't worry about it!

After finally getting out of class, the students scattered and rushed to the cafeteria.

Zhong Lan excitedly pulled Zhong Yuan and said, "Brother, I want to eat spicy chicken today! I want two servings!"

Zhong Yuan smiled dotingly, "When Aunt sees you in the canteen, he will definitely give you more. Have you finished eating?"

"Isn't there still you who can't finish eating?!"

Zhong Yuan touched his nose.

Sister's leftover processor, right?

Anyway, no matter how much you eat, you don’t feel it, the processor is the processor.

Zhong Lan, on the other hand, doesn't fit in after class, and doesn't even have a single person to talk to. If things go on like this, she won't be able to make friends!

You shouldn't be stuck with her all the time, you have to give her some private time...

Zhong Yuan thought for a while and said, "I'm going to patrol during my lunch break, how about you?"

Zhong Lan immediately made a powerful gesture excitedly, "Let's go together! I'm really good now, I'll take you flying!"

Good guy, he just raised his tail to the sky as soon as he became a market energy user.

Zhong Yuan said, "No, no, this is my job, how can I rely on my sister?"

Zhong Lan smiled brightly, "It's okay, brothers and sisters are of one heart, and their benefits can cut through gold!"

The little girl is good at Chinese, I don't know where I read the lines.

There was really no other way, so Zhong Yuan had no choice but to use his trump card.

"Lan Lan, good boy, go to the library to read at noon! Brother Zhou will take you to the night market!"

"Yeah! Long live big brother!"

Zhong Lan cheered happily.

Zhong Yuan let out a breath.

In order for my sister to make friends in the academy, I was so worried...

The spicy chicken in the cafeteria is really delicious.

The marinated chicken is deep-fried first, and then stir-fried with green peppers for 30 seconds. After being cooked, the aroma is overflowing. The tender and juicy chicken is spicy and refreshing, and Zhong Lan's mouth is full of oil.

It's a pity that Zhong Yuan can't taste the taste. However, being able to eat with my sister is already very satisfying.

After lunch together, Zhong Yuan took people to the library, and Zhong Yuan began to wander around the campus.

He considers himself a man of his word. Since Feng Qing was promised to join the student union, he must perform his duties.

On the boulevard, some students saw him wearing a black uniform and immediately avoided him.

Some students were also curious and secretly took photos with their mobile phones and posted them on the discussion board of the college forum.

"It seems that the new Disciplinary Committee member is a little handsome when he is patrolling seriously!"

In less than half a minute, a bunch of messages appeared below.

"Which class?"

"Looking at her young age, she can't be a freshman this year!"

"Impossible, impossible! How can a freshman become a discipline committee member as soon as he arrives?"

"Does anyone know which class he is in?"

"I'm announcing the crowdfunding of 50 points of forum experience, the newcomer of human flesh!"

"Count me in!"

"I'm coming too!"

Soon, the crowdfunding ended, and this topic of discussion has been marked as a hot topic, and it has been at the top of the board.

"It's weird, no one knows who he is?"

"Your filter is too high, it makes people look like zombies!"

"Hee hee, it's my favorite type! I want to call for Brother Feng Ji!"

There are all kinds of messages and everything.

Zhong Yuan didn't know that he suddenly became popular in the college forum.

I walked around the campus and came to a very secluded garbage incinerator.

If it were him, he would definitely choose to do it in this place.

Zhong Yuan stopped in his tracks and said loudly, "I've been with me, how long do you want to wait? If you go any further, you won't have a chance to do anything."

From the very beginning of the patrol, Zhong Yuan turned on super perception.

The trajectory of activities within a kilometer is all under his easy control.

He soon discovered that there were two people hanging behind him secretly all the time, as if they were planning something.

That's why Zhong Yuan deliberately went to the remote incinerator to lure them to show up.

"Don't hide. I've spotted you a long time ago. Yes, I'm talking about you! It's 25 meters away from three o'clock, do you need me to come over in person?"

Even the location was clearly reported, Lei Bo could only show up slowly with his younger brother.

"Hmph! You have some skills, but you can actually notice that we are following you."

Zhong Yuan could tell at a glance that these two belonged to the student union.

Especially the person who spoke, wearing a black uniform of the same style as him, with the word "Propaganda" embroidered on the sleeve.

Zhong Yuan said indifferently, "Is there something wrong?"

Lei Bo sneered, "Take off your clothes and kneel on the ground like a dog barking, I may consider letting you go!"

Zhong Yuan couldn't help but get excited, "So, this is the style of Chengying Academy? Very good! Sure enough, I came to the right place!"

Leibo:? ? ?

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