Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 27 The Conditions Of Eager Invitation And Understanding

"He's been out of breath for two days. It's not an option to continue to procrastinate, we should call 120 and send him to the hospital..."

"Who do you look down on? If you can't even save me, you'll just go straight to the morgue if you're sent to the hospital, okay? I guess his killer trick used a lot of strength, and he'll fall into a state of suspended animation afterwards!"

"Will there be corpse spots in suspended animation?"

"Where? I'll treat it!"

After a few seconds. . .

"Okay, it's all gone... That must not be a corpse spot, it's a black and blue block!"


In a villa on the outskirts of Shangdong City,

Feng Fengmo and Feng Qing were discussing something around the people lying on the bed.

Two days had passed since the Fangjie War, and even Feng Qing had returned to normal, but Zhong Yuan still hadn't woken up.

To be exact, after coming out of Fangjie, Feng Yumo found that he had passed away, and Feng Qing asserted that he was feigning death.

Therefore, he had no choice but to move him back to his residence in Shangdong City.

In fact, Feng Fengmo had no problem handing over the dead Zhong Yuan. When Wan Xianglong gave him the task, he didn't stipulate that he must fish out Fangjie alive.

"I told you, he is in suspended animation, and he will wake up after a while!"

Feng Qing finally got impatient, and said angrily, "I'm alive and dead, can I not know?"

"Okay, you are an authority in the healing department." Feng Yumo said angrily, "When he wakes up, you go and tell him that he gave him a fake name on the list. I didn't come up with it."

Feng Qing retorted, "The fake name is also for his own good, so as not to be challenged by others all day long."

"Then you don't need to give him a middle school name..."

"You can't get rid of it. I asked you how you are, and you said it was fine!"



The voices of quarreling kept pouring into consciousness.

Zhong Yuan felt that his brain would be cracked by them, so he couldn't help shouting, "Shut up!"

The noisy sound stopped at once.

Good, go to sleep.

After a few seconds. . .

No, I obviously don't need to sleep anymore!

Zhong Yuan opened his eyes on time at the moment when the ice-blood blast's weakness time returned to zero.

The first thing you see is a luxurious crystal chandelier mounted on the ceiling.

Immediately, a triumphant voice came from beside him.

"Did you see it? I said he's not dead. He's awake! Hurry up and make money!"


Zhong Yuan turned his head to look.

I saw Feng Yumo taking out three large bills from his wallet and handing them to the man in sunglasses. Seeing him wake up, he smiled kindly.

? ? ?

When did I turn hostility into friendship with you?

Zhong Yuan frowned deeply while looking at the surrounding environment.

Not a hospital, but a luxuriously furnished bedroom. The style is very unisex, unisex. It should be reserved for guests.

Zhong Yuan judged the current situation calmly. At the same time, the super perception ability was secretly activated.

The situation within one kilometer is immediately clear.

Pearl Villa?

Zhong Yuan knows this place.

He used to work part-time as a tutor, and a student lived in this community.

Residents are either rich or expensive, and most of them are business elites.

No other helpers appeared to be in ambush or tied up.

No no, things are definitely not that simple.

There are traps.

To be on the safe side, Zhong Yuan continued to lie down and said indifferently, "Next, what do you want to do with me? Should I be locked up in a laboratory for autopsy or sent to a small dark room for torture?"

Quiet. . . .

After a few seconds,

Feng Yumo tentatively asked Feng Qing, "Master Feng, judge, is his brain broken?"

"I don't think he's out of his mind. At most, he's a little angry when he wakes up."

Feng Qing rushed to Zhong Yuan with a smile, and said enthusiastically, "Hello, Zhong Yuan, I, Feng Qing, a third-year student in the special class of Chengying College, and also the president of the student union."

"Don't take what happened before to your heart."

"In fact, everything has been investigated. The person who killed the four students is named Wang Meng. He has been transferred to the detention center and is waiting to be shot!"

"Before I challenged you to fight, it was to confirm your strength."

"You are very strong! Very strong! You almost killed me and Feng Fengmo! On behalf of the Student Union, I sincerely invite you to join!"

. . . . . .

Feng Yumo covered his face and took two steps back, with an expression that I don't know you, and I have nothing to do with you.

Zhong Yuan was stunned.

What do you mean?

After the beating, he suddenly said, I just want to see your strength, don't worry about the previous grievances?

Who can stand it?

His eyes are straight,

Feng Qing hurriedly said, "Don't be angry. Didn't Feng Yumo and I almost get killed by you? You don't know how embarrassed we were at that time. By the way, this is called not knowing each other without fighting."

Zhong Yuan was stunned and said, "Fuck you if you don't know each other, I don't care."

Feng Qing's face turned dark, and he felt anxious.

How to do?

His attitude is very repulsive, and there is no way to get an understanding.

In the worst case, he turned right when he went out and immediately took his sister to another school.

It's all over by then!

"Brother Feng, you should say a few words!"

While mouthing, Feng Qing cast a look of pleading help at Feng Fengmo,

Feng Yumo felt that he was very unlucky.

Originally, he was robbed by Zhong Yuan, and he was the victim.

The results of it? Feng Qing pretended to be dead, and he talked for a while, which caused Zhong Yuan to completely misunderstand them and use his ultimate move.

As a result, he was not only killed and seriously injured by Zhong Yuan, but also became Feng Qing's accomplice, just like the villain.

Misunderstandings should be resolved as soon as possible. The longer the time, the deeper the grievances, and it will be difficult to handle.

Feng Fengmo sighed and said seriously, "Zhong Yuan, Feng Qing and I were wrong about what happened before. I solemnly apologize to you."

He considered it for a while and said, "It's inappropriate for you to conceal your identity as a shaman from the academy. Chengying Academy was founded by Mr. Cheng Yunqiao, and there are crouching tigers and hidden dragons inside. There are some things that you can't hide. It's better to do it early. Show your talent, let the college realize your value, and vigorously cultivate it."

"The student union has privileges. There is no harm in joining, only benefits. Although Feng Qing does not know how to do things, he knows the general situation and is a reliable person at critical moments. For example, without him, I would have died."

"You robbed me once, and you killed me again. I suffered a big loss at your hands twice. I don't care about being a man. I am willing to laugh away all grudges with you. Don't you want to keep the grudge in your heart all the time? "

His attitude is extremely sincere, and he has already regarded Zhong Yuan in an equal or even higher position.

Feng Qing hurriedly said, "That's right, what Brother Feng means is what I mean."

He really didn't dare to say any more, for he was afraid that saying the wrong thing would arouse Zhong Yuan's rebellious emotions.

After all, sixteen-year-olds are the most difficult to deal with.

However, inside the young body is a mature soul that has experienced death.

What Feng Yumo said was not wrong.

Joining the student union will inevitably have various privileges and benefits. There's no need to keep holding on to the mistakes of the two of them.

Zhong Yuan thought for a while, sat up halfway, and said, "I can forgive you. But, each of you must promise me one condition."

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