Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 22 You May Have Encountered A Ghost

On the electronic map, a small red light spot has been stagnant in place, and has not moved for a few minutes.

Feng Qing said, "He stopped to rest, about ten kilometers away from the temporary base at the foot of the mountain."

This distance is neither too far nor too close.

It takes about twenty minutes for a strong man like Feng Fengmo to run over.

If it is not a mountain but a flat land, it can be faster.

After confirming the location of the mission target, Feng Feng Mo lowered his voice and said to Feng Qing, "You can help me find someone."


I can only help you find freshmen for military training!

Feng Qing's eyes widened, he suddenly figured out something, and lip-synced with him tacitly, "You, no, yes, right..."

The corners of Feng Yumo's eyes twitched, not giving this fellow a chance to continue his sarcasm.

Pointing to a certain location on the electronic map, he said, "One hour ago, here."

Feng Qing was beyond shocked.

Good guy!

The quality of new students this year is too high!

In addition to Zhong Yuan, there was also a ruthless character who beat Feng Yumo into a pig's head, and even stole his weapon!

This kind of ruthless person is rare, he must be pulled into the student union!

Feng Qing cooperated and began to search and locate.

After a while, with a strange look on his face, he said, "There is no such person."

Feng Yumo said displeased, "Are you trying to fool me?"

Feng Qing snorted coldly, "Why am I perfunctory? I want to know who the other party is more than you. Are you sure he is the new student we brought?"

Feng Fengmo also became suspicious, and said, "He's wearing a camouflage uniform."

Feng Qing retorted, "Wearing camouflage uniforms may not necessarily be people from our school."

Feng Yumo hesitated, "Carrying the tactical backpack issued by your academy and using the knife issued by the academy, you are very young!"

"Hahaha! You are so inferior! You were beaten up by a younger generation!"

Grass is really a plant.

Feng Yumo was furious, "If you keep talking, I'll tear you apart!"

"Ah, I'm so scared!" Feng Qing couldn't stop laughing, "I can't do it anymore, you have contracted all my jokes for a whole year."

However, he was talking arguing, and he still tried his best to help find someone.

Still no such person.

Feng Qing sighed and said seriously, "You may have encountered a ghost."

Feng Fengmo stared at the screen and watched him operate the whole time, knowing that he was not lying, he murmured, "This is impossible..."

Suddenly, Feng Qing slapped his head and said, "Warriors who smash watches!!!"

Feng Yumo:? ? ?

What watch smashing warrior?

Feng Qing said excitedly, "I know who it is! Don't worry, you can escape the monk, but you can't escape the temple! Although I can't find him now, in three days, the freshmen will gather here."

good idea!

Feng Fengmo just had a reason to stay in Fangjie for a few more days.

Then, he hesitated, "Can you lend me your weapon?"

The skin is a little hot.

Just over an hour ago, I heard similar words.

After a while, it was his turn to speak.

Feng Qing's thoughts changed sharply.

The rumors should be true.

Feng Yumo's eldest brother is dying, do you want to hunt more Xu Jing and bring him back to try his luck?

Feng Qing's heart was heavy, and his mouth was still cynical, "Brother Feng, you have changed, you were not such a person before."

Feng Yumo said viciously, "Do you want to borrow it or not?!"

Seeing that it was about to escalate to robbery, Feng Qing had no choice but to take out the saber and hand it to him, and said dryly, "This is my big house, you must treat it well! Be sure to return it to me when it is used up! In addition, I have another Private request."

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

Feng Yumo took the knife and left decisively.

At the same time, also bring a watch.

With this watch, you can locate Zhong Yuan at any time.

Feng Qing's request was simple.

Give Zhong Yuan a chance to practice, and when it really doesn't work, Feng Feng Mo will take action again to fish him out.

It is equivalent to asking Feng Fengmo to be a nanny once.

The babysitter can be the babysitter, as long as it doesn't hinder the fight against Xu Jing.

When he found "Zhong Yuan", Feng Fengmo found that the kid was injured and was bandaging his wound under a tree.

The left arm was bitten off by the Frost Snow Snake, and a large piece of flesh was almost visible. The bandaging technique was messed up, and the bandage was covered with blood.

Feng Yumo observed secretly for a while, but he didn't think there was anything special about "Zhong Yuan".

He was injured, and he was unwilling to use his watch to call for help. His will was stronger than most people.

That being the case, let's sell Feng Qing a little bit of face.

Before entering Fangjie, Feng Fengmo had already prepared a map and knew where the large snake cave was.

Although the largest snake cave was inexplicably lost, there are still several small gathering places, which add up to a considerable amount.

the next few days,

Feng Fengmo deliberately guided "Zhong Yuan" to walk the route. He cleared the obstacles one step ahead, harvested the crystals, ate meat by himself, and left some soup for "Zhong Yuan".

Leaving aside the small episode of the weapon being robbed, this task of finding people is indeed quite easy, and it can be described as a win-win situation.

However, Feng Fengmo never expected that the person who protected him along the way was not Zhong Yuan at all!

The real deity is jumping on another hill.

"There must be a snake nest here! Why can't I see a snake?!"

"It's too ruthless! The snake is dead, do you want to be so cruel?"

"Brother, who are you? Anyway, save some for me!"

Ever since I snatched the big brother in black t-shirt, my luck seems to have run out, and I have never met Frost Snow Snake again.

two full days,


over the mountains,

Not a single snake!

Zhong Yuan gritted his teeth angrily, and murmured, "If this continues, the military training will be over. I have to reserve time for the return trip, and at most I can find another place."

Where are you going?

Resign yourself to fate!

Zhong Yuan put the long gun on the ground and turned it lightly. After the body of the gun spun around twice, it pointed in a certain direction.

"North? There aren't too many trees, so there shouldn't be any snakes..."

Zhong Yuan struggled for a while, and finally decided to obey God's will.

If you follow your own feelings, everything will come to nothing, or you will be preempted by others.

In seemingly impossible places, miracles may happen.

Soon, he came to a cliff.

The mountain is steep, and there is a small peak hundreds of meters high. There was a thick white fog, and it was a vast expanse of whiteness. There is a crooked-neck tree rooted in the mountain wall, its branches are white and covered with frost.

Zhong Yuan was shocked. Judging by experience, it is very likely that there are frost snakes living on the small mountain peaks.

With the spear behind his back, he began to climb rocks with his bare hands.

After two days of survival in the mountains, Zhong Yuan has become a climbing master.

Because the fingers do not feel soreness and fatigue, there is no problem of loss of strength and failure to grasp the point of leverage.

If you catch a bloody mess, just activate the regeneration. When encountering fragile rocks that are about to collapse, they must be frozen firmly before continuing to climb.

The strongest free solo climber in the world is no match for Zhong Yuan.

He has already been able to flexibly use the abilities of the Necromancer.

In less than ten minutes, Zhong Yuan climbed a small mountain several hundred meters high.

The temperature dropped sharply, colder than any place I have ever been to. Visibility is only two or three meters, and there are no plants except crooked neck trees.

This place is eerie.

Zhong Yuan took the spear in his hand, like using a blind stick, and gently fiddled with the fog in front of him.


The tip of the gun touched something hard.

Seems like a big rock.

The next moment, the stone made a rustling sound and suddenly stood upright.

In the mist, a pair of red vertical eyes lit up, flashing a terrifying and fierce light!

It is less than two meters away!

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