Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 99 There Are Some Things You Must Let Him Know

Zhong Yuan, who has become a favorite in the eyes of big bosses, is happy and quiet in the confinement room.

I fell asleep until five o'clock in the afternoon, and found that there was nothing wrong, so I continued to sleep.

Set an alarm again, and slept until five o'clock in the morning.

After waking up, I feel refreshed and refreshed.

However, Zhong Yuan was disappointed to find that the ability description of Ice-Blood Burst had not changed.

Strange, how come it doesn't work all of a sudden?

After thinking about it for a long time, I had no idea, so I simply stopped thinking about it.

Shortening the period of weakness by half a day is also very good, so don't be too greedy.

Zhong Yuan reckoned that Zhong Lan should have calmed down after a day's rest in the dormitory, so he walked out of the confinement room while the sky was getting bright.

In the middle and late September, the autumn air is crisp and the temperature is comfortable.

The osmanthus trees planted in the campus are covered with golden buds, and when the wind blows, a faint fragrance wafts away.

As soon as he left the confinement room, the guard in the monitoring room immediately notified the dean of teaching affairs.

Gu Yan has been waiting for a long time.

The staff at the headquarters wanted to look after Zhong Yuan, but no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find him.

In the end, the guard provided clues, saying that he went into the confinement room to get the things he left behind, but never came out.

Only then did Gu Yan know that Zhong Yuan went to confinement by himself.

What a good boy!

Knowing that he hit someone and got into trouble, he didn't want to cause trouble for the school, so he took the initiative to admit his mistake.

But this time, there is no need!

He fell asleep soundly in the confinement room, Gu Yan simply gave up his efforts, and waited for Zhong Yuan to wake up by himself.

Finally, when the person came out of the confinement room, he hurriedly intercepted him on the boulevard.

There are some things that you must let him know.

"Good morning, Director Gu, what's the matter?"

On the empty boulevard, Zhong Yuan looked strangely at the oncoming academic director.

It wasn't even six o'clock, so he couldn't believe that he met him by chance.

Maybe, something went wrong.

Zhong Yuan was not stupid enough to think that he was not at all responsible for beating up two people from Hualing College.

Especially the guy from Simi Country, who speaks very arrogantly, so he should have some background.

Zhong Yuan thought for a while and said, "Director Gu, does Hualing College want to hold me accountable for the beating?"

Gu Yan couldn't help sighing in his heart, talking to a smart person is effortless, and he cut to the point before he even opened his mouth.

However, you kid never dreamed of it, the matter has all been resolved!

Gu Yan smiled and said, "Jiang Tianshuo has already stated his position, saying that you are just exchanging ideas normally, and he will not hold you accountable. He will find an opportunity to come and reconcile with you in person."

reconciliation! ?

A sternness flashed across Zhong Yuan's eyes, not knowing what Jiang Tianshuo was thinking about.

It's all done like this, don't you pursue it?

Do you want to seek revenge in private? !

At this time, Gu Yan said again, "As for the foreign student from Simi country, they really made a fuss at first, complained to the Market Management Bureau, and asked their country's special envoy to come forward, insisting on severely punishing and beating people murderer."

Zhong Yuan was slightly startled, and said, "It's such a big commotion? Even the embassy was alarmed? Where is the Market Management Bureau?"

Gu Yan patiently explained to him, "The Market Management Bureau is the department responsible for the capable people. Once the capable people commit crimes, they are responsible for tracking down and arresting them."

"Cui Shengshi's family members did not know where they got in touch, and they went to the Market Management Bureau to complain about you. The school also received three letters from them for investigation."

When it came to the end, Gu Yan inadvertently turned on the mocking mode for Wang Podi.

Zhong Yuan got the wrong idea, lowered his head, and said, "I'm sorry, I caused trouble for the school."


Gu Yan was stunned, he couldn't figure out Zhong Yuan's temper.

With such a good attitude, he was not as vicious as when he fought at the gate of Hualing College.

It's an apology right off the bat, can't you justify yourself a little bit?

All the rhetoric I thought was useless!

Gu Yan was a little depressed, coughed, and continued, "Actually, it's not a big deal. The Market Management Bureau can't cover the sky with one hand. They have to follow the rules and regulations."

Zhong Yuan asked worriedly, "What about the embassy? Will it cause diplomatic problems?"

Good question!

Gu Yan was waiting to tell him about it, and replied with a smile, "It has been resolved."

Zhong Yuan was surprised, "Solved? Has the school come forward?"

Gu Yan said, "Of course not. Where does the school have the qualifications to talk to an envoy of a country on an equal footing. The commander of my Eastern Theater Command personally came forward to solve the problem."

Zhong Yuan was stunned, "Commander?"

Gu Yan said solemnly, "Yes! In fact, since you came back from Fangjie in Shennongjia, the commander has been paying attention to you."

Zhong Yuan's heart tightened, and he said in a low voice, "I actually got the boss's attention. Am I making things difficult for him?"

"Haha!" Gu Yan couldn't help laughing, and said, "Silly boy, no matter how much the Simi Kingdom protests and threatens to counter us, in fact, it's just a paper tiger."

"Once they are invaded by alien races, they can only humble themselves and beg us to fight together. How dare they confront us?"

"The commander personally went out and settled it in a few words. They didn't even dare to let go! Don't worry, Cui Shengshi has left China. There will be no special circumstances in the future, and we will not allow him to enter. He has no chance to retaliate against you."

Zhong Yuan didn't know what to say.

While An Wen was sleeping, there were big bosses running behind the scenes to solve the trouble.

"How should I thank the commander?" The status and status were too different.

Gu Yan took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "You don't need to thank you. If you have no strength, you will be beaten! All respect and status are determined by strength. Generation after generation of Hua people, everything they do is to give The younger generations create a better environment for growth, so that our country of Hua can stand on top of the world! These are the exact words of the commander."

"Actually, the commander didn't want me to tell you the inside story. He hoped that you would study and progress steadily in the academy without any ideological burden. It's my own initiative to tell you so much. Zhong Yuan, you gave us everything This is a big surprise for me. Please don't disappoint the Commander's expectations of you!"

In the end, it was almost a pleading tone.

Zhong Yuan looked at his serious face with complicated emotions.

Even though he had become a different kind without blood and tears, after hearing these words, a hot current began to surge in his chest.

At this moment, a new will was born, which crossed the boundary between life and death, and descended into the dark and boundless dark world.

Anger has long since settled down.

A stronger new will immediately replaced it and became the master of the dark world.

The ability description about Ice-Blood Burst has changed unconsciously.

"All abilities are immediately increased by 1200, which lasts for 30 seconds! After the end, it enters a weak period, which lasts for 24 hours!"

Zhong Yuan was not aware of the mutation.

After Gu Yan said a lot, he couldn't help being embarrassed, and said, "Ah, when I'm old, I like to talk a lot, a lot of preaching."

Zhong Yuan smiled and said sincerely, "No, thank you, Director Gu! I will work hard!"

Gu Yan showed a look of relief, and took the opportunity to say, "Recently, the college will carry out a major rectification of the academic style. All students in special classes have scored 85 points in the midterm and final exams!"

Zhong Yuan said to himself, "I should be able to pass. I brushed the questions every day, and I didn't miss the cultural class."

Gu Yan smiled and said, "I know you have good grades, you are a top student. In fact, the official came to class today."

Zhong Yuan was speechless, "What does it matter to me if he comes to class?"

Gu Yan sighed, wondering why, "His foundation is really poor, he failed all the exams last semester, and now he has to go back to the first grade class to listen to the class. Zhong Yuan, if you have spare time, can you help him make up the lessons?"

Zhong Yuan: ...

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