Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 564 Hyperion’s Waiting

A week later.

The night is dark in midsummer, and July is still young.

In the vast territory of the Demon Realm, Nekalis is known as the capital of the Demon King's City.

The city is located near the inland strait and is surrounded by winding rocky mountains, like a natural fortress.

On the Naika Island, the central land of the city, stands a huge palace made of obsidian and dark blue magic crystal rock. The spiers of the palace reach into the sky and are close to the bay.

Opposite is the Isle of Leith in the outer circle, which is also an extremely prosperous area.

The streets in the entire city of Nekalis are intricate and maze-like, with narrow alleys and squares appearing alternately. On these streets, you can see all kinds of demonic creatures, some tall and mighty, some cunning and thin, and many other extraordinary creatures. Demons in human form, they trade, talk, or kill, and then they are arrested by the law enforcers of the demon world.

At this moment, the main hall on the first floor of the Demon Realm Palace is a huge circular regency hall, with a magnificent black throne in the center, and a flaming halo surrounding the throne.

Upstairs is the exclusive area for the royal family, including study rooms, bedrooms, conference rooms and many other configurations that a mansion should have.

Except for the Fallen Lord Kaliela and the demons she permitted, the other demons were not allowed to enter the higher floors of the palace.

In a spacious bedroom on the second floor, the purple sunset shines on the soft carpet through the gauze curtains.

...Lissandra, you can get off work.

Huberly sat quietly on the cushion next to the large window. Outside the window was the palace garden and the barrier in the distance.

Her gaze seemed to penetrate the translucent barrier, overlooking the inland bay of the royal capital.

It's not time yet, so I can't leave early. If it disturbs His Highness, I can wait outside the door.

Not far away from Hyperion, a demon girl wearing the attire of a demon court official was talking to her softly.

No, no, then you should stay with me.

Hyperion put down the book and said to the demon named Lysandra.

Hyperion looked at Lisandra, who was standing like a servant, and thought for a moment, then patted a large empty cushion next to her and motioned for her to sit next to her.

Okay, Your Highness.

Lissandra nodded, followed the order and walked over, sitting down not far or near from Hyperion.

Her full name is Lisandra Pukeli, and her ancestors were orthodox great demons, but they fell into decline in her generation.

The Pukeli family is considered a prominent family in the demon world, as they are descendants of the ancient great demon clan Duke Pukeli... although the first generation ancestor is actually her great-grandfather's brother.

Fortunately, Lissandra successfully graduated from the harsh Demon Realm School, and her ancestors had some friendship with the Fallen Lord. After graduation, she was arranged to work in the Demon King's City.

Maybe the Princess is afraid that the princess will be bored alone in the palace. Whenever the princess has any request that does not violate the principles of the Princess, the Princess will try her best to help the princess complete it. The specific chores are left to her, Lissandra.

And she has only one job, and that is to ensure that the princess does not become depressed.

If it doesn't work, Qing Luo will replace her.

It's even possible to do it.

So every time Lisandra brought something to the princess, she also had a little time to communicate with the princess.

The princess is surprisingly a demon with a very gentle personality.

There is no airs that a princess should have at all.

Maybe it's because she is half human and has lived in a human country for a while.

Thank you, Lysandra, if it weren't for the books you brought, I would have had a hard time these days.

Hyperion spent most of her time reading the magic books in the palace.

The number of demons she could come into contact with in the palace was very limited, and Fallen Kaliela protected her exceptionally well.

It's work for me...

Lysandra said helplessly.

Everything is arranged by Mr. Luo.

The reason why she was sent here was partly because she understood aristocratic etiquette, and partly because she had a weak personality and was weak herself, so she would not put pressure on the princess.

Of course, it may also be because she studied in the art department and got the highest score in the art appreciation course, so Luo Qing thought she might have something to talk about with the princess.

In fact, after Lysandra spent so many days with the princess, she felt that the princess had no great interest in painting at all.

Every time she took the initiative to find a topic related to art, she couldn't chat with the princess. The princess ended with a few words of um and um, and then looked out the window again.

It was at this time that Lysandra felt that the princess was pitiful.

I envied her high status.

But she envied her freedom.

She doesn't seem to be as strong as the big demons imagined, she is just stubborn and pretending.

I brought these snacks in from outside.

Lissandra thought for a while, then took out a box of Demon Realm pear caramel pastries sealed with a magic device from her bag and handed it to Hyperion.

After opening the lid, you only see a piece of cake with sweet pear ice cream as the main body, paired with crispy vanilla shortbread and Necalis dark chocolate chips. The sour taste of snow pear is intertwined with the sweetness of caramel, and the shortbread and chocolate chips further enhance the flavor. Adds layering.

The pear caramel ice cream was well received in the Demon King's Castle, so she bought one and brought it into the palace.

It has passed the test of palace magic and will not poison the princess.

If the princess is poisoned, she will also lose her head.

Hyperion took the black box in a daze, looked at the ice cream inside, scooped up a small piece with a spoon and put it into her mouth, and didn't move again for a long time.

Isn't it delicious?

Lysandra asked.


Hyperion shook her head.

Seeing such a unique demon world delicacy, she wanted to share it with Tata.

When eaten alone, the more delicious it is, the less delicious it is as expected.

Did you remember someone?

Lysandra probably understood Hyperion's expression. She could understand this obvious emotion.

A demon who is like a mother and a sister to me.

Hyperion put down the small black box in her hand and replied.

She...isn't here anymore?

Lysandra asked worriedly.

She's still here, she's still there!

Hyperion came to her senses and clarified.

Although Tata's role is very small, Hyperion always feels like she is everywhere, especially in Ranchi's heart.

Sorry sorry!

Lysandra nodded quickly and apologized.

There was silence between the two demon girls for a short while.

Hyperion thought for a while, but continued to taste the sweets that Lysandra brought specially for her.

Lissandra, are there any new big demons who have come to the Demon King's City of Nekaris recently? If so, please don't blink for two seconds.

Hyperion temporarily put down the little spoon, moved a little closer to Lysandra, and asked in a low voice.

...You can't say this kind of thing, Lord Caliera warned me.

Lysandra lowered her head and muttered.

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