Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 338 Hyperion came to steal the house

Protos Empire Early April.

Northwest Province, Milford Territory.

With the sound of wind ringing the bells, the light spring rain drifted down from the gray sky, covering every inch of Milford.

Two teams of knights in bright armor were waiting in formation, standing at the gate of Milford. Their eyes were firm and sharp, checking the identity of every person in the queue who passed through.

This path leading to the interior of the Milford Territory is not bordering the Kingdom of Estherland, but within the Protos Empire, a common trade route from other Protos city-states to the Milford Border Territory.

Due to the omission of time and route of border control that Earl Milford had communicated with the Church of Destiny in advance, Hyperion had successfully sneaked into the territory of the Protos Empire with executioners, priests and paladins.

After going around in a circle, they will officially enter the city defense boundary of Milford Border Territory.

Hyperion, who was waiting at the back of the team, looked like the eldest lady of the Chamber of Commerce. Her long, silky hair fell gently on her shoulders, tied with a red ribbon, paired with a black slim-fitting top and a red checkerboard. The skirt, light yet classical elegance adds a bit of mysterious charm, and the eyes contain indescribable shrewdness.

Every movement she makes, whether it is a gesture or an instruction to the attendants behind her, is full of authority and confidence, giving people the impression of being cold and unapproachable, but without losing the unique softness and gracefulness of women.

She was originally from a Duke's family, and her noble temperament was natural. Coupled with her exquisite acting skills, it was impossible to tell that she was any different from the person she was at this moment.

Three reliable sixth-level clergymen have become her bodyguards, escorting the goods from the rear. After their interpretation, they no longer have the slightest trace of clergymen, and even have a social atmosphere.

The smooth entry into the Protos Empire is closely related to Earl Milford's internal troubles.

Although Earl Milford, the assistant of the Church of Destiny, holds a high position in the empire, he also runs the risk of being caught by the Annihilation branch.

I really want to see that gentleman soon.

The thoughts of the three clergy were almost written on their faces.

After being separated for nearly half a year, they missed Mr. Wilford very much.

Just talking to him will make them feel the meaning of life, and every second will be real and fulfilling.


Hyperion glanced back at the three of them but said nothing.

Just seeing that they were obsessed with Lan Qi, she couldn't help but start to worry about Lan Qi.

I don’t know how he has been living in the Protos Empire in the past two months since he was separated from Lan Qi. I hope he is living a leisurely life in the south now.

After dozens of minutes of queuing, Hyperion and the guards finally arrived at the inspection gate.

The knights responsible for the inspection were obviously wary of them, not only because they needed to check the legality of their goods, but also because they seemed too powerful.

One of the Knight Guards, the captain wearing a red feather helmet, stepped forward: Where do you come from? The Milford Territory does not welcome outsiders.

During this period, everyone in the border city-state was in danger and would rather not let them pass than they did not want to increase the hidden dangers in the city-state.

Hyperion was ready to explain. She had already prepared words to deal with this situation.

But just as the atmosphere became tense, a figure walked out from the depths of the city gate.

He looked to be in his early forties, with a serious expression, a firm jaw, a straight nose, and even eyebrows. He was wearing an exquisite dark red velvet robe with the Milford family crest and gold decoration on it.

Captain, these are my guests.

Earl Milford's voice was calm, but not as harsh as his temperament.

The captain was obviously surprised, and then bowed: I obey, your lord.

Later, at the signal of Lord Nelson Milford, Hyperion and the three clergymen, who were released, came to the front of Lord Milford.

Hyperion originally thought that she would not see Earl Milford so soon, and the Earl should not personally come out to take them into the city at this moment.

The priests of the Nirvana branch have spies in the northwest province. The more actions Earl Milford makes, the easier it is for him to leave omissions and attract the investigation of the Nirvana branch.

Lord Milford said nothing.

He only motioned for them to follow the Earl's Mansion vehicle and go to the Earl's Mansion first before talking.

Hyperion and the clergy looked at each other, and the executioners, priests, and paladins all nodded. In their opinion, Earl Milford was trustworthy.

Immediately, they followed Earl Milford.

Entering the Milford Territory and arriving on the road paved with clear gray stone slabs, the huge city gate slowly closed behind them. Hyperion did not look back, but she was still nervous about her journey to the empire.

Today we finally officially entered the Protos Empire.

And the road ahead, whether it is to avoid the interrogation of the Annihilation Branch of the Northwest Province, or to climb to the imperial capital Protos Royal Academy of Magic, or the final prison break plan, every step is extremely dangerous!

One wrong move and you'll be doomed.

But this is also a test she needs to face and a mission she must complete.

As the vehicles of the Earl of Milford's family led through the city, the city-state showed its magnificence and splendor. The towering towers, standing city walls and winding rivers formed a majestic border city-state. .

Through the car window, Huberian could also clearly feel the tension and vigilance of the citizens of Milford Territory towards today's life.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the Earl of Milford's Mansion on the east side of the city-state.

The gate of the mansion is made of solid black oak and is inlaid with copper rings and carvings. After entering, there is a cobblestone path lined with carefully pruned low shrubs and hardy plants.

Although it is not as cold as the northern border of the empire, there are still strong drops in temperature from time to time in early spring.

A group of attendants in red protocol uniforms came forward and took the luggage for Hyperion and others. The four of them followed the Earl of Milford into the magnificent Earl of Milford's home.

After entering the mansion, you pass through the entrance garden and several corridors and arrive at the living room and lounge. Crystal chandeliers hang from the high vaulted ceiling and illuminate the whole room with warm light. The deep red velvet sofas and chairs are placed Next to a huge fireplace, the firewood crackled, giving people a long-lost feeling of peace of mind.

After ordering all the attendants to leave the hall and asking his close associates to guard the door, Milford finally looked at the visitors from the Kingdom of Estherland again.

Please take a seat.

In contrast to these luxuries, the count seemed to have a serious and indifferent face as always, but his reception seemed very simple and friendly.

Thank you, Lord Milford, for your support of our church.

In the lounge, Hyperion said to the count after taking a seat.

While other families in the Northwest Province have strong anti-foreign sentiments, Earl Milford and his family have a positive attitude towards foreign forces and are willing to lend a helping hand to righteous people. It is very rare to create such an opportunity.

Although Earl Milford behaved a bit strangely today, as if he had lowered his vigilance against the minions of the Annihilation Branch, the biggest threat in the Northwest Province, she was still willing to believe in this Earl.

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