Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 180 Thalia is extra gentle today

At night in the city of Icerita, twilight shrouded the sky over the city, coating every inch of the royal capital with a layer of bright pearl-like color.

Walking out of Ikerite College and walking less than a kilometer to the east, you can see that the Cat Boss Restaurant has become a prosperous dinner spot, with bursts of cooking smoke and the aroma of dinner wafting from the roof.

Through the street lights that illuminate the street, the antique wooden house looks even more mysterious in the night, and the light from the windows of the wooden house makes people feel warm and cheerful.

Whenever a customer comes in or out, the wind chimes on the store door will make a pleasant ringing sound, as if to welcome and bid farewell to every customer.

Passing through the door of the restaurant, a lively figure comes into view.

The tables and chairs on the first floor of the restaurant are now almost full. People are raising glasses, smiling, whispering and laughing, and the sound can be heard.

The waitress was as busy as a gyro rat working hard to serve the steaming meals. When she saw Lan Qi and Hyperion pushing in the door, she quickly shouted to them:

Guests, please take a look at the menu first! I'll be here to entertain you in a moment.

Hyperion smiled and shook her hand, indicating to the waitress that she didn't need to pay attention to them.

They had already had dinner and were here to find someone.

Lan Qi was already familiar with the process and walked straight to the stairs to go to the second floor.

As a result, he seemed to have caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye.

He turned his head and saw Thalia, the waitress behind the counter.

She wore girlish braids and wore an apron over a pure white dress. She looked virtuous, sensible and charming, and would not let anyone think that she could be a demon.

Lan Qi was stunned. Apparently he had never drawn Thalia like this before.

Demon King, do you still need a part-time job?

In addition, it feels like she has perfectly integrated into the life of the royal capital, just as naturally as she integrated into the Purgatory Corridor Academy, and she was not at all offended by the aliens around her.

Just like that, Lanci looked at Thalia.

Thalia also looked at Ranchi.

Not a word was spoken.

The air was eerily quiet.

Thalia's face that originally looked a little gentler seemed to have drifted away from the frost.

Obviously she didn't expect Ranchi to come at this time.

Usually Lan Qi would come to her in the morning or afternoon to learn how to make cards, and would go back before evening.

After entering the store, Hyperion, who was still looking at the environment and waiting for Lan Qi to lead the way, noticed Lan Qi looking at the counter and followed his gaze.

As a result, I saw a great love poet standing behind the counter.

Why did Lan Fu come out?

Hyperion murmured in surprise.


Thalia frowned slightly when she heard this, and her eyes moved from Lanqi to Hyperion's face behind him.

A hint of surprise and emotion flashed across her golden eyes.

Then Thalia seemed to understand something.

Apparently her niece confused her with the great poet at first sight.

It's all thanks to that damn guy who gave the poet of great love an image in his own likeness!

Then Thalia stared at Lanqi again.

Sooner or later, she would have to settle matters with Lan Qi for this kind of historical issue.

Lan Qi didn't dare to stare at Thalia anymore and looked away.

Hyperion looked in both directions, sensing something was wrong in the atmosphere, and immediately realized that she might have said the wrong thing.

She sensed the problem.

The great poet has blue eyes.

The young lady in front of her has golden pupils.

The temperament is also completely different. The great poet would not be so alienated from Lan Qi.

Ahem, this is my teacher, Miss Tata.

Lanci avoided Thalia's death gaze and introduced Hyperion.

It looks like today is off to a bad start.

Hello, Ms. Tata.

Hyperion greeted Thalia as respectfully as she could.

She tried her best to hide her turbulent heart. She originally thought that Tata and the poet were just similar, but she didn't expect them to be exactly the same!


Thalia was silent.

Like thinking about something.

Lan Qi was slightly nervous.

You can guess Thalia's mood from her first response.

If she ignored Hyperion, there would probably be no need to talk about it later.


Thalia nodded slightly to Hyperion and looked around the store. It was dinner time, so it was not good for them to block the aisle and chat.

She took out a key from her apron pocket and handed it to Lan Qi.

Take her upstairs first. I'll help Boss Cat look at the store for a while, and then I'll go up to find you.

Thalia said in a gentle voice.

oh oh!

Lan Qi took the key in a daze.

The sun has come out from the west. Is this old woman so gentle today?

Isn't it really the great love poet pretending to be? !

Until about seven o'clock.

There were slightly fewer customers in the store, and the waitress who delivered the food was no longer as busy as before.

Thalia remained expressionless behind the counter.

To her, an hour is just a blink of an eye, and months and years are actually very short.

Just when Talia was still working hard.

Tata, thank you, meow.

A cute little black cat jumped out of the back kitchen, jumped on the counter, and said to Thalia in its childish voice.

The surrounding guests were not surprised at all that cats could talk.


Thalia took off her apron and put it back in the cabinet.

The guests all thought that this black cat was a magician who was good at transformation. Only Thalia could see that its true form was an elf cat.

Although it is naturally very weak, and its seventh level may not be able to defeat the ferocious third and fourth level monsters, its lifespan will be very long.

She couldn't tell how long this elf cat had lived, and it was able to survive to the seventh level.

Because Boss Cat always makes late-night snacks for her, she will also help out when Boss Cat is short of manpower.

Did that boy come to see you again?

asked the little black cat.

Although it always stayed in the kitchen, it knew that a young man with black hair and green eyes would always come to Tata.

And it has become particularly frequent since last month, and I will stay in Tata's room for a long time every time.

It was very, very curious about the relationship between the seemingly cold Tata and that gentle young man.

I originally planned to observe it for a while.

Unexpectedly, this time the boy brought another equally beautiful girl.

It really can't help but curiosity.

He and I just know each other, that's all.

Thalia said without any emotion in her voice.

The relationship between her and Lan Qi was simply an employment relationship.

And before he pays off his debt, protect him and urge him to repay the money.

In addition, he will always bring some good things that will satisfy her.

For example, she had always wanted to see Hyperion, but before she could find a suitable excuse or opportunity to hint to Lan Qi, Lan Qi suddenly took the initiative to bring Hyperion to her.

Don't you think he's a special person?

the little black cat asked tentatively.

It always felt that Tata had a close relationship with this boy.

Tata, who never interacted with other people, could only spend a long time with this boy.

What does it mean to be special?

Even after traveling in the human realm for so many years, Thalia still has many human emotions that she doesn't understand.

She knew that the special that Boss Cat said was not special in the literal sense, but was related to the special aspect of the human concept of partner or love.

She always wanted to get the answer, so she asked the cat boss for advice.

It has lived for so long and gets along well with humans, so it must understand humans very well.

He always makes you happy, and you will gradually become inseparable from him without realizing it. You will start to care about and be curious about his thoughts. You who were originally calm will easily have mood swings because of him.

The little black cat shook its paws and jumped off the counter when he heard the call from the chef. He turned back and said to Tata.

It has to go to the kitchen again.


Thalia frowned in thought.

It seems that every one of Boss Cat's words is right, and it couldn't be more accurate.

But I still can't understand it.

What went wrong?

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