Don't call me evil god

Chapter 75 New Information

Peter was slightly surprised when he heard the name "Cunning Shadow Gravel" again from the goblin's rolling mouth.

The last time I heard this name, it was Reina who introduced it.

In the manor construction business contracted by the Stonemasons Brotherhood, the middleman is this goblin broker named Cunning Shadow Gravel.

It was originally agreed that good things would come as a final payment, but the other party defaulted on the debt and even invited people from the Blood Fang Gang to harass Reina's family.

It's better now.

Old and new grudges come together.

If you want to get the money, you must find Cunning Shadow Rubble.

"Where is this guy now?" Peter made a guess and lowered his head and asked.

In front of him, Goblin Gungun was trembling with his head in his hands. After Peter took over the topic, his state became "fearful (mild)".

"He got an invitation from Mr. Monger, and he should be attending a party in that large manor these days!"

Peter thought for a moment and asked again:

"This goblin named Cunning Shadow Rubble seems to be very close to the Bloodfang Gang. Do you know anything else about him?"

Goblin Gungun was a little unsure and said: "Once... I heard Rubble say at a party that he seemed to have known Dursley, the leader of the Bloodfang Gang, before he came to power."

"And he also said that he once provided crucial help to Dursley!"

"Do these... count?"

Peter's heart moved.

He originally thought that Cunning Shadow Rubble was similar to the Goblin Gungun in front of him. They were the kind of businessmen who colluded with gangs and used the intimidation of the Blood Fang Gang to carry out business activities in gray areas.

But according to what Gungun said, the connection between that guy and the Bloodfang Gang is much closer than Pete imagined!

Perhaps, after taking care of the leaders of the other two strongholds of the Bloodfang Gang, it is worth finding a way to meet this goblin broker.

Seeing Pet's thoughtful look, Goblin Gungun asked cautiously: "Dear Master, I have told you everything I know. Can I leave?"

Peter shook his head: "Sorry, you can't leave."

There was a buzz in Gungun's head, and his state suddenly jumped from "mild panic" to "severe panic", and he became panicked visibly to the naked eye.

His first reaction was that these people were extremely ruthless in killing the Blood Fang Gang.

And they were very skilled at cleaning up the scene afterwards!

The gangsters from the Blood Fang Gang were moved into the Rolling Bolt Workshop by powerful warriors. There were also mages who mastered [Water Making Technique] and [Wind Making Technique] to clean up the streets and remove all traces of the battle. net!

When the conflict broke out, workers from several other workshops were still working in their respective workshops, so that except for Goblin Gungun and his ogre bodyguard Doom, there were no other witnesses on the street!

Could it be that he was also involved and had to be silenced?

Fortunately, Pett added the following explanation in time:

"Don't be nervous, I mean, you can't leave yet."

"In order to prevent you from leaking the secret, at least tonight, you have to stay in the workshop with us."

"Let's see how you perform after tonight."

Goblin Gungun looked sad and tried to force out a forced smile.

The good news is, it doesn't look like he will be silenced.

Bad news, temporary!

"In addition, we need to borrow the space of your workshop to make something. Is that no problem?"

Dare he say there is a problem!

"No... no problem, of course no problem. I welcome you, Your Excellency..."

While Pat and Goblin Gungun were negotiating, Brandon and other believers also began to study the magical technique of [The Secret of All Things Revealed].

Activation requires 3 knowledge points. As for the subsequent maintenance consumption, it is 0.1 points per hour. Even if it is turned on all day, it will not be used much.

After taking care of this group of Blood Fang Gang members, the activity justice points obtained were enough for them to exchange for enough knowledge points.

With enough points on hand, I naturally wanted to try something new.

At present, many people are trying to activate the magic.

"Supreme wisdom reveals all things!"

With Pett's reminder in front of him, Brandon turned on [The Secret of All Things] and first turned his attention to Pett.

Sure enough, information flooded into my mind:

[Health condition: 97%]

[Mental power: 8%]

[Current status: Mentally exhausted]

Then he looked at the companion who was knocked away by Evan's broken shield:

[Health condition: 41%]

[Anger: 0%]

[Current status: Fracture × 2]

Next to him, there was a priest who had just arrived. He was flipping the scriptures in his hand and repeatedly releasing the God of Radiance's [Secondary Healing] magic.

Glimmers of healing light came on.

In Brandon's eyes, the health of his injured companion was also changing.


The treatment is taking effect and his health is improving.

The world has taken on a new look, and everyone's status can be directly "seen", which makes Brandon couldn't help but sigh in surprise:

"God of knowledge, is this a miracle? It's simply...incredible!"

Although when getting relevant information, he still needs to concentrate on reading it in his mind, which is a bit cumbersome step.

But at least there is no need to strictly follow the steps of prayer and make requests to the God of Knowledge and wait for a response as in the past.

The most important feature of this magical technique is that it realizes automation.

As long as it remains turned on, everything the believer sees and pays attention to will automatically receive a response and learn about the status of the target!

In the Kingdom of God.

The surprise of the believers has nothing to do with Norwen.

Norwen is looking at the ugly "meatball" with a diameter of more than three meters floating in the air in front of him.

"Is my magic successful or failed..."

Norwen is in a complicated mood.

Previously, in order to build the magic, he needed to prepare a carrier.

Because what Norwen did this time was different from the practice simulation and legendary level he had done before.

Those things were essentially Norwen's personal response after receiving the believers' prayers.

When the number of believers was small or the content of the prayers was simple, Norwen could still respond to the believers one by one with his high-speed thinking state after becoming a god.

However, as the Seeking Knowledge Sect continued to spread in the lower city of Green Port, the number of believers increased day by day.

Norwen's response began to gradually fail to keep up.

Especially the effect that Norwen wanted to achieve through the magic this time: after the believers were activated, they could get relevant information wherever they looked.

This means a lot of response feedback.

Norwen alone would be too busy to handle it.

Therefore, Nowen needed a "carrier" that could complete these most basic response operations on his behalf.

In the Kingdom of God, divine power can create things out of thin air according to Nowen's will.

After some effort, Nowen pinched out a hollow metal sphere.

Flawless silver-gray shell, standard and perfect spherical curve.

At first glance, it was full of the beauty of mystical creations.

Then, Nowen planned to give his creation the power of [Eye of God], which belongs to God.

However, what surprised Nowen was that:

When he gave the power of God to the creation in the Kingdom of God, the latter immediately underwent a huge change in the material level!

The original metal material was quickly covered, assimilated, and replaced by the fresh flesh and blood that proliferated!

The shape is still a flawless sphere.

But it changed from a metal sphere to a huge flesh and blood ball that looks full of evil!

The style of painting instantly jumped from mystical creations to the field of evil god creations!

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