Don't call me evil god

Chapter 33 Warrior Route

Nowen of the Kingdom of God was watching his two believers the whole time.

"Wow, this is a good trick!"

Nowen didn't expect that Pete could figure out how to lure others to join the church by being a "shill" without any guidance.

The ones who played the tricks and cooperated were naturally Pete and Rena.

First, through the cooperation of [Real Name Knowing] and [Stealth], a first impression was created for the target, making the other party feel that he was chosen.

Use a note with a name on it to arouse the other party's curiosity.

Claim that there is a way to help people become professionals.

Once someone has an idea because of this, they are hooked!

When they came to the Moni Brothers Tavern, Pete pretended to be one of them who received the note, and followed the "script" designed in advance to respond to Rena.

Nowen could imagine that even if the visitor was originally vigilant, seeing someone experience the relevant divine arts first, or even become a professional by believing in the God of Knowledge, his vigilance would be greatly reduced.

This is the routine that Pete and Rena planned.

People tend to follow the crowd. If there is no one who takes the lead, no one may dare to believe it.

After all, what is said and what is actually done may be completely different. Without seeing the effect of the real ritual and faith, no one dares to believe what Rena said rashly.

But with Pete taking the lead and setting an example, and gaining tangible benefits.

The situation is different!

Noven soon received several sources of faith pointing to him!

It was those who were fooled by Pete and Rena to the Moni Brothers Tavern.

Noven naturally accepted everyone who came!

He is now in need of divine power. The believers are willing to take subjective initiative to help him recruit believers. Noven is so happy.

According to the previously released repeatable task, [The Truth of Our Lord Shines on the Earth], 4 new believers, while accepting faith, Noven gave 10 knowledge points respectively.

Of course, Pete and Rena did not miss the rewards they deserved.

[The Truth of Our Lord Shines on the Earth] was set as a weekly task by Nowen, which can only be triggered and completed once a week, so the two people each received 5 knowledge points.

New believers cannot provide faith to Nowen immediately.

Although the 10 knowledge points awarded to them are pure expenditure for Nowen, they are "benefits" that he gives to new believers for free.

It is equivalent to Nowen paying out of his own pocket and over-issuing in advance.

But Nowen is not worried that this part of the over-issuing "benefits" will go down the drain.

The essence of "knowledge points" is a resource that believers exchange for various information from Nowen.

And information is a resource that can be reused.

Believers can intuitively know how many knowledge points they need to spend to get a response from Nowen.

In the initial operation, Nowen needs to prepare a part of the divine power as the initial cost to activate his authority and obtain the knowledge needed by believers.

However, when the number of believers increases, a large part of the knowledge needed by new believers will overlap with that of old believers.

Every time he reuses, Nowen can recover some of his over-issuing knowledge points.

In the long run, his income will definitely be greater than his expenditure.

As for why new members should be provided with benefits?

Naturally, this benefit should be used as a sweetener to let new believers experience the benefits of this faith!


Brandon followed Lena to recite the prayer, and instantly received the response of the God of Knowledge.

The information that suddenly appeared in his mind scared him.

He trembled all over.

After all, when he went to the church to offer his faith to the God of Radiance before, there would be no oracle descending, and he could only feel his body getting warm.

According to the priests of the Radiance Church.

This is the blessing given by the God of Radiance to believers.

The effect of the blessing is to make people physically strong and not easily affected by the evil aura.

Other than that, nothing else!

He did daily worship at home every day, and the effect was only to maintain the blessing from weakening and dissipating.

For ordinary believers like him, the God of Radiance would not deliberately cast a gaze, let alone an oracle.

As a result, he had just become a believer here, and he could directly receive an oracle? !

"Don't be nervous, this is normal."

After receiving the message that the task [The Truth of the Lord Shines on the Earth] was completed, Lena knew that Brandon had become a believer of the God of Knowledge.

Just like what Pete had done to her before, this time she acted as a guide.

"Pray to the Lord with confidence and tell Him what you want to know."

"The Lord will give you the corresponding knowledge. Of course, the Lord's truth is not free. You need to consume your knowledge points to exchange it."

Brandon thought for a while.

"God of Knowledge, please tell me, what should I do to become a powerful warrior."

He had just finished the talent test, and the result was similar to what he expected. He had a low affinity with several main gods.

In this case, either give up the path of a rated professional, or... develop the potential in your body, try to stimulate and control anger, and become a warrior.

Brandon didn't like those career routes that required daily worship and serious prayers to the corresponding gods.

Because he felt that the gods did not seem to care about him very much, and all he could get from the gods was the most basic blessing that everyone has.

His dream is to travel the continent with a sword, adventure everywhere, and leave his own legends. It is definitely not enough to rely on the basic blessing of the gods.

The warrior is the only rated profession on the continent that does not rely on the power of gods.

The way to practice this route is to learn to control the power of anger, attach anger to various combat skills, and burst out with strong destructive power.

Although warriors do not require any affinity with gods, it is not easy to become a warrior.

Anger is something that you can do if you know it, and you can't if you don't know it.

When people are extremely angry, they can burst out with stronger power than usual.

But this does not mean that anger has been successfully controlled.

To achieve a level 1 rating on the warrior route, the most basic requirement is to use anger freely.

Under the premise that the mood does not fluctuate much and you can still maintain rationality, you must control the power of anger and bless it with combat skills.

Compared with those professional ways of praying to gods for power, if the affinity is high enough, believers are more likely to get the corresponding response of divine power, which is equivalent to reducing the difficulty.

This is why it is best to do a talent detection ceremony first if conditions permit. You can confirm which god you have a higher affinity with and which route is less difficult.

There is no shortcut to the warrior path.

You can only rely on your own efforts.

If you can't control your anger, then any combat skills are just a show.

Brandon had never heard of any god who could help believers on the warrior path before.

But after receiving the oracle of the God of Knowledge, he had hope.

He had never heard of any god who would directly respond to a believer's prayer before!

Maybe... the God of Knowledge is really different from other gods?

[Detected the demands of believers]

[Goal: Starting the warrior's practice path, control anger]

[Requirement: 3 knowledge points]

Brandon's eyes widened with excitement.

"It really works!"


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