Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 323: Attend the charity dinner (16)

Sheng Yuchen had a sullen and handsome face, and his eyes like a bayonet couldn't wait to pierce Mu Chuqing's body.

The mind was filled with anger, and it was about to burst.

He endured it for three years, and everything seemed to be fascinating.

However, since she came back, until now, he has never known.

Two months, it was so difficult!

This **** woman, in less than two months, can she really not feel at ease?

The heart-wrenching pain on the shoulder made Mu Chuqing vaguely guess something.

In order to conceal the bite mark left by Xu Junyu, she deliberately put her hair on one side. Everything went well, but she didn't expect that she was discovered by Sheng Yuchen.

Mu Chuqing's furious eyes flashed, and she withdrew her gaze from Sheng Yuchen's face. There was faint sweat seeping out of her cold face. It was not because of Sheng Yuchen's hand on her wound or because of fear. What, a beautiful face is a little pale.

"What does it have to do with you?!"

Mu Chuqing wanted to bite off her tongue. At this time, she was so nervous that she stammered.

Sheng Yuchen's eyes narrowed again, knowing what she was nervous at the moment.

After a long while, after almost a minute, Sheng Yuchen finally started to laugh.

Mu Chuqing's heart suffocated, and the slender hands on her side slowly tightened.

After several confrontations, Mu Chuqing knew that Sheng Yuchen at this time was more pitiful than his furious face.

The laughter was low, and there was a kind of evil in a seemingly low laugh.

To reach a certain level of horror!

Sheng Yuchen lifted his left hand from Mu Chuqing's wound, and his slender fingers slid lightly around the bite mark on Mu Chuqing's shoulder.

Mu Chuqing took a sip of water nervously, because she turned her head sideways, one side of her slender neck was beautifully curved, but she became tense and tense under Sheng Yuchen's touch.

A long and graceful curve extending straight to the collarbone, exquisite and beautiful.

Sheng Yuchen paused, then stroked her side neck, groping from the base of the ear to the collarbone.

Mu Chuqing's body trembled fiercely, she leaned to the side, and in the next second, a touch of warmth covered her shoulders, holding the bite mark, and the tip of her wet tongue licked it. , Hot, soft.

Mu Chuqing's body trembled so weak that Sheng Yuchen's sudden move was unexpected. She raised her hand to push his head, but her hand just touched Sheng Yuchen's ear.

However, Sheng Yuchen suddenly became fierce, and bit **** Mu Chuqing's original wound.


Unlike the forbearance of being bitten by Xu Jun, Mu Chuqing cried out in pain and pushed Sheng Yuchen's head harder.

After a long time, Sheng Yuchen slowly left Mu Chuqing's shoulders, and Mu Chuqing glared at him, "Madman!"

"That was also forced by you!"


"If you are no good, I will be even more shameless!"


Seeing Mu Chuqing staring at him angrily, his eyes were wide, with two clusters of raging fire.

One of his favorites about her is that she likes to watch her quarrel with him, but she will never be able to beat him. She looks so angrily, very cute.

Sheng Yuchen raised his eyebrows and let out a low laugh.

A bright red hung at the corner of his mouth, and the light projected through the white gauze curtains looked very coquettish.

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