Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2824: People from harm

"I know that this is wrong. I can't afford to face Chuqing, and at the same time I want to occupy Chuqing's position in your heart. I know greed, but I want more... I don't know what I should do!"

"What do you think I should do? This feeling is not good at all, I don't want to have this feeling. It's too contradictory!" Su Nuan shook his head with a helpless expression.

"These two feelings are like ice and fire that cannot appear in my body. No one is used to these two extremes running around in my body at the same time. So these days, I deliberately don’t let myself think about it. Chuqing. So at least it’s easy to get along with you, not deliberately. But now... I can no longer pretend not to know... The more I think about it, the more I feel that I'm so bad..."

With these words, Su Nuan has never confessed to Xu Junyu before and does not want to show the darkest side of her heart. Perhaps, as long as she hides it deep enough, afterwards, if there is any accident, she can also pretend He turned around and left.

But now, she seems to be showing herself too obvious. If there is an accident in the future, she may, and can no longer be free and easy.

I really don't want to let myself become the one who can't let go at a critical time.

Feeling uncomfortable also brings burden to the other party.

"Then continue to go bad!" Xu Junyu suddenly whispered, and when Su Nuan was startled, he said in a deep voice again:

"You are still thinking about the possibility of leaving me in the future, right? Su Nuan, let me tell you, you better stop thinking about this kind of thing!"


"When on earth do you care about Mu Chuqing?! She is unclear about her life and death. If she dies, can I remember her forever? Do I owe her? You don't owe her. Some things, You really need to learn from her. I thought I didn’t pay much attention to her at the beginning, but in the end she chose Sheng Yuchen without hesitation! Even in the end, she still gave him the deepest blow under Sheng Yuchen's nose! In her eyes, apart from her daughter and Sheng Yuchen, where can there be a third person? You, me? As long as there is a little weight in her heart, she will not be reduced to where she is now!"

"I can't continue to love a woman who only loves other men. I once gave her a chance, but she didn't even think about it. How stupid are you to think of me?"

"...Chu Qing was really too sad at first, she lost her mind...otherwise she wouldn't have done anything like that..."

Seeing Xu Jun being so angry with mentioning Chuqing, she couldn't help but want to save Chuqing something.

Xu Junyu gritted her teeth and stared at her, "Can you have a little eye for it?"

"what happened?"

"Speaking of being jealous of her, but at this time, what do you explain for her, what do you want me to do? It's what you want to keep thinking about her, right?"

"..." Su Nuan shook his head and nodded again.

Xu Jun and his expression darkened a bit, "What do you mean?!"

"...I mean Chuqing is good, but she is good, and not everyone loves her. I personally think...I am also good...So will you miss me?"


Xu Junyu twitched an angry face, and was a little caught off guard by Su Nuan's sudden arrival. The reaction was even more dumbfounding.

Can this woman's brain circuits be so strange?

Looking at the gleaming and moist eyes that she was looking forward to, Xu Junyu glanced at her, and said in a bad mood: "No!",

Su Nuan's face was instantly stained with a bit of disappointment. He admitted his fate and said "Oh" without resisting.

Xu Jun and her brows were immediately frowned together, and she squeezed her waist.

"Damn it, do you know when you want to use the word "never forget"? Why are you lost there?!"

Su Nuan's drooping eyes suddenly lifted, looking at him with some incomprehension and expectation.

Xu Junyu sighed helplessly, "If I have other thoughts about Mu Chuqing, I won't mention her casually in front of you. You have to understand, if I have something else in my heart for her Thinking, I will definitely be a guilty conscience, let alone mention her casually in front of you, you know?"

Su Nuan nodded as if understanding or not, Xu Junyu pursed her lips angrily, then looked at her and said:

"You are my wife now, you are so powerful, what you have to do is how to look at me tightly and not let me have the mind to look at the women outside! But now there are many women coveting me, you still have I am worried about a woman who is not by your side! Isn’t that stupid?"

"Are you still thinking about going outside to stir up flowers and grass?" Su Nuan was surprised and angry.

I have never seen him so frank.

"Then see if you have the ability to grab my heart, otherwise I don't guarantee that I will change my mind and fall in love in the future."

Su Nuan's face collapsed upon hearing this, and she stretched out her hand and squeezed Xu Junyu's shoulders, as if she wanted to get off his body, "If this is the case, I'll let go as soon as possible. Save too much! Whoever you want to find Whoever you are looking for, it doesn't matter if you change your mind or fall in love with you!"

Of course Xu Junyu refused to let her go, and the hand that clasped her waist was changed to tightly circled, and he held him in his arms.

"Want to run? It seems that you don't remember what I said just now!"

"It's very profound! It seems that I was really worried about so much before. I originally felt a little sorry for Chu Qing, but now it seems, hehe, I think your heart is exquisite, but you think a lot. I saw love more than once or twice!"

"So?" Xu Jun and raised his eyebrows, with a faint anger between them.

Also mixed with a little smile, a bit like a smile but not a smile.

"So in your heart, Chuqing may not be that important. Since you yourself are still thinking about changing your mind and not falling in love with you, it seems that your feelings for Chuqing are the same thing!"

"En. That's the same thing! But now you have taken over! If you can't hold me, I might find a third, fourth, and fifth woman... I'll be serious with you. It's really not a joke! Now this heart and love are on you, if you can't hold me, once you change your heart and fall in love, you can think about the consequences...

Seeing Xu Jun and that serious expression, Su Nuan frowned, thought for a while, and rubbed Xu Junyu’s buttocks away again.

Xu Junyu raised his eyebrows, his eyes were stained with a smile.

Following Su Nuan's rubbing into his arms, she tightened her waist a bit, and asked her, "What do you do?"

Su Nuan snorted and put her arms around his neck and said, "In order to prevent you from harming other female compatriots, I will accept you for the time being, which can be regarded as killing the people!"

[Wish you a happy New Year's Day, my dears. Oh, love you! 】

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