Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2735: Are you starving to death?

Su Man pursed her lips and didn't think about it anymore. He glanced at Xu Junyu who was standing by, and then asked Su Nuan, "Just got up?"

Xu Junyu nodded, "About an hour ago."

Su Man turned his head and glanced at the clock on the wall, pursing his lips.

"Oh, do you have anything else?"

Xu Junyu glanced at Su Nuan, then shook his head, "It's okay."

Su Man gave a faint "graciousness", took off his bag and coat, and handed it to the servant beside him, "It's almost ready for dinner, right?"

"En. Yes Madam, it will be done soon."

"Let's go, eat."

She walked towards the restaurant first, Su Nuan stood on the spot, covering her face, humming for a long time, wishing to find a place to get in.

So embarrassing, so embarrassing!

She just got pretty funny, why did she do something like that with Xu Junyu in the living room? !

Xu Junyu put her in her arms, "Let's go, aren't you hungry?"

Su Nuan looked up and gave him a fierce look.

"I blame you."

She slapped him on the lips angrily.

"Obviously you teased me in the beginning."

Xu Junyu defended himself somewhat wronged,

"If you are not intolerable, how can you become like this?! Also, if I tease you, you can't be a little reserved? Then you can't stand the teasing.!"


Xu Junyu was stunned for a long time, and had nothing to say for a while.

Why is this little woman's reason? !

"Yes, I can't stand the slightest tease from you! For you, I can't wait to press you every day. What is reserved, can you eat?"

"You... don't touch me casually in the future!"

"I will try my best. You know, my best is meaningless."

Thinking that she also said this sentence yesterday, but in the end such a big "tragedy" happened. Isn't this kind of thing completely based on his temperament?

Pursing her lips, she knew that she had never been the one in control, no matter in terms of speech or action.

Forget it, it's also a cheap mouth, knowing that he can't be said, even if he has been said, the essence will not change, so why do you say so much?

"Went to eat."

Su Nuan simply couldn't answer, and directly gave Xu Jun and a back.


At the dinner table, a few people didn't mention what had just happened.

It was just a long time before Su Nuan who was devouring them. After Su Man and Zhao Hongshan looked at each other, they finally couldn't help but frowned and said:

"You starved to death and reincarnated, eating so much?"

It's no wonder that Su Man is a little choked when talking, because he is really afraid that Su Nuan is stupid.

Newborn children don’t know what to eat, and newborn animals don’t know what to support, but is this girl also just born? !

After a year, she might have a child too. Don’t even let the child take her to death.

She has never seen this appetite.

Although I feel unreliable, but brain problems still need to be treated in advance.

Su Nuan's mouth was stuffed with things, and when Su Man said so, she chewed **** the things in her mouth, finally picked up the water cup beside her and took two swigs.

Su Man's whole face wrinkled in disgust.

" are a girl..."

Su Man still wanted to say something to her, but finally glanced at Xu Junyu and didn't go down.

Even if she is undressed and married, she, a mother, can never pick her daughter's short in front of her son-in-law.

"Just hungry."

"No matter how hungry you are, you have a big stomach. You just ate more cows than two stomachs."

Su Nuan chewed on the things in her mouth, her movements were a little slow, her eyes dropped as if evasive, and she didn't look at them.

"I'm not a fool!"

She whispered, it’s just that the troubled and restless look was too obvious.

Su Man's brows furrowed tighter, and he stretched his hand across the table and lifted Su Nuan's chin. Su Nuan was still chewing on the things in his mouth for a while, but he had reached a state where he couldn't eat anything. , But why do you have to force yourself to eat so much?

Su Man stared at her closely, "What's the matter with you? Okay, what happened in the morning?"

Su Man said, glanced at Xu Junyu next to him, and saw that Xu Junyu was also aware of it, and looked sideways at Su Nuan solemnly.

Su Man also dismissed Xu Jun and the possibility of bullying Su Nuan almost at the same time, "No, didn't you two just be very good? Why did it suddenly become like this?"

"...Mom...what are you talking about?!"

Su Nuan made a big red face by Su Man’s words,

Finally, this topic has passed, okay?

Su Man also felt that he had said a bit too much, and pursed his lips to hide the embarrassment on his face.

"Then what's wrong with you?"

"What's the matter? It's okay, can't you just be hungry?"

The expression on Su Man's face also cooled, and the hand holding Su Nuan's chin was also retracted.

"It's better to be nothing."

Su Man did not continue to ask, Su Nuan breathed a sigh of relief, absently took a red pepper and took a bite in his mouth.

There was a fierce pain on the tip of her tongue, her expressions wrinkled together in an instant, and her blushing face instantly went red.

"Ah..." She stuck her tongue out, fanning her tongue hard with her palms.

" spicy...huhuhu..."

Xu Jun frowned, picked up the juice from the side, and handed it to Su Nuan.

Su Nuan didn't think much about it, and just took a shot.

"What's wrong with you? Su Nuan!"

Seeing Su Nuan drinking a glass of juice at once, the whole person gradually calmed down. Xu Jun and Wei frowned, turned their heads to face her, and asked faintly, "Is it better?"

Su Nuan’s eyes were flushed red, and there was water in the corners of her eyes.

Hearing Xu Junyu caring about her, Su Nuan took a deep breath and nodded, "Well, it's better."

Xu Jun smiled with the hooked lips, "I have eaten, and I will wash my hands."


Xu Junyu looked at Su Man when he turned his head, nodded gently, got up and left the seat.

Su Nuan took out the tissue and wiped his eyes, looking at Xu Junyu's back, and asked uneasy: "Can you be alone?"

"Well, there is no problem for now."

Xu Junyu didn't look back, Su Nuan listened to his tone as normal, raised her eyebrows, and withdrew her gaze.

While wiping his nose, he said:

"Oh, it's so spicy. What kind of pepper is this!"

"Chaotian pepper."

Su Man stared at her, sullenly,

Su Nuan took a breath.

Sure enough, a well-deserved reputation.

After Xu Junyu left the dining table, the indifferent expression on his face suddenly became cold.

In fact, what Su Man just said was correct. Su Nuan was just fine just now, but why did he suddenly become like that when he was eating?

If it was the meaningless quarrel between them before the meal, it would be impossible.

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