Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1251: Loving couple

In the final analysis, this kind of thing like a hundred days of injury and bones, will not really rest for three months.

Less than a month later, things in the company dragged on again and again, and when they could no longer drag on, Pei Anzhi reluctantly went to work.

Two people are still the same, one in the public relations department on the twelfth floor, and one in the president's office on the top floor.

However, the atmosphere between the two people has obviously changed.

In the morning, two people came to work together and took Pei Anzhi's exclusive elevator tacitly. At noon, Pei Anzhi would take the initiative to call Ye Susu, and the two would directly meet in the office for lunch, and in the evening they would go home from get off work together.

It looks like an enviable loving couple.


Since Pei Anzhi started working, there have been meetings almost every day, and Ye Susu is naturally among them.

Sitting in the upright position, Pei Anzhi is still as usual, his handsome face is as cold and ruthless as ever.

Pei Anzhi is notoriously meticulous in his work, and his requirements for employees are extremely strict.

In the entire conference room, dozens of executives, none of them dared to take the initiative to look at him in position.

Men who are usually indifferent and accustomed to, their blank faces cannot tolerate the slightest mistake.

When encountering tricky and unable to find a better way, that frowning brow almost turned the entire huge conference room into an ice cave.

In today's meeting, apart from discussing the plans for the two new quarters, one more thing was decided: Pei Anzhi is going to travel.

Go to France for five days.

The business trip plan that I pushed down before is still brought up now.

Before the meeting ended at noon, Ye Susu did not return to the twelfth floor, but took the folder, hesitated for a while, and went directly to Pei Anzhi's office.

When he opened the door of Pei Anzhi's office, Ye Susu saw Pei Anzhi standing by the window, his neat and expensive suit ironed meticulously, making him tall and slender, and his proportions were almost perfect.

Ye Susu sighed slightly, turned around and closed the office door, walked slowly to the desk, put the documents in his hand on the desk, walked behind Pei Anzhi, stretched out his arms from behind him and hugged his waist. .

In fact, Ye Susu held a bit of temptation when doing this action.

Pei Anzhi has always been a person with a clear distinction between public and private. He is not only meticulous to his employees, but also to himself.

She took the opportunity to be rejected by Pei Anzhi, but what was unexpected is that Pei Anzhi's body was only slightly stiff, and there was no movement. Instead, she let her hold it, as if she had known her arrival a long time ago.

"What are you looking at?"

Ye Susu asked softly, with a little melancholy undetectable in her tone.

Pei Anzhi's beautiful and black eyes swept slightly over the newspaper in his hand, and finally put it away calmly, put the newspaper on the side of the magazine rack, turned around, and looked down at Ye Susu.

The look in the black eyes was a little obscure.

Ye Susu was unclear, so he didn't know what Pei Anzhi was thinking at the moment, and subconsciously put his eyes on the newspaper he had just put on the magazine rack.

She intuitively felt that if something happened, it might be something in that newspaper.

"What happened?"

Ye Susu asked worriedly, while talking, reaching for the newspaper.

The hand stretched in the air was suddenly grabbed by Pei Anzhi, and then held in the palm of his hand.

Ye Susu frowned slightly and looked at him puzzled.

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