The next day, Tang Xinluo received a call from Bai Yu.

On the other end of the phone, Bai Yu's voice was uneasy.

"Miss Tang, I will ask you again. Are you really sure, you want to withdraw your case?"

Hearing Bai Yu's voice, Tang Xinluo couldn't help but tighten.

She took a breath in silence, not knowing what she was afraid of, and whispered, "I'm sorry, Lawyer Bai, I know I made you work for nothing, but..."

"Miss Tang—" Tang Xinluo could almost hear that Bai Yu said this sentence through gritted teeth, "Since this is your decision, I have no right to interfere. But please remember the decision you made today, and hope that in the future , You will not regret it."

Tang Xinluo didn't have time to say anything to save her, and there was already a blind tone on the other end of the phone.


This is hanging up.

It seems that Bai Yu is really angry.

Tang Xinluo felt a little sorry for Bai Yu. For this case, she knew that Bai Yu had spent a lot of energy and time preparing.

Because the opposing lawyer is Fan Qinyi, and Fan Qinyi has the Lu family behind him, Bai Yu attaches great importance to her divorce case.



She sighed and felt that Bai Yu was always introduced by an acquaintance.

After revoking the divorce entrustment, you should still tell Diana.

The call is connected.

Tang Xinluo explained the situation to Diana on the other end of the phone.

"Puff, I thought it was something serious... it turned out to be this. Don't worry, don't feel embarrassed. Bai Yu is like this. I guess he is 80% Virgo, so he is so critical and serious."

On the phone, Diana's voice sounded normal.

This made Tang Xinluo relieved.

However, in the next second, she heard Diana's tone.

"But... Xin Luo, have you really decided to forgive your husband? That Gu Xuan'er, he secretly raised her in Country M, so you don't care about it at all?"

Tang Xinluo smiled bitterly, "It must be caress. To be honest, I will be jealous... But Diana, she is my husband's lifesaver. It can be said that without her, there would be no my husband..."

Tang Xinluo roughly told Diana about Gu Xuan'er saving Lu Yuchen.

"There is such a **** experience... no wonder your husband wants to treat her illness."

"Yeah, but if Yuchen doesn't care about her, I probably have to worry about it. Thinking in the right direction, this just shows that Yuchen is a responsible and responsible man, isn't it? And... I think too much, think about it carefully, whether a person likes you, is it true or not, you can feel it with your heart."

She just calmed down and carefully recalled the past of the two.

Lu Yuchen's spoiling and possessiveness towards her made him jealous of her crazy.

Those past experiences are so real.

Such feelings cannot be faked.

"Well, since this is your choice, I show respect." Compared to Bai Yu, Diana's attitude was much more relaxed.

"But Xinluo, even if your husband does nothing to Gu Xuan'er, she is not a fuel-efficient lamp at first glance. As long as she was in the medical center last time, she could show her ambition by looking at your husband's eyes. I'm back now, in City A, are you afraid of what will happen to him and your husband?"

Tang Xinluo laughed when she heard the words, "She and Lu Yuchen knew before me, if something really happened, it would have happened long ago. What's more, Yuchen has something to go abroad and will go for a while. Here is Gu Xuan'er. When I came back this time, I was really unlucky, and I was empty."

[The author has something to say] Today is still 10 more chapters, more to 540 chapters, this is to make up the number of chapters that were not changed in the morning.

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