Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 511: Secretly to Gu Xuan'er

That's it for Lu Yuchen.

If nothing happened, help Gu Xuan'er and walk past them.

Diana almost couldn't control the evil fire in her heart. Tang Xinluo grabbed her arm when she wanted to go up to the theory.

"Diana, don't go..."

"Why not, he just saw you clearly..."

"I know." Tang Xinluo nodded, looked at the familiar figure, and supported another woman as she walked farther and farther.

"Knowing that you still won't let me stop them!" Diana was really furious. "You are at least his wife in name now. He treats you this way, can't you just ask?"

"Diana, it's useless. As I said, we can't go back anymore..."

Tang Xinluo bowed his head, letting his coolness erode his heart.

"You don't need to ask him anything. If you are really good for me, help me take a picture of both of them and send it to Lawyer Bai."


Lu Yuchen helped Gu Xuan'er get into the car.

It wasn't until the car started that Tang Xinluo and the others were out of sight, that he quickly let go and held Gu Xuan'er's hands.

Not only opened the distance between the two, but also deliberately sat on the other side.

"Yu Chen?" Gu Xuan'er looked at him suspiciously, thinking that she was thinking too much.

Why at that moment, not only did I feel the chill radiating from Lu Yuchen's body?

There is even a seemingly disgusting feeling.

"Huh?" Lu Yuchen turned his head to look at her, his expression indifferent.

This was completely different from Lu Yuchen, who had soft eyebrows and seemed gentle and considerate just now.

"Yu Chen... Did I come back suddenly and disturbed you? Sorry, I didn't mean it... Because Dad said that the medical team at my cousin's family can take care of my body better, so I..."

"It's none of your business." Lu Yuchen frowned and interrupted her.

But the coldness between the eyebrows remains unabated.

"After you go back, take a good rest. I have been busy recently and may not have time to see you."

"Well, I know. It doesn't matter, as long as you don't blame me for coming back suddenly... Yuchen, thank you, I know that you are busy with business. But even so, when you hear the news of my return, you are the first to rush Come and accompany me to check, really...I am very touched."

Gu Xuan'er evoked a smile that she thought was the most understanding, her pale face, soft and weak eyebrows, she looked infinitely affectionate.

However, the tender and considerate Lu Yuchen expected did not appear.

He just said nonchalantly, without denying it, or answering the conversation.

The two of them were speechless all the way until the driver drove the car downstairs to an apartment.

"This is closer to your cousin's medical center."

Lu Yuchen just learned that Yue Ze was actually Gu Xuan'er's cousin.

"You will live here in the future. Ma Li came back from Country M specifically to take care of you this time. She will stay here to take care of you. If you have any needs, tell her."

Gu Xuan'er got off the plane and was taken directly to the medical center.

On the way there, she called Lu Yuchen, originally thinking that Lu Yuchen would come to see her later.

But as soon as she arrived at the medical center, Lu Yuchen hurried over to her unexpectedly.

She thought that Lu Yuchen was really different to herself.

But now, he doesn't take him back to Lu's house, but instead lets her live in this kind of ordinary apartment.

The moment of disappointment on his face.

[The author has something to say] Update 3.23 starts~

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