Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 2115: Are you really pregnant?

"Xiaoqing, you...what's wrong with you, where is it?"

Seeing Su Qing suddenly covering her mouth, as if choking, Xinluo went over and patted her on the back.

However, Su Qing's situation has not only not been relieved, it has become more and more serious.

She covered her mouth, first coughing, then quickly turned into retching...

After several times, I couldn’t stop, the state was like--

"Xiaoqing, are like this, it won't be..."

Xinluo had pregnant with children three times, and when she saw that Su Qing's state was wrong, she immediately had a guess.

Unprovoked retching, and Su Qing has been sleeping a lot recently, always lacking sleep.

All these symptoms indicate that Su Qing is very likely to be...pregnant.

Thinking of this possibility, Xin Luo hurriedly held Su Qing and gently stroked her back: "Xiao Qing, did you smell something uncomfortable? Your period this month, when should you come? remember?"

Su Qing was feeling that something messed up in her stomach was rampaging, as if it was in her stomach, full of nausea.

It's when the stomach feels uncomfortable, and the world is dizzy.

Su Qing suddenly heard Xin Luo's voice, and Su Qing didn't react immediately.

When Xin Luo asked anxiously, she endured the nausea and reluctantly said: "This month has been postponed for two weeks. It was not uncommon before. It is easy to get busy day and night... easy..."

Subconsciously speaking this paragraph, but before finishing speaking, Su Qing found the problem herself.

She has been with Qiao Mohan for the past two months. Although Qiao Mohan would take up a lot of time at Qiao's house at night, she didn't need to reverse the filming day and night like in the past on the set.

She... hasn't been busy for a long time...

Nor did it consume a lot of effort because of work.

Therefore, her period should not be postponed.

Two weeks later... Su Qing suddenly raised her apricot eyes that had been wet with tears, and stared at Xin Luo for an instant.

" say, am I... pregnant with a baby?"

A light flashed in Su Qing's eyes. If this were true, then the arrival of this child would be nothing less than an unexpected surprise to her.

However, this surprise has not been held yet.

Those bright and translucent apricot eyes dimmed suddenly.

No, that's not right, this is not a surprise...

She and Qiao Mohan, they have become like this and can't go back anymore.

This child should never come at this time.

This is not a surprise, it is not...

Before Xin Luo could answer, she saw Su Qing's eyes lit up and glowed.

But in the next second, those twinkling eyes dimmed again in an instant.

"Xiao Qing... don't think about it..."

After experiencing the difficult and arduous process of falling in love with Lu Yuchen, Xin Luo could see at a glance what she was worried about without Su Qing.

"I'm not sure whether you are pregnant or not. All of this will be determined after the doctor completes the examination for you. But Xiaoqing, you only have to remember one sentence--"

"If you are pregnant with a baby, no matter what you plan to do in the future, I will always be behind you to support you and always be your strongest backing."

"Xiaoqing, I will respect all your decisions... If you want to give birth to your baby and take care of it yourself, then we will take care of it by ourselves. I will treat your baby as if you are your own baby. If you want to find a baby A family, then I will help you seriously find a good man so that you and your baby can have a happy home."

"If... if you still like Qiao Mohan and want to be with him. Don't worry, it's tied up, I will tie Qiao Mohan back for you too!"

[Next chapter before 19 o'clock]

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