Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 951: I am apostate for you (7)

It is a parcel about one meter long and looks thin, like a picture frame or an oil painting.

In fact, Jiang Beize vaguely knew who sent it from him, and when he opened it, it turned out that it was sent by Song Yuan.

There are two men in the picture.

One of them, with a broken arm, just leaned against the wall, watching the man lying on the ground.

The man on the ground had no eyes, and a pool of blood was flowing next to him. The blood stains were rendered in black color, adding a bit of oppression and heaviness.

There is a sentence behind the painting, the handwriting of a beautiful woman:

"Guess which is you and which is Song Nan's tomb?"

She is telling the future of him and Song Nan's tomb.

Jiang Beize felt that everything looked like, because the broken arm hurts and the bleeding hurts.

On the surface, the person lying on the ground suffered the most injuries and shed the most blood, but psychologically speaking, the one who was watching was the most painful.

Jiang Beize lost this painting, and he looked uncomfortable and depressed. If you don’t feel happy about the things someone gave, you don’t need to stay at home, right?

After lunch at noon, Song Yikai suddenly came to Jiang Beize.

Jiang Beize didn't know how he knew here.

"Song Nan's tomb has not returned yet..." Jiang Beize said, standing at the door.

As soon as he finished speaking, he scratched his head. Isn't this a self-assertion? As expected, he still didn't speak smoothly and didn't turn his mind fast enough.

Song Yikai: "You should be fine now, I'll take you to a place."

"Where to go?"

"You'll know when you go."


Following Song Yikai's journey, Jiang Beize said "sorry" to Song Yikai several times.

But Song Yikai did not reply to him.

Song Yikai drove Jiang Beize in a car. Fifteen minutes later, the car stopped in front of a construction site.

A man in blue worker clothes and a yellow hard hat, wearing gloves, carrying a cement brick on his shoulder, was running back and forth, sweating profusely, and his face was ashamed.

Jiang Beize's tears flowed out at once.

Before seeing the workers on the construction site, he didn't have much emotion in his heart, only respect, because every job deserves to be respected.

But now when I saw a sloppy tomb of Song Nan, his heart seemed to have been pierced by a needle, and the dense pain struck him piercingly, making him breathless.

Song Yikai was expressionless on the side:

"This kid has never done such a sloppy job since he was a kid. He is stubborn and bullish. I want to find him a decent job. If he doesn't want it, he has to find a job by himself instead of me."

Jiang Beize moved his lips, "I'm sorry."

"No, you didn't feel sorry for me. I should say that I am sorry. Our old Song family has treated him badly for so many years. I didn't educate him well and make him unwilling to live a life of duty!"

That said, Jiang Beize felt even more uncomfortable.

He glanced at the tomb of Song Nan on the construction site again. He was tall and young, and he stood out from the crowd of middle-aged men.

How could he be wronged like this...


Song Nan's tomb came back in the evening.

He was dressed in a suit, his body was fresh, and his hair was spotless.

With a few bags in hand, I threw them on the coffee table, saying it was a gift from the boss.

Which boss still gave the employees a gift?

Is it true that he has never seen the world?

Jiang Beize sat on the sofa, tried his best to suppress the bitterness in his heart, and glanced at him, "Which company did you apply for?"

"Ah, uh, what is it called?"

Song Nan's tomb scratched his head, "The name is hard to remember. Anyway, it's a clerk's job. The salary is good. There are five social insurances and one housing fund. The salary will gradually increase in the future."

As he said, he untied a bag of popcorn and stuffed it into his arms, "Try it."

Jiang Beize likes to eat sweet things, because he will be in a good mood. Songnan Tomb didn't like it before, but now he also likes it.

"I don't want to eat it anymore, don't buy these things in the future, eat more to gain weight."

"Are you still afraid of gaining weight?"

The tomb of Song Nan heard Jiang Beize say that he was afraid of gaining weight for the first time, and found it very funny. He sat down beside him with one arm on the sofa.

The light was hidden, reflecting Jiang Beize's red eyes, and Song Nan's tomb frowned in the next second.

"Why are your eyes swollen again? Are there really mosquitoes in the house?"

I touched his eyes for a closer look, but the latter flicked his hand away.

"Are you hungry? There are noodles in the pot. Go and eat some."

"I have eaten outside, don't you know, our company had a dinner with employees on the first day."

I thought I went to the hotel to take a shower, then I found a restaurant nearby, and I came back after dinner.

Obviously it is such a poor acting skill, in fact...

In fact, if Song Yikai had not taken him to the construction site to see it today, he would really believe what Song Nan's tomb said.

He was different from him. He lied to himself without any flaws. He always had an unruly tone. A proud man would be so humble behind his back.

Jiang Beize looked at the ceiling.

I was afraid that tears would fall again with my head down.

He took a deep breath and sketched out a smile, "Then you go take a shower and rest early."

"Wait later, I went to the mall today and bought this."

Song Nan's tomb looked in a good mood, with a smile on the corners of his eyes and eyebrows, and took out a fine jewelry box from his pocket.

Jiang Beize only glanced at it and knew what it was, but he pretended not to know, and asked innocently, "What is this?"

"open to take a look."

A face, opened, an expression that will not disappoint you!

Jiang Beize slowly opened, two rings, platinum rings.

"Is it for your future wife? It looks pretty." Jiang Beize said with a smile.

Song Nan's tomb hummed, "Ang, for the future wife, do you want to wear it for her to see if it is appropriate?"

"I won't do it, this is something for your wife."


Song Nan's tomb pulled Jiang Beize's hand, took out a ring and put it on his ring finger.

"Yes, your hands are as thin as my future wife and the same size."


Jiang Beize took off the ring with a smile.

"Keep it, you personally put it on her on the wedding day."

On the hands of his most beautiful bride.

That bride will be the happiest person in the world.

Song Nan's tomb frowned and put it on again.

"Making it again, chopped off your hands."

Then I went to take a bath.

This night, Song Nan slept very early and slept very deeply. It was exhausted, and it was especially easy for people to fall asleep when they were exhausted.

Jiang Beize almost stayed up all night. He held the ring and cried all night, just like acting in a pantomime, silently, only the bitter taste of tears slipped to his mouth for him to taste and leave.

It was almost dawn, he turned around, facing the tomb of Song Nan, staring at this curved face.

"Brother Nan, you are so good, you don't know how good you are..."

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