Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 948: I am apostate for you (4)

The bar the man brought Jiang Beize to, Jiang Beize had never been to before.

The terrain is very biased, somewhat hidden, and the name is low-key and unassuming, and the sign is a string of dark Thai.

After entering, there were not many people inside, but it was very noisy. Looking around, there were a bunch of men gathered inside, and no woman was seen in a radius of ten miles.

Jiang Beize is not stupid, he understood at once, what is this place.

The middle-aged man walking in front of him smiled and joked about his phrase "little milk dog, I like it", which should be true.

The man sat down at the bar and snapped his fingers at the bartender. Without words, the bartender offered a cup of blue-green cocktail. The moment his eyes met, the bartender directly kissed the middle-aged man's face.

"You slow down."

Jiang Beize frowned and looked at this scene with nausea.

He is not suitable for this kind of mixed place. Compared with open bars, he still prefers art and elegance. It is best if there is no dazzling crystal lamp. There is a guitarist on the stage while singing while playing slow folk songs.

"Boy, what do you want to drink?" The man's gaze fell on Jiang Beize, playing with the cocktail in his hand, and drank it without blinking his eyes.

"Beer... OK?"

Jiang Beize has never drunk alcohol since he was a child, not even once, but the beer has a relatively low degree, so it should be fine.

"you sure?"

The man’s eyes contained three-point teasing and provocation, Jiang Beize nodded, his eyes are very pure and big, in the whole bar, there is no clean and delicate boy like him, too delicate, skinny boy , He can fall to the ground with a light touch.

Relying on this beauty, Beize has always deceived Luye Honghua since childhood, and now his 30-year-old uncle is also attracted.

The uncle was not kidding, and ordered the bartender to bring 30 mugs of beer and put them on the table one by one.

A full glass of draft beer, about 800ml, Jiang Beize swallowed, only to see such a big glass at the Oktoberfest.

"Boy, whoever can't drink first will lose. If I lose, the pen will be returned to you. If you lose, you will have to stay with me all night tonight."

Jiang Beize nodded, "I am willing to accept the bet and I hope you will not break your promise."

"Hahaha, don't worry, seeing you are so young, I'm thirty-five, and I'm trying to face it."

The man said, shouting and clapping, attracting the rest of the men to look over.

"Hey guys, please give me Sun Feng as a witness. I bet this kid to drink. If he can't drink me, he will have to stay with me all night!"

As soon as these words came out, the others clapped their hands and applauded, watching the lively throwing down the wine in their hands and gathering around, and a few wretched people looked up and down Jiang Beize.

"Brother Feng, this kid is nice, innocent, where did he get it?"

"I picked it up on the road today by fate, let's start—"

The man named Sun Feng waved his hand and motioned to Jiang Beize to drink first.

Jiang Beize brought his first glass of beer.

After taking a sip, he frowned, and couldn't tell the taste. It didn't taste good anyway, without coffee and Coke.

It took him ten minutes to finish a drink, and Sun Feng laughed heartily, "It's just that virtue, compared with Lao Tzu, I let you ten minutes, now I won't let you!"

After speaking, Sun Feng picked up the cup in front of him and started drinking.

Seeing Sun Feng starting to act, Jiang Beize was unwilling to show weakness and took the second cup, but after he finished the second cup, Sun Feng on the opposite side had already had three cups of wine.

Jiang Beize picked up the third cup and gulped down.

That kind of feeling is like being soaked in the sea. I sucked a lot of sea water, and I have become less and less able to taste it. My throat is swallowing mechanically. I can't wait for the wine to be swallowed as soon as I reach my mouth.

The fourth cup, the fifth cup...

Jiang Beize felt that his belly was going to be bursting with alcohol. From the corner of his eye, he stared at the opposite Sun Feng. He had already had seven cups, and he was two cups behind.

"Drink! Drink! Drink!"

The people around are clamoring. It’s not too big to watch the excitement. The battle is very similar to the boxing arena. No one cares how uncomfortable the parties are. Everyone only cares about winning or losing, waiting for the final result, because the winner is the strong one. , A society where the weak and the strong prey is so simple and rude.

Jiang Beize started the sixth cup...

Halfway through the drink, he vomited, really reaching his throat, even if he told himself to stick to it over and over again, but everyone's situation is different, and everyone's limit is different.

"Boy, can't it?"

As the leader, Sun Feng triumphantly raised the mug in his hand. Some people couldn’t understand Sun Feng’s face and pushed Jiang Beize’s shoulder. “You’re a weak chicken, this is only the sixth cup. Kneeling? Go ahead and do it!"

"..." Jiang Beize took a sip and vomited again.

Perhaps he is still too weak, and this little wine is not good. In the past few years of studying abroad, he has to find a coffee shop to do odd jobs. He does not have the tomb of Song Nan to drink. Song Nan’s tomb is a person who joined the company. Yellow and red, it is poured into the belly without blinking.

It was at this moment that he felt the same way. In fact, as his other half, he was very useless. He had been protected by him, had been affecting him, causing him a lot of suffering, but he didn't say anything.


The sound of the cup bursting was extremely harsh.

The bar, which was still lively just now, suddenly became quiet. Everyone held their breath and did not speak. Everyone's eyes were on the man who walked over from the sofa not far away.

The size of 186, wearing a black coat, sneakers, board inches, very capable, strong bones, sharp eyebrows, like an eagle.

"So handsome, so handsome~ Good man, I like it!"

I don’t know which sissy in the crowd yelled, and she even dared to post it. The next second she was thrown on the ground. Song Nan’s tomb stepped on the man with two feet, and the man was not angry, with a look of "I Just like being abused.

"I'll drink it for him!"

The tomb of Song Nan directly embraced Jiang Beize's neck, and the arm fell down, resting on his shoulder.

Sun Feng raised his eyebrows and said badly, "Who are you?"

"What's wrong with this kid's bodyguard, dare not drink with me?"

"Oh, I have just drunk ten cups, and if I drink with you now, isn't it that I suffer?" Sun Feng is not an easy master.

Song Nan's tomb swept across the mug on the table and moved the corner of his mouth, "There are still 14 glasses on the table. In this way, I drink ten glasses and you drink four, and you drink faster than anyone else!"

This sale is a good deal.

The rest of the people said yes, let Sun Feng accept the move, don't persuade.

Sun Feng is a frequent visitor to this **** bar. He wants face and performance. He thought that drinking 10 cups of Songnan Tomb and 4 cups by himself is equivalent to drinking one. Songnan Tomb needs 2.5 cups, which is not comparable to ordinary people. speed.

"Yes! Comparable, I'm afraid of you?"

Served the eleventh cup.

Song Nan's tomb held the first cup.

He wrapped Jiang Beize’s neck with his right hand, took the wine in his left hand, and after drinking a glass, he smashed the empty glass directly on the ground, as if venting some kind of anger, casual and wild, his eyes became bloodthirsty a little bit. The spectators all around hid away.

Jiang Beize kept his head down. He didn't speak or move. At first, he saw the tomb of Song Nan with light and shadow coming towards this side. His pupils were still moving, and now there was no reaction at all.

Sun Feng also reached the bottom line. He drank the twelfth cup. He couldn't drink anymore, and he started to vomit. Looking at the tomb of Song Nan on the opposite side, he was still drinking. His throat moved very urgently. Obviously, there was no change in his complexion, as natural as drinking water.

Ten cups of Song Nan Tomb are finished.

Bottomed out.

Sun Feng was still in the twelfth cup and was unwilling to admit defeat.

Upon seeing the tomb of Song Nan, he asked the bartender for two large glasses of wine. After drinking it without frowning, the twelfth cup hit Sun Feng's feet directly.

"I drank 12 cups and he drank 6 cups. We have a total of 18 cups, is that enough?!"


Enough enough. Sun Feng finally couldn't hold on anymore, his face turned pale, he waved his hand, and directly acknowledged his death.

Jiang Beize, who had been unresponsive, finally moved, trying to remove the arm of his shoulder, but that arm slammed his wrist and pulled him away from the bar.

No one dared to stop, everyone gave way to Song Nan's tomb by appointment, for fear of being smashed by his cup.

Today, the wind in Lucheng is still bitter. Jiang Beize went downstairs to pick up a pen. He didn't wear his coat, and he even wore household cotton slippers on his feet.

"You...don't care about me..." Jiang Beize's teeth were shaking. It was too cold outside, and his toes were immediately numb. When he was speaking, he could see the white mist on his lips.

"Yes, I don't want to care about you either. What kind of thing are you making me toss with you?!"


Song Nan’s tomb’s lips were pale, and his face was a little red. It should be because he had been drinking too much. Jiang Beize only glanced at it and forced himself to look away. His eyes couldn’t see it, but the picture just now took shape in his mind. .

"I don't count anything, it's the same for both of us anyway, some things don't need to be said too clearly, we all understand."

"You know what a fart, you know!"

Along with this curse, he banged his fist directly past Jiang Beize's ear, and hit the wall behind him.

He looked back at the wall and looked at the imprint on it so that he could imagine the man in front of him, how **** the back of his hand was, and his heart was so blurred, but what could be done? This was originally a wrong thing. It was wrong from beginning to end!

"In the future-don't let me see you being bullied like your grandson!"

Jiang Beize couldn't recover for a long time.

When he recovered, the boy who said that sentence was no longer in front of him.

He left. He didn't know when he left. The air was colder than before, and the coldness was so heavy that his lungs hurt by taking a breath.

There is also a man’s down jacket on the ground. It is the jacket worn by Song Nan’s tomb just now. He threw his clothes on the ground, as if throwing all his pride and self-esteem on the ground, making him trample, but wanting him to see it. Until...I care about you!

I don't care about you, why drink so much wine for you!

Jiang Beize squatted down, slowly picked up the coat on the ground and put it on, tears streaming out, Song Nan's tomb was right, he was more hypocritical than a woman.

"Hey, kid, you haven't left yet—"

Sun Feng chased it out, shivering and handed the pen to Jiang Beize.

Faced with the boy's dim teary eyes, Sun Feng clasped his fists in both hands, "Your bodyguard is too good, but you can't do it. Return this pen to you. I was wrong to harass you today, don't mind!"

He patted Jiang Beize on the shoulder, and went back after speaking.

Jiang Beize held this pen and felt even more painful.

The pen came back, but people, people never come back.

"Tsk tusk, you are the person that Song Nan's tomb likes."

A crisp female voice pulled back Jiang Beize's thoughts.

The girl in a white lamb dress, tied a ball head, stretched out a white hand in front of him, "Hello, my name is Song Yuan, I am the fiancee of Song Nan's tomb."

Song Yuan's tone was very natural, which made Jiang Beize suddenly embarrassed.

He and Song Nan’s tomb have not been in contact for half a month. Usually, if the couple does not contact for half a month, the relationship is weakened, and they broke up automatically. Moreover, Song Yikai cares so much about the future of Song Nan’s tomb and introduces him to a new one. The subject is also normal.

"Hello, Jiang Beize."

The voice is not as sweet and greasy as Song Yuan, it is more clean and clear, and softer than Song Yuan. Jiang Beize has a scholarly ink spirit that many girls don't have.

Song Yuan held Jiang Beize's hand and frowned worriedly, "Your hands are so cold, let's find a warm place to keep warm, there is a cafe in front of us, let's go in."

Jiang Beize knew very well that in addition to acquaintances, people who suddenly became enthusiastic about you either had requests or had something to say to you.

Song Yuan is the latter.

When he entered the coffee shop, Song Yuan began to talk to Jiang Beize with joy, three and a few words from Song Nan's tomb, and talked about the experience of meeting him for the first time and how difficult this person was to get along with.

Jiang Beize doesn't like to interrupt others, even if he really doesn't want to listen to these words, the etiquette education he received from childhood allowed him to maintain the most gentleman's politeness, and quietly listened to the other side's words before expressing his attitude:

"you like him."

Only when you like a person can you talk about him and dance with your hands, wishing the whole world to know the intersection between her and him.

"Yes, I like him. I can say that I fell in love with him at first sight. Actually, I am a painter. I admire Picasso the most. He is a typical representative of Impressionism. I yearn for a free and unruly soul, and of course I also admire people of the same type. "

"Oh, that's alright."

Jiang Beize didn't know what else he could say, the other party was generous, and in comparison, he looked like a thief at a loss, like a third party who couldn't be seen.

He will never see it.

Because of inherent prejudice, inherent bigotry, and human nature.

"So can you let him go?" Song Yao blinked and said. She looked at Jiang Beize's eyes, not in a negotiated tone, but more like a command.

Jiang Beize: "I have let him go."

"But he hasn't let go of you yet. You can see that your temperament is warm and soft, as soft as a sheep. I hope you can be tougher and more decisive, and speak absolutely to Song Nan's tomb, let him completely give up, you Can you understand what I mean?"

"I see... I remembered that I still had something to do at home, so I left first. I will pay you for the coffee. Goodbye."

After Jiang Beize finished speaking, he turned and left. He was still wearing the coat of Song Nan's tomb. He didn't know what it was. It was a kind of irony, a kind of hypocritical love. He wanted to take it off and couldn't bear it, but this coat burned people.

From the inside out, it burned his heart, his face flushed and his eyes flushed.

Everyone told him to let go of Song Nan's tomb.

Just like Pei Jinling asked him to say, you let your second brother's inheritance right, don't grab the company with him!

As if he knew his life experience, he had two mothers, one was the mother who provided the egg cells, and the other was the surrogate mother. The surrogate mother found him, and after a bit of tears and tears, he finally held his hand……

"If your second brother hadn’t asked me to come to you, I wouldn’t have come here. I now have my family and husband, and you can live a good life, so even if you know it, don’t disturb my life. , It was my fault at the beginning, so many years have passed, shall we let each other off?"

Let it go? Let it go?

He never wanted to bind anyone, why did everyone ask him to let it go?

Jiang Beize wiped a tear and took a taxi and left. Weakness is not a weapon, let alone a protection card. He doesn't blame anyone.


Song Yuan was still sitting in that coffee shop, eating tiramisu with his head down, and then woken up with a fist.

Following the fist, slowly looking upwards, and saw the gloomy face of Song Nan's tomb, as if someone owed him money.

"What happened to your hand?" Song Tao asked.

That right hand, with its skin open and fleshy, should have hit something before, and now it has added a new injury, and the bruising is more serious.

Wanting to check him, Song Nan's tomb took the lead and took the lead.

"What did you tell him?"

He knows who he is.

When Song Nan's tomb passed by this cafe, he only saw Jiang Beize's red eyes. He was very mournful. He took a taxi and left. Then along the glass, he saw Song Yuan sitting inside.

Song Yuan took a breath.

"I didn't say anything, I just watched him standing by the side of the road, fearing that he would be cold, and briefly chatted with him. The chats were all short in the parents. I am not a broken mouth--"

"I ask you one last time, what did you tell him?!"

Song Nan's tomb almost yelled at this sentence, and Song Yan's shoulders trembled with fright. People around who were eating looked over, with different eyes, reprimanding him for being impolite.

The waiter walked over and asked Song Nan's tomb if he could help.

Song Nan's tomb rubbed his forehead and said "I'm sorry". Today, I was so angry that I was about to have a brain hemorrhage, and I lost control. All my sense and calmness grew wings and flew away.

Calm down now, sit down opposite Song Yuan, and he said sorry to her.

Song Yuan shrugged his shoulders disapprovingly, "It doesn't matter, you can see that you are in a bad mood right now."

"Well... I was so angry with him, I don't know what to do, what to do with him."

"Do you like him that much? But you definitely won't be together. First of all, your brother won't agree."

Song Yuan is the younger sister of a colleague from Song Yikai's company and knows a little about Song Yikai.

Song Nan's tomb frowned, "It's not your turn to intervene in my affairs. Don't think that you have the same surname as mine, so you can take care of me."

"Cut...I'm all for your own good, and I kindly regard it as a donkey liver and lungs, you are actually so handsome, you should fall in love with the opposite sex."

"I talked to the opposite **** before."

"Huh? So you are a double?"

Well, he is a double.

But so what?

Someone used to say that he was bisexual, pointing to him, and talking about him behind his back. He had no good feelings for these people who thought they were on the moral high ground, unless it was sometimes in a bad mood, who would dare to talk. He, he beat him so hard that his father could not recognize him.

In the past few years, the wind has come and rained, and he has tempered and matured a lot. He has been able to accept this fact calmly.

"I just like him, I like him, whether he is a male, female, transgender, plastic surgery, or vegetative clone, I don't care, OK?"


Song Yuan nodded blankly, and then grinned, "I like you more and more. You love freedom, and our two personalities are really similar!"

"Don't mention it, we have no result."

After talking about Song Nan's tomb, he left. When he came, he was very busy, and so did he when he left.

Song Nan had to admit that Song Nan's tomb was really rude. He didn't say hello when he came, and he didn't say hello when he left. Jiang Beize was very good. The gentleman was polite and dignified. He and Song Nan's tomb were very complementary.

However, love cannot escape reality.


Jiang Beize slept very restlessly.

After I went back, I felt my head was a little dizzy, groggy, and my nose was not breathable. I should have caught a cold outside. In fact, at this time, I should drink a bowl of warm **** soup to get rid of the cold.

So lazy.

I don't want to move, I want to lie down like this, sleep until the sky is dim, and it's okay to faint, anyway, no one will find him, and Song Nan's tomb will not come back.


Splashing water.

Jiang Beize immediately became sober and found himself thrown into the outdoor swimming pool at home.

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