Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 934: Extraordinary Xu Kuangjie (6)

Ding Baoyi had just cooked dinner and heard someone knock on the door. When she went out, she looked like a person, dumbfounded.

"Mr Xu scolded me righteously on the phone. I thought you couldn't come."

Hearing her secretly sarcastic tone, Xu Kuangjie sneered, "I just wanted to tell you again, I'm not that kind of person!"



Ding Baoyi thought to herself.

Xu Kuangjie sniffed, the aroma of the food was refreshing, and he slid in, "I haven't eaten yet, did you cook it?"

"Ang, come in for some food?"

"All right, since you have invited me."

After speaking, he swaggered in.

Ding Baoyi wanted to beat him up.

Can she just say it was purely polite?

On the table.

Xu Kuangjie looks like a person who has been hungry for several lifetimes. He lowered his head to pick up rice. Ding Baoyi was also eating. Both of them were wearing black sweaters. At first glance, they looked like couple clothes. The atmosphere was inexplicably warm, like a couple living together.

Until Ding Baoyi suddenly spoke up——

"I heard that you have a nickname called Brother Miao."

"Cough cough cough cough!"

Xu Kuangjie was directly caught in his throat.

"Who told you that?! Lao Jiang is still talking?!"

"Is this important? The important thing is that the title of Brother Xu Miao will stay with you forever."

"What's wrong with this? I'm Xu Kuangjie. Even if I have defects, there are women who flock to me. My family background and my wealth are enough, but I don't like those gold worshipers!"

Xu Kuangjie drank two sips of water and was full now.

To be precise, he was full of gas.

"Thank you for hospitality!"

With that, he took out a jewelry box from his pocket and threw it in front of Ding Baoyi with a snap.

"Don't say I eat rice, it's for you!"

Before he came, he went to the jewelry store to choose the necklace himself. He still laughed at himself on the way, and it has been a long time since he gave many gifts to women.

But this woman doesn't know the blessing in the blessing.

Ding Baoyi stared at the jewellery box with no waves in her eyes, as if she didn't care what was inside.

She got up, and when Xu Kuangjie was about to leave, she suddenly hugged his waist from behind.

"Don't leave tonight."

she says.

"Try it. I want to try it too."

Xu Kuangjie: "..."


The next day, Xu Kuangjie drove to the company. He was in a good mood along the way. The employees greeted him. He smiled in return and his big white teeth were very bright.

"Mr. Xu, you are in a good mood today." The assistant followed him and reported today's itinerary.

Xu Kuangjie shook the car key without denying, "Are you in a good mood?"

"No... It's been a long time since I saw you so happy, just like winning the lottery."

"What good things do you think about all day long? But, happier than winning the lottery."


The assistant was taken aback.

"Mr. Xu, did you buy another company?"

"Happier than buying the company."

He smiled.

That night, Xu Kuangjie asked Ding Baoyi to eat. He ordered a French restaurant, which was luxurious and extravagant in a large box.

Xu Kuang Jie has always been generous. Before Jiang Beiyuan was married, millions of eyes didn't blink with his money. He was a face-conscious master. This time he also ordered the most high-end dishes in the restaurant.

Ding Baoyi didn't eat too much at night, "Why are you after dinner?"

"Why don't you go to the movies, what genre do you like to watch?"

"Are you pretending that you don't understand or really don't?"

Ding Baoyi wiped her mouth.

"They are all adults, Mr. Xu."

"Adults should also have romantic dates!"

date? !

Ding Baoyi grasped the key point, a sharp spirit, and then smiled.

The smile can't tell the truth or the fake.

"So let's eat now, also dating?"


"Do you like me?"


Xu Kuangjie scratched his neck, clenched a fist with one hand and coughed twice.


I'm sorry.

After graduating from university, I never confessed to anyone again.

The sentimental, passive, feeling helpless and horrified has not passed for a long time.

"I like you."

Xu Kuangjie said every word.

The sincerity is in it, one sentence is enough, I hope she can understand.

Ding Baoyi cupped her cheek with one hand and said "Oh".

She did not respond.

Because she has heard a lot of the phrase "I like you" since she was little.

Regardless of her appearance or figure, she is a woman pursued by men.

She heard a lot of gentle, low-pitched, serious and evil "I like you" and various confessions.

Xu Kuangjie: "I'm serious this time. Let's try it. Don't be so indifferent. Maybe I am the person who suits you best."

"If not?"

"Is it? That's what's next. If you don't try, you will never know if it is."

Because there are too many failures.

So timid.

So I am afraid of being hurt again.

So for a long time, I dare not open my heart.


Now Xu Kuangjie's eyes are especially bright, like the bright moonlight, he is not playing around.

He was originally a Buddhist, and even planned to become a monk without getting married.

The feeling towards Ding Baoyi now is like a blooming firework, which is radiant in an instant, and can't be stopped.

He is not young anymore, fate is getting less and less, and it is getting harder to like it.

So I met, felt it, liked it, and cherished it even more.

Ding Baoyi didn't know what he was thinking, and after a long while, he spoke and nodded.

"it is good."

"Try it."

she says.

The phrase "Try it" last night only used the kidneys, but now it is the heart.

Xu Kuangjie's thick eyebrows gradually spread from frowning.

Thinking she would not agree, she seemed to have thought about it.

"I will treat you well."

This is Xu Kuangjie's truth.


The two left the hotel, Xu Kuangjie drove, Ding Baoyi in the co-pilot.

"Where are we going now?" Ding Baoyi asked.

"my home."


"My home is very safe, only I live by myself, maybe I can break the record."

"Haha, good brother seconds."

Ding Baoyi didn't want to laugh at him, but this person spoke too...seriously.

Does it break the Guinness record?

Oh yes, he is a man, and he should be ambitious.

This is Ding Baoyi's second visit to Xu Kuangjie's house.

He changed her clothes last time because of drunkenness, but she sulked at him.

Xu Kuangjie's house is completely merchant style, with three colors of black, white and gray, no extra colors, and no extra furnishings in the clean and spacious living room, which makes people know that this homeowner lives a very monotonous and Buddhist style.

Ding Baoyi casually sat on the sofa, playing with the pillow next to him, "Which woman am I to come to your house?"

"the second."

"Oh..." She nodded, not surprised.

"Why don't you ask who is the first one?"

"Your ex-girlfriend, what is there to ask?"

Ding Baoyi disagrees.

"Not an ex-girlfriend."

Xu Kuangjie cleared his throat, a smirk was hidden between his eyebrows and eyes, and then he said:

"It's my mother."


Ding Baoyi couldn't help laughing.

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Xu's routine is quite slippery."

"What kind of routine? I am sincere, every word, there is no second man in the world who is more sincere than me. I will tell you."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, where is the bedroom?"

Xu Kuangjie: "..."


Three days later, Yan Nian asked Ding Baoyi to come to eat at home.

Yannian only dated Ding Baoyi herself. It was an afternoon tea between the sisters.

After sitting down, Yannian's gaze almost saw Ding Baoyi through.

Ding Baoyi is hairy, "What's wrong with you?"

"Tsk tusk, sister Ding's complexion has changed."

"Is there any difference?"

"His complexion is much rosier than before, and his complexion is much better. Tell me honestly, are you in love?"


Ding Baoyi sneered.

It has been several days, and Xu Kuangjie is still the same.

One minute of improvement every day, he was so happy that he would go to heaven every time, every time he promised to break the Guinness record and become the best man in the world.

But in fact?

This product is barely from Brother Miao to Brother Fen, and I don't know what's so good about it.

But thinking of Xu Kuangjie's eyebrows dancing, Ding Baoyi wanted to laugh.

Originally I could not help laughing out loud, but soon I couldn't help it, and laughed like a laugh point was clicked.

Yannian was also infected by her, "What are you laughing at?"

"It's okay, just thought of something fun."

Ding Baoyi barely held back her smile.

"By the way, you and uh... Xu Kuangjie, are you two out of touch now?"

Mentioning this name, Yan Nian was cautious, for fear of Ding Baoyi's resistance.

However, Ding Baoyi did not resist, and the corners of her eyes and eyebrows became quite tender.

"We are dating now."


Ding Baoyi only told Yan Nian about the establishment of a relationship with Xu Kuangjie a few days ago.

Yannian hum: "Not meaningful enough, don't tell me such a big thing!"

"I'm not going to tell you today. The relationship must be settled for a few days, otherwise it will be a shame to break up soon."

"Well, but you can open up and take this step, so happy for you!"

Yannian originally thought that Ding Baoyi would never find true love in her lifetime.

She even thought about it. If Ding Baoyi hadn't married before the age of 40, she would raise her!

"So it's real this time?"

Hear the words.

Ding Baoyi's tender eyebrows suddenly dimmed.

"Do you think he and I will have a future?"

"Why not?!"

"I shouldn't love someone anymore. Men can't be trusted."


Don't be emotional in the adult world.

Otherwise hurt yourself.

Especially women.


The Xu Group’s financing was ultimately given to the AK Group where Ding Baoyi belongs.

Thanks to Ding Baoyi for this matter.

Because Xu Kuangjie is completely looking at Ding Baoyi's face.

She begged him several times, and now that she is his girlfriend, he agreed to lend.

Ding Baoyi was busy in her office at this time.

The AK boss came in, looked at Ding Baoyi with a smile, and gave her a thumbs up.

"Little Ding, you are a great hero this time!"

Ding Baoyi stood up and said, "The president has praised it.

"Hahaha, I heard that you are dating Mr. Xu now, alas...for the company, you are wronged to fall in love with someone you don't like, don't worry, I promised you the position of general manager, and I will honor it this weekend. "

In the past few years, the company has spread that Ding Baoyi is gay, likes women, hates men very much, and hates men deeply.

This word reached the ears of the boss, and the boss also thought that Ding Baoyi liked women but disliked men.

Together, how could you like Xu Kuangjie?

Before I could say Cao Cao, Cao Cao stood at the door of Ding Baoyi's office.

Xu Kuangjie came to Ding Baoyi for dinner. The conversation between Ding Baoyi and the boss just came into his ears.

That cheerful face sank to the bottom suddenly, as if covered with a layer of ice for a thousand years.

The boss shivered suddenly when he saw Xu Kuangjie when he turned around.

"Mr. Xu, you, why are you here?"

Ding Baoyi hurriedly looked over.

His eyes flashed quickly.

Xu Kuangjie's eyes kept falling on Ding Baoyi's face.

Every inch of her expression, even the subtle expression, did not escape his eyes, and he even caught the panic and guilty conscience.

Xu Kuangjie walked forward with a calm face: "You get out first! I have something to say to her alone!"

Manager: "Mr. Xu, are you telling me to get out?"

"Otherwise there is a third person here?!"


Now that the Xu Group is the first party of AK, Xu Kuangjie cannot be offended at this time.

The boss is gone, close the door by the way.

Xu Kuangjie continued to stare at Ding Baoyi.

Not blinking, his eyes arrogant.


He sighed, and gave her a step down. If he explained well, he could consider not to care about her.

Ding Baoyi don't look away.

"Forget it, there is nothing to explain."

Forget it? ?

What do you mean?

What is there to explain?

Xu Kuangjie didn't fight, but suddenly grabbed Ding Baoyi's wrist.

"Associate with me, try with me, all for your promotion and salary increase?!"

"Otherwise? Do you think I will give you my heart? It's ridiculous."

Ding Baoyi expressionlessly broke free of Xu Kuangjie's shackles.

"I admit that you are more reliable than you seem, and you know how to take care of my feelings a lot, but I don't have the heart for you, sorry."

Sorry, is it cleared up?

Xu Kuangjie's throat rolled and rolled, spicy and bitter, why did his throat hurt so much after he didn't drink alcohol.

"Blame me blind."

His heart was bleeding.

It fell drop by drop, sticky and scarlet, but no one could see it.


A fist hit the side glass window.

He now angrily wants to kill!

Want to kill this **** woman playing with him!

But when I saw her face, I was so **** cruel!

"I, I really want to treat you you let me know that you are not worthy, to put it bluntly, you are no different from a chicken."


Ding Baoyi watched Xu Kuangjie leave the office.

The moment he absolutely turned around, a bright liquid slowly slipped from the corner of her eyes.

This feeling is like a rock falling and hitting his feet.

How can he be alone with a heartache.

And her.

Sure enough, I still can't touch the love thing, it's too torturous.

From now on she will be Ding Baoyi alone.

So be it.

As a dream of Wuhen, now, the dream should wake up.


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