Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 920: The Past of Fanwai (14)

Jiang Ting's words counted, and he waited at the school gate after school.

Xu Kuangjie originally wanted to ask him to play, but seeing him so blatantly, he was really anxious.

"Big brother, didn't you tell you that the investigation was very strict recently. If you are seen by the teacher on duty at the school, you will be finished!"

Regarding Xu Kuangjie’s concern, the person concerned did not agree, "What did I do?"

"You--you touched the little girl's head at noon!"

"What happened to me touching her head?"

Xu Kuangjie is speechless.

It's really nothing.

It's not illegal, and it's not a big deal.

But why does his right eyelid jump so hard?

In other words, he has known Jiang Ting since kindergarten, and for so many years, he has always been an image of an old mother, and I don't know how much he has been worried about.

And the person who made him worry about him just looked like a okay person.

"I don't bother to care about you! It's good if you have a sense of measure this time, don't overplay it!"

I left after speaking.

Anyway, there are words and thoughts, a certain surname Jiang, the nature of valuing color and despising friends is even more vivid.

Soon Yannian carried her schoolbag out of school.

With the uniform blue and white school uniform, Jiang Ting saw her at the first sight, and Yannian also saw Jiang Ting at the first sight, walking towards him.

"What are you going to tell me?"

"There are so many people, go and say elsewhere."


Yan Nian asked Ding Baoyi and He Huaiguang to go back first and follow Jiang Ting by themselves.

He started walking forward, and quickly deliberately lowered his steps to wait for her. After walking for a while, he quickly discovered that something was wrong. This road didn't look like going back to her house, but like going to his house.

"Where are you taking me?"

"my home."

"But I have to go back to do my homework, I have a lot of homework today!"

"You finish writing with me, I will send you back."


In fact, it would be nice if he could do her homework for her.

But he didn't dare to say this, nor did he dare to ask Jiang Ting.

When he arrived at Jiang Ting's house, it was as if Little Red Riding Hood finally entered the big bad wolf's nest. Jiang Ting tore off Yannian's schoolbag and jacket, without saying a word, he stood on the sofa holding her, holding her face and bowing his head.

Yannian blinked.

Her long eyelashes brushed his eyelids.

Isn't there something to say to her? How could anyone kiss her as soon as they walked in?

He wanted to push him away, but the man didn't move at all, and didn't know how long it had passed before he reluctantly let go of her.

"I miss you all day!"

Saying: "..."

Jiang Ting coaxed in a low voice, "Close your eyes."

There was a throbbing heartbeat in the air, whether it was hers or his.

Yannian swallowed hard and closed her eyes obediently, her hands clenched tightly.

Jiang Ting overturned again.

He didn't know the magic power of this girl, so he easily hooked his soul away, making him forget about it, going to class, after class, and even a friend joked "heart and mind", he could immediately think of her.

Once upon a time, she snatched his shoes and his money like a little sister. At that time, she never thought that one day she would like her so much.

I like it and want to have three meals a day with her.

However, she was still young and didn't understand anything. What he meant to her was more like a guide. He didn't want to lead her to bad, and he didn't want to be seen by her. He was not good.

At this moment, only the contact of two people can barely relieve his tightness like a bow and arrow.

Yan Nian was still too tender, and her lung capacity soon ran out. Jiang Ting let go of her again, and his forehead hit her.

He looked at these clear eyes, couldn't help but smiled, and leaned over to kiss the tip of her small and tall nose.

"You wanted me to come over because you wanted to kiss me?" Yan Nian narrowed her mouth.


Jiang Ting looked at her for a moment.

It seems that there is a deeper meaning to express. Those eyes are as black as black holes, and they are as secret as deep. All the thoughts are hidden in his heart, and only he can understand.

Therefore, the words and thoughts at the time did not know the meaning of such eyes.

"I ignored you. I thought you had something important to tell me. I would come with you without writing my homework!"

Yannian pushed him and jumped off the sofa dissatisfied.

Jiang Ting sighed and rubbed the shell of her head, "Then go and do homework."


Yannian is short of breath.

"You've kissed me so many times, so I have to be courteous anyway!"

"what do you want?"

"Oh, this math homework is so difficult, it's hard to get to the blue sky~"

The little girl clenched her eyebrows, and the meaning she wanted to express was obvious. She was as smart as Jiang Ting, so she couldn't hear her.

He coughed twice, pretending to be indifferent, "No matter how hard the sky is, as long as you work hard, you will always reach the top one day."


Is this person really incomprehensible, or is he pretending to not understand?

Yannian felt that the latter was more likely to be more likely, so he bulged her cheeks, "Can't you help me write this time?!"

"Then what do I get paid?"

At a young age, Jiang Ting's business qualities have been revealed.

"I, I will let you kiss again!"

"Just a moment?"

"Two clicks...?"


"Three, just three, no more!"

Jiang Ting suffocated a smile, cleared his throat and picked up her schoolbag aside, "Then sit down quickly."


The next day.

Yannian was still the same as usual, and arrived in the classroom around 8:15.

As soon as she sat down, Ding Baoyi turned her head and asked what was wrong with her mouth.

This best friend, every time the focus is so embarrassing!

Yannian blushed and looked down at the Chinese textbook, "I was bitten by a mosquito, it's okay."

"Wipe, there are mosquitoes in autumn? Which mosquitoes, I will kill you in the past!"

"do not know!"

Yannian continued to read, pretending to be calm, but the roots of her ears were red.

Ding Baoyi rolled her eyes and turned her Chinese textbook upside down.

"By the way, Jiang Ting called you over yesterday, so why don't you talk to him--"

"Shut up!"

Yannian covered Ding Baoyi's mouth and gave her a fierce look.

"Don't talk nonsense, have you heard?"

"..." Ding Baoyi nodded.

Yannian just let go of her.

Ding Baoyi: "Okay, it's hard to say, it's not a good girlfriend to hide such a big thing from me!"

"Why did I hide it from you? I didn't even miss it."

"It's all like this, and it's still called the horoscope?"

Yannian suddenly had nothing to say...

"He, he said yesterday that he missed me all day..."

"Wow, wow, wow, what else?!"

"Also... I said I can't fall in love early, he said when I grow up..."

"Damn, my mother!"

Ding Baoyi couldn't help beating the table.

"And then??"

"No more!"

Yannian thinks these are enough.

For the rest, there is nothing left to say.

But the outline of Jiang Ting appeared in her mind now, cold and cold, but very handsome and charming, is this a feeling that she likes? When facing him before, there was no deer bumping into her.

Now the heartbeat is "pounding pounding", and Xiaolu is about to jump out of his heart. So far, for the first time she feels this kind of heartbeat for a boy.

"What are you two little sisters talking about?"

Meng Ziye walked in from outside the classroom.

Yannian calmed his thoughts, "What's up with you?"

"That's, what are you doing so gossip about the affairs between our girls?" Ding Baoyi also echoed.

Meng Ziye was not annoyed, and shrugged his shoulders innocently. "By the way, don't you know about physical education in this class?"

"true and false?"

"true and false?"

The sisters Yan Nian and Ding Baoyi said in unison.

Meng Ziye nodded: "The Chinese teacher has something to do today, so I changed classes with the physical education teacher!"


Yan Nian and Ding Baoyi hit it off, then immediately buckled the book and ran out.

Meng Ziye shook his head and laughed, and quickly walked out and closed the door.

The classroom was empty, and the Chinese textbook on the table was blown away by the wind from outside the window and landed on page 16, marked by the girl with an orange highlighter——

【Lang Yan is unique and unique in the world. 】

A small circle was drawn beside this sentence, and the very small words "Jiang Ting" were written.

It's so small that only one word and thought can just be seen.


The physical education teacher called, and they were all there. After blowing a whistle, the students disbanded after running two laps around the playground.

Some people like to be quiet, and stay in the classroom after ordering.

Boys go to play basketball or football.

Yannian pulled Ding Baoyi's sleeve, "Let's go, go and watch basketball in high school!"

"Yo, the sun came out from the west today? Didn't someone not like watching old boys playing basketball before?"

"Cut, people will be good or not!"

Because Yannian knew that Jiang Ting's class also took physical education in this class.

After finally getting into the tuning class and adjusting to the same physical education class as him, I naturally wanted to look at him more.

Sure enough, I saw the basketball court on the right, Jiang Ting, Xu Kuangjie, and a few boys she didn't know were playing basketball.

Jiang Ting was wearing a black sweater and white sneakers. He was 180 in size and well proportioned. He should be able to grow a few centimeters in the future, with black hair flying against the sun.

Yan Nian stared at Jiang Ting for an instant.

This person is so good-looking. When I first saw him, I felt that he was not an ordinary person. His facial features were well-defined. The two long eyebrows were of moderate density. He had a very straight bone and a bit of Westerners' deep feeling. But more, still The hard feeling of the Oriental.

Looking at him like this at the moment, I heard the familiar heart "pounding pounding" again, noisy her eardrums.

Ding Baoyi rolled her eyes silently, "Sure enough, I still came to see your Jiang Ting!"

"Go and go, I just think the seniors are very handsome playing basketball, that's it!"

"Pull it down!"

Ding Baoyi looked around, passing Xu Kuangjie's eyes without leaving a trace.

She held her cheek in one hand and smiled, "I still think Senior Ling Zhihao is the most handsome."

"You still can't let go of that senior? Didn't you say last time that people have rejected you?"

"Even if he refuses me, but I have asked, he still has no girlfriend!" Ding Baoyi was very determined.

"Oh, when he has a girlfriend, I hope you can give up completely."

"Fuck up, his future girlfriend will definitely be-Ow!"

A basketball directly hit Ding Baoyi on the forehead.

Ding Baoyi held her forehead in pain and yelled.

The culprit came to pick up the ball.

"All right, classmate?"

"Do you think I am okay?!"


Xu Kuangjie was taken aback by the sudden roar of the Hedong Lion.

What happened to the little girls nowadays, they were not too old, and their voices were louder.

"I apologize to you, okay?" Xu Kuangjie frowned.

Ding Baoyi was speechless, "Is this your attitude of apologizing? Besides, an apology is useful. It's boring to have the police these days."

"Then what do you want?"

"Let me smash it back!"

The sharp pain just now wasn't for nothing.

The words and thoughts on the side laughed gleefully.

Xu Kuangjie only saw Yannian, and realized that this girl was Yannian's friend.

"Hey, a girl whose hair doesn't grow up, why is your friend so unreasonable?"

"Who do you say is unreasonable?!"

Ding Baoyi was angry.

She stood well in the outer circle, but was suddenly hit and said nothing, this person apologized so insincerely.

Xu Kuangjie helplessly spread his hands, "Junior girl, what do you want?"

"I said let me smash it back!"

"Hey, basketball for you—"

"Boom boom!"

Three heavy blows, with a sense of catharsis.

Xu Kuangjie clutched his forehead.

"You are ruthless!"

" careful in the future, don't be brave if you don't know how to play basketball."

Say he can't play basketball? ? ?

Xu Kuangjie sighed and raised his thick eyebrows, "I remember you."

"You better remember me forever!"

Ding Baoyi raised her chin and said triumphantly.

When I said this, I didn't take it to my heart, it was purely a joke.

But I didn't realize it, in the future, it will really be a lifetime.

Although the process is a bit complicated.

Of course, that's all for later.


As soon as Xu Kuangjie left with his front foot, Jiang Ting came over on the back foot.

He came here after seeing Yannian.

"Are you not in class?"

Jiang Ting said, watching Yannian, there was only one person in those peach blossom eyes, and he didn't bother to look at the others.

Yannian snorted, "We have adjusted the class, can I come over to see the handsome guy."

"Well, now I see it, do you still call it yours?"

"Cut... there are few handsome guys in your class."

Jiang Ting was taken aback.

"Is it enough to have me?"

"Oh, my toothache, do you want my single dog to live?" Ding Baoyi didn't watch this scene.

Xu Kuangjie yelled at Jiang Ting on the field, asking him to come over.

Jiang Ting freed a hand and touched Yannian's head, "After this round, I'll come to you."

"Why are you looking for me, this is at school!"

She couldn't be kissed by him unscrupulously!

"Little girl, what is in her mind, can I talk to you?"

As he said, bending her long fingers, laughing low and flicking her brain collapsed, Jiang Ting left.

The force was not heavy, Yannian held his forehead, and he gave it lightly, but felt that the place he bounced and the hair he touched were scorching hot.

Ding Baoyi on the side uttered a sigh from the depths of the soul: "It's no good!"

"Me, what happened to me?!"

"I just looked like an idiot, are you still my girlfriend?"

"Who is the nympho, do you think you are also the **** when the seniors play basketball!"

Then, in order to prove that he was not an idiot, he didn't want to watch Jiang Ting play basketball and took Ding Baoyi to the volleyball court next door.

Girls play volleyball in groups of four.

Yan Nian and Ding Baoyi, as well as two girls in their class.

The other party is from the high school, both are Cui Linlin's roommates, but without Cui Linlin, Cui Linlin was called by the teacher to correct her homework.

"That's what I thought, Jiang Ting went to the police station to bail her last time..."

"Ah yes yes, the person carrying Jiang Ting at the Games is also her..."

"I also saw that Jiang Ting was touching her hair at lunch yesterday."

"Hehe, little bitch, he knew how to seduce men when he was in junior high school."

"Maybe there is anger in his bones!"

"Teach her a lesson. Take revenge for Linlin. Anyway, I can't understand this kind of person." A short-haired girl said with yin and yang.

Ever since, in the next game, the four girls in high school all gathered to attack Yannian alone.

And the volleyballs that were played were all directed at Yannian's face.

After two rounds, Ding Baoyi called a timeout.

"Do you guys in high school fight? Why do you only attack one person?"

"Let's attack a person without foul, just beep a woolen thread!"

"Okay, there is no need to quarrel with them."

Yannian pulled Ding Baoyi's arm and pulled her back.

Those clear eyes narrowed slightly.

If you are full, attack her specifically, right?

She is not a vegetarian either!


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