
Yannian stared at a black cloud outside the window.

Dark clouds blocked the sun, and the sky that was still clear suddenly became dim.

"Do you know how much Lao Jiang has done for you?!"

Xu Kuangjie's frustrated voice pulled back his thoughts, and the purpose was his somewhat angry face.

Yannian heard Xu Kuangjie say in the next second:

"He used to treat you well, so let's not mention it for now. Let's take it now. Why did he go back to the central hospital to be a doctor, do you know?"

"For me?" He couldn't understand.

"The old man who had previously named Ochi fortune-telling, Lao Jiang looked for him alone. He is not a superstitious person, but that day when you had a difficult childbirth, the old man really got it right. You shed a lot of blood and scared him to death. Up."

"The old man said that you were carrying a human life on your body. Your biological mother died because of your dystocia. Your father also took care of you. He died early due to overwork. So the kid wants to claim your life as a kid, but fortunately you The horoscope is too strong, and the messy words are very mysterious. I was there that day, and the old man said that Lao Jiang would be lucky."


Yannian didn't move, including his eyelashes.

"Otherwise, he is a thoracic surgery department. Every day he performs major heart and lung surgery. Every life saved is a blessing for you. Otherwise, why do you think he is so tired every day? Although he himself likes the doctor. Profession, but his tiredness, you found him!"

"He is a fool..."

Yannian's eyes turned red all of a sudden, she couldn't cry, her voice was blocked by something.

She didn't believe in such a thing, but Jiang Beiyuan even believed it!

"Yeah, his IQ became negative when it happened to you! But you still don't know the good fortune in your fortune, and—"

"What else?"

Yannian raised her dim teary eyes, what did Jiang Beiyuan hide from her?

Xu Kuangjie pursed the corners of his lips.

"Your stepmother died not long ago, right? She should give you some herbs to protect you before she died, saying she picked it from the mountain herself, right?"

"Well... how did you know about this?"

"How do I know it is not important. What is important is that she didn't collect those medicines from the mountain by herself. Don't you think about it? She is dying and she is paralyzed in a wheelchair. Going to the mountain is obviously the medicine that Lao Jiang gave her, let her return your favor!"

Yannian looked at Xu Kuangjie in surprise.

Xu Kuangjie cleared his throat and kept his emotions calm.

"A long time ago, Lao Jiang suspected that the surnamed horse was not your mother. I investigated your life experience. I know something in your family. Lao Jiang knew that you hated that stepmother, so I wanted to let you Living happily without regrets, just thought of such a way, he wouldn't let me tell you this, I can't hold it back, I feel worthless for him."

"Our brother for so many years has watched him go in the wind and the rain. Ninety percent of his sadness and pain are because of you. You let your personality say you want a divorce. You left him sad for half a month. He sent a message saying what his ex-husband did, but I didn’t understand. He was very uncomfortable to find me for a drink that night. He cried while drinking and holding me. He regarded me as you, saying that he didn’t want to divorce you, and said he didn’t want you to call His ex-husband."

"But don't worry, nothing happened to us, Lao Jiang and I are purebred straight men!"


Yannian's throat was blocked and she couldn't say a word. The warm liquid flowed down her eyes. She covered her face with her hands, and finally began to cry like a child.

The best way for people to vent their emotions is to cry.

She is anxious, she is irritable, she is restless, she is sad, she hasn't cried for a long time.

The hysteria is not as good as the current cry.

It's like the first cry of a baby falling to the ground, the purest and least impurity, but when people grow up, they gradually forget this initial instinct.

Xu Kuangjie snorted, don't open his eyes.

"Cry, I won't comfort you. I only have my brother in my heart. From the perspective of the bystander, you are too much. He has treated you well enough. You are only happy if you want to see him uncomfortable. Right?"


She said nothing, her tears kept falling like silver beads with a broken thread.

Xu Kuangjie hurriedly looked around.

Jiang Beiyuan is not here, right!

"Okay, don't cry, it's almost done."

The woman cried endlessly, it was terrible.

Xu Kuangjie handed over a paper towel, let Yannian wipe his face, and sighed.

"To be honest, none of our brothers agree with your love. Back then, I really wished that you two got divorced quickly. Don't drag my brother. But the fat guy said, love is something that others say. No, just feel good."

"In our eyes, you are terrible, but he just loves you so desperately, what can we do!"

"The best way to make him happy is that you are always by his side. No one can replace your position."

No one can replace your position.

A very strange thing.

Yannian drilled into the tip of the horns for a long, long time, and couldn’t find the way out. Now because of Xu Kuangjie’s words, the fog was suddenly cleared, and the stubborn place in my heart was immediately connected, together with the second channel of Ren Du and the five internal organs. The six fu-organs became unobstructed together.

"Thank you, Xu Kuangjie."

Yannian blew her nose hard, very comfortable and very happy.

She smiled at Xu Kuangjie.

"I seem to have found my value."

Xu Kuangjie looked at her, crying with red eyes and red nose, now grinning, although not ugly, but silly.

"Hehe, how can my Lao Jiang like your stupid woman?"

"Okay you scold me, I'm recording, be careful Jiang Beiyuan lets you go bungee jumping!"

"I'm going—you dare!"

When I heard the words bungee jumping, Xu Kuangjie's scalp was numb, and he laughed, "I lied to you, my phone is in my pocket."

She grinned happily, and Xu Kuangjie snorted twice, "Just keep going like this. Only when you are happy can he be happy and satisfied."

"Well, thank you so much, I am not aggrieved now, people are so strange, I think thousands of times, it is not as good as someone's advice!"

"That's why I blamed me. Didn't I persuade you earlier?"

Xu Kuangjie joked that the phone rang suddenly, and it was a WeChat message sent by Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan: "When will it be my turn to appear on the stage???"

"Now you can."

Xu Kuangjie sent the message out and smiled impulsively.

"Just figure it out, don't make trouble with him in the future, or I won't let you go."

"You don't need to let me go, I will never let go of myself."

As soon as the voice fell, a white figure walked over not far away.

Very casual attitude.

"Zhang Fan." Yan Nian waved at Zhang Fan.

"Yo, Yannian, Lao Xu, what are you two doing, carrying Lao Jiang...what are you doing?"

"I'm going to your grandpa's leg!"

Xu Kuangjie unceremoniously put a kick on Zhang Fan's calf and knocked Zhang Fan down.

"If you talk nonsense, I will kick again!"

"I'm just making a joke!"

Zhang Fan touched his buttocks and stood up from the ground. A piece of white paper fell out of the briefcase just right, just at Yan Nian's feet.

Yannian bent down and picked it up. She wanted to return it to Zhang Fan, but she inadvertently spotted the three characters Jiang Beiyuan in the upper right corner.

Suddenly for a moment.

"It's nothing, don't look at it!"

At the moment when Zhang Fan snatched the piece of paper, Yan Nian felt her own mind sway.

"This is Jiang Beiyuan's case!"

"No, no." Zhang Fan stammered and winked secretly at Xu Kuangjie.

Xu Kuangjie ignored him, cleared his throat and looked at Yannian, "Didn't you say you figured it out, why did you start to doubt my brother again?"

"This is not a suspicion! I just saw Jiang Beiyuan's name. Even if I am pregnant for three years, I won't even be blind!"

Yannian said, her face straightened, without a word, she stood up to grab the paper in Zhang Fan's hand.

Zhang Fan pretended to push twice, just like throwing a handkerchief, refusing to give up, "Ah, you can't give it, you can't give it, Lao Jiang let me keep it secret, and if it gives me my life, it will be gone!"

The posture should be more contrived and contrived, seeing Xu Kuangjie want to strangle him.

What an idiot, even acting!

Fortunately, Yannian didn't care so much, and now my whole body's attention is on that piece of paper.

"give me!"

"I can't give it, I can't give it~" Zhang Fan bit his lip and looked like he was reluctant to obey.

Seeing that he doesn't let go, she is anxious, she doesn't like threatening people, "Zhang Fan, you'd better let go now, or I accidentally be pushed down by you, the child is gone, and a corpse will be killed, and then --"

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Fan hesitated and let go.

The meaning is what it means, and this is what Yannian can see.

Yan Nian sat down with the piece of paper, saw the diagnosis above, and the color ultrasound image below, almost fainted with her eyes closed.

"Brain tumor?!!!"

"Huh? Really?"

Xu Kuangjie looked like I didn't know anything, so he naturally grabbed the paper in Yannian's hand and opened his mouth exaggeratedly. In order to express his shock, Xu Kuangjie was willing to put a fist in his mouth.

It took a long time to take out his fist and look at Zhang Fan angrily.

"What the **** is going on, hurry up and make it clear!"

"Don't get excited, it's an early tumor. Now you are undergoing surgery, and the recovery rate is very high, but it is Lao Jiang's stubborn temper, afraid of accidents in the surgery, so I dare not do it. You have to wait to say after you give birth. Surgery again, sigh..."

Zhang Fan took a glance at Yannian, and then sighed.

"You know, this cancer can't be delayed. Early treatment is best, otherwise it will develop into an advanced stage, then..."

"I know!"

The emotion of Yannian has calmed down.

At that moment, her heart really stopped beating and she almost died suddenly!

Now listening to Zhang Fan's statement, the mood is firmer than ever before!

"I'll talk to Jiang Beiyuan about this matter! He will accompany me through the difficulties along the way. This time, I will definitely accompany him through this difficult time!"

After speaking and thinking, he left, his eyes were clear and confident.

Zhang Fan breathed a sigh of relief, sat in Yannian's position, and looked at Xu Kuangjie who was opposite.

"How about? My acting skills just now were not bad? Can I apply for an Oscar?"

"You are so embarrassed to say, you have me acting naturally?"

"By the way, does Lao Jiang really let me say this to Yannian?"

"Nonsense, didn't I send you screenshots of WeChat?"

"These days, screenshots can also be used for PS, but Lao Jiang got blood clots. Now, when it comes to brain tumors, why on earth?"

"Idiot, a blood clot must not be taken seriously, of course it should be more serious!"

"Oh oh oh."

Zhang Fan believed it to be true and drank the coffee in front of Xu Kuangjie.

This cafe is very expensive. A cup of coffee is more than 100. If you don't drink it, you don't drink it. Anyway, Xu Kuangjie must pay the bill.

Xu Kuangjie snorted and stood up with his jacket.

"If you drink this cup of coffee before you die, it won't be a waste of our brother."

Zhang Fan was taken aback.

Condescendingly, Xu Kuangjie smiled unhurriedly...

"Old squad leader, in fact, you are right. The screenshots are from PS, Lao Jiang doesn't know about this, hahahaha—"

The culprit flew away with a hearty smile.

As smart as Xu Kuangjie, his brother Jiang Beiyuan for so many years finally learned that he had a black belly and didn't need to go out on his own. He found a scapegoat for himself!

"Ah ah ah, Xu Kuangjie, come back to me!!!"

Zhang Fan is hoarse, crying without tears.


Yannian left the cafe and went to the kindergarten to pick up the children.

This time, instead of taking Xiao Qingchi to Ding Baoyi's house, she went back to her own home.

Qingchi was very happy when he came home. He saw Yuli, holding Yuli and Yuli's three sons, and talking with a smile.

Yan Nian hurried back to the bedroom.

Her wedding ring should have been placed on the bedside of the bedroom by Jiang Beiyuan, or he should have carried it with him.

But things like rings are too small, and if you take them with you, you can easily lose them.

found it!

From the small box inside the bedside table, she found her wedding ring and happily put it on her right ring finger.

Return to the original owner!

She rubbed the ring as if praying, and closed her eyes and exhaled a long breath.

"I will never throw you away again, my dear little quit."

The marriage certificate should also be on the bedside, but it wasn't. It should have been hidden by Jiang Beiyuan elsewhere.

For fear of her sudden attack, get a marriage certificate and ask for a divorce.

This idea was implemented in my mind, and Yan Nian's eyes became red again.

She will never mention divorce again.

"Son, I'll go to the central hospital to see your father, and now send you to Godmother, OK?"

"No, mother, it's okay for me to be at home alone!"

"No, I'm still a bit worried, I'll send you to your godmother's place."

After all, the child is too young. What if he gets a fever again, it is not safe to be alone at home.

Jiang Qingchi nodded.

"Then mom, are we coming back tonight?"

"Of course!! I won't leave anymore!!"

"Great mom, you finally figured it out, mom I love you!"

Xiaoqingchi hugged Yannian's leg, and Yannian picked him up and rubbed his son's forehead.

The two people have big eyes to small eyes and laugh happily, the picture is very warm.

Yuli, who was still in his nest, barked somehow, pulling at Yannian's trouser legs.

"Mom, is Yuli not letting you go!"

"Well, you should miss me, don't bear me!"

Yan Nian didn't see Yuli for half a month, so she thought about it, so she went out with a child and a dog, and three puppies stayed at home to guard the door.

Jiang Qingchi was sent to Ding Baoyi. Ding Baoyi looked at the little woman who had been frowning before, and now she looked so bright, and she sneered, "Is it clear now?"

"Well, I have a good idea, I'm going to find Jiang Beiyuan now, kid, please help me watch, I will pick him up at night."

"Mom, be careful when driving. Mom is the mother of three children. Don't do things that make the kids worry about it!"

Saying: "..."

Ding Baoyi laughed loudly: "The kids are more sensible than you!"

Yannian snorted, "I have to teach my son well!"

Ding Baoyi gave her a white look.

Yannian originally wanted to put Yuli here, but before leaving, Yuli still bit her trouser leg, black Doudou eyes, pitifully looking at her.

The expression in his eyes became cute, and he went to find Jiang Beiyuan with Yuli in his arms.

Thinking back then, this is still a three-month-old boy!

I'm five years old now, a big dog to be a mother!


The words and thoughts of driving, the speed is slow, there are not many cars on the road, free a hand to caress the co-pilot Yuli's head slowly.

"I've thought about it, your three sons are not called Dahe Dahu Dahe Dahe Dahe Dahe Dahe Dahe Dahe Dahe Dahe Dahe Dahe Dahe Dahe Dahe Dahe Dahe Dahe Dahe Dahe Dahe Dahe Dahe Dahe.

Before finishing speaking, Yan read an emergency brake.

Somehow a cloud of white mist suddenly appeared in front of her, with a pungent smell, and she choked Yannian and coughed twice.

The smell was really pungent, like the smell of chemicals. I was afraid that the smell might affect the child. Yannian covered his mouth and nose, bending over to look for a mask.

She was going to the Central Hospital. The main road from Ding Baoyi's home to the Central Hospital showed that the road was being repaired and a detour was required, so she took another side road with few people.

just now……

Before thinking about it any longer, the whole person fainted.


"you're awake."

There was a silent voice like stagnant water, as cold as water.

It was like a wild beast trapped in Ah Noi, leaving the last strength that he wanted to break free, and his voice was somewhat sad.

Attracted by the sound, Yannian slowly opened his eyes.

What greeted her was a dazzling incandescent lamp. Soon she felt that her surroundings were hot and she started to sweat.

Do not.

That is not a lamp.

It's fire.

The fire was raging, and the tongue of fire spread.

And she, at this moment, is tied to a dilapidated chair, unable to move.

"Yu Lili, are you a ghost?!"

Yannian watched Yu Lili, who was wearing a black tights, and the flames spreading from the edge of the window, her clear eyes were also lit by the fire.


Like a mental patient and pretending to be happy, Yu Lili laughed heartily.

"If people can really become ghosts when they die, then I must pester Jiang Beiyuan, but I can't die now. I'm so young, why bother to die for a fake contract."

"What do you mean?"

"In fact, when I went to the hotel that day, when I calculated you, I was also calculated by Jiang Beiyuan. He made me bear the 100 billion contract that didn't belong to me. He wanted to kill me!"

"That's what you asked for! If you don't stick to him like a dogskin plaster and ruin our marriage, will he treat you like that?"

"But I begged him, I knelt in front of him, I spread my pride and self-esteem in front of him, he was still indifferent!"

"He was originally such a cruel person. Since you like him, you shouldn't be ignorant. No one who calculates him will end well!"

Yannian said with angrily.

She felt that Jiang Beiyuan was doing the right thing, and she didn't sympathize with Yu Lili at all.

This courageous woman has no way to go now, and even kidnapped her to such a wilderness!

"Yu Lili, if anything happens to me, Jiang Beiyuan will not let you go!"


Yu Lili smiled disapprovingly again.

"Do you think I am still afraid of this now?"

Because there is no bottom line, I am not afraid of anything.

"I can finally realize the feelings of Xiao Chuchen at that time. The family was ruined and there was nothing left, so I didn't care about anything. But for people like us, suicide is impossible. This is just the behavior of the weak."

As Yu Lili said, she hooked her mouth and looked at Yannian sinisterly.

"The fire that Xiao Chuchen set before failed to burn you to death, allowing you to get away with it. Now this fire of mine should be able to burn you to death."

"Are you crazy? If you kill me, you will definitely die too!"

"I won't, because I'm leaving this city now. I'll take the boat tonight to a place where no one knows me and start again, and you will die here a little bit, with your stomach The children here are turned to ashes together. It is more than two hundred kilometers away from the central hospital. When Jiang Beiyuan finds you, it is estimated that you will have no bones left. Hahahahaha!"

With that, Yu Lili smiled again.

He smiled, and suddenly hooked his mouth in pain.

"Before I, more than anyone, wanted to see him succeed in his career, with a glorious face. But now, he has done so absolutely, and if he doesn't leave me any way out, I want to see him more painful than anyone!"

For Jiang Beiyuan, the greatest pain is seeing Yannian die!

She knew better than anyone that as long as Yannian died, Jiang Beiyuan's pain would be a sharp pain like Ling Chi!

Since he won't let her get better, she won't let him get better!

The taste of family destruction and endless pain, after all, I want him to taste Jiang Beiyuan!

"You are such a lunatic! You kill me now, do you think Jiang Beiyuan will let you go? Even if he is in pain, he will find you out!" Yannian gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

"Haha, that's okay, it's good for me to fall in love and kill him for the rest of my life!"

"Crazy... a woman like you, hateful and sad, you'd better let me go, or you will definitely get retribution!"

"You should worry about yourself now. Soon, you will be swallowed and depleted, hehe..."

After speaking, Yu Lili turned and left.

Let Yannian be in a dimly abandoned warehouse, bound by hands and feet, unable to move, surrounded by tongues of flame...

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