Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 889: But you are not here

"Ding Baoyi..." Yan Nian was crying, her voice acting coquettishly.

"What are you doing again?"

"Want to praise you as a good sister, can't you?"

"Cut, it's my godson after all, you still have two goddaughters in your stomach!"

"Maybe they are all sons."

"Okay, don't go blind with me, take good care of Ochi!"

Ding Baoyi hung up the phone.

So it's not a question of talking to the phone.

Although she did not want to admit, she had to admit:

Jiang Beiyuan didn't answer the phone.

" Dad didn't answer the phone on purpose, right?"

"I don't know! We don't care about him, I will talk about him after I go back!"

It stands to reason that it's seven o'clock now, and it's long past the off-duty hours of the hospital.

Jiang Beiyuan should be at home now, how could he not answer the phone.

Of course, the hospital has emergency surgery.

If it is the latter, she can forgive him.

If it's something else, she must criticize him with her son!

How can I not answer her phone!


It was delivered in time, and the pediatric doctor gave Jiang Qingchi a fever-reducing injection, and now he has no fever.

Ding Baoyi was taking care of Jiang Qingchi by the bed, and Yannian went to change into the clean clothes that Ding Baoyi had brought from home, and dried her hair to avoid catching a cold.

It happened that the obstetrics and gynecology department was still open, so Yannian went in for a checkup.

The attending doctor Liu Zhen is the director of the obstetrics and gynecology department who has been doing birth checkups for Yannian.

"Don't worry, the children in your stomach are fine, they are all fine."

"That's good."

Yannian was afraid that she accidentally caught a cold and affected the child.

"I listen to your pulse and heartbeat now, it's stronger than last month, and your face looks better. Isn't Xiao Jiang making up for you every day at home?"

"The food is okay, and there is not much fish or meat, but I have been drinking the herbs that prevent the baby, and I have not stopped in the middle."

"Not to mention, now that Chinese medicine is well developed, I often drink herbal medicine at home. What a woman should treat is to treat it."

"Oh, yes."

Yan Nian chatted with Liu Zhen, and the phone rang suddenly.

It is a message from an unfamiliar number.

To be precise, it is a picture.

At the entrance of the magnificent hotel, a black Rolls-Royce Phantom stopped there. In front of the car, there was a black figure with a stature, looking at the screen and entering the hotel.

The high-definition of the photo is extremely high, the neon photo and the rain are intertwined just right, the slender back, straight, crisp, like a jade run with wind and rain, it turns into ashes, and words can recognize it. .

Jiang Beiyuan.

"Ding Dong."

Just thinking about it, the next second the phone rang again.

Still a text message, still a picture.

At the entrance of the hotel lobby, the figure of a man in a black coat and a figure of a lady in the same black dress stand side by side.


For an instant, Yan Nian felt that his brain was hit hard by something, and it was blank, and there was nothing to think about.

She didn't even notice the phone dropped to the ground, and she was full of second photos.

The woman in the photo is Yu Lili.

From the perspective of that photo, she couldn't see the expression on Jiang Beiyuan's face, she could only see the gentleness of Yu Lili's face.

Do not……

Jiang Beiyuan said that she wanted her to believe him.

"Yanian, are you okay?"

Liu Zhen picked up her phone from the ground and patted her shoulder worriedly.

"Your face is a bit ugly. Is something happening?"

"I'm fine... Doctor Liu, since the child in my stomach is healthy, I will go back to see my son."

Yan Nian took the phone, smiled and turned to leave.

Liu Zhen stared at her back, worried.

She felt very clearly just now, and her fingers kept trembling when she received the phone.

It's like something big happened.

After all, Liu Zhen felt uneasy and took out his cell phone to call Jiang Beiyuan.

"Toot toot--" the long tone was noisy and harsh.

Liu Zhen sighed regretfully.

"Oh...I usually see you caring about your wife, why are you not here today."

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