Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 883: Daughter-in-law, I'm a little tired

"Mr. Jiang, in fact, the success rate of the operation can be as high as 95%. This is a small risk operation. Mr. Xu explained, let us do our best."

"Ay Ya I gi!"

Xu Kuangjie was so angry that he vomited blood and patted his forehead.

Why is this foreigner so stupid? !

"Do you say that you can lose a tooth with a 100% success rate?"

"Sorry Mr. Xu, why did I lose a tooth?" The foreigner was confused.

The Chinese culture is extensive and profound. Although Jack speaks Chinese well, some of the essence of Chinese characters is still uncertain.

Xu Kuangjie was too lazy to talk to him and looked at Jiang Beiyuan seriously.

"It's like what the foreigner said, this is a small-risk operation. You will finish the operation as soon as possible, and there will be no future problems as soon as possible. Now you have just sent your wife and children away. No one will know about your operation. "

"Don't do it."

Jiang Beiyuan is a stubborn donkey.

He had an idea in his mind, and thunder couldn't move it.

Xu Kuangjie squeezed his fist hard, and then slowly loosened it.

"I will let you have an operation!"

Speaking to stand up, he pulled Jack up by the way, turned and left.

"You dare to tell Yannian, you try."

A cool and mean voice came from Xu Kuangjie's back, engulfing gusts of yin wind.

Xu Kuangjie said nothing, and left Jiang Beiyuan's home.

Yuli was lying at the foot of Jiangbeiyuan, still barking barkingly, and I don't know why.

Jiang Beiyuan picked it up.

"Go, go see your three sons."



the other side.

The night fell, Yannian settled down and Ma Xueyan helped her onto the bed.

Ma Xueyan's voice is weak, like a balance spring swaying in the wind...

"If I just fall asleep like this and can't wake up anymore, don't panic and don't scare the children."

"will not."

Yannian's nose is sour.

"No, I mean, you won't wake up."

"You can live here for the time being. It's quiet and there is no disturbance. When will your husband tell you to go back, you go back again..."

Ma Xueyan said intermittently, closing her eyes, and couldn't say a word extra.

She is too tired.

Fortunately, there is nothing to worry about, so I don't feel any regrets when I am tired.

Yannian sat on the bedside and looked at her for a while, turned off the bedside lamp, and gently left Ma Xueyan's room.

The son also fell asleep.

This afternoon he was responsible for packing up his luggage and moving it back and forth, which took a lot of effort.

Fearing to wake her son, Yannian sat on the sofa in the living room and called Jiang Beiyuan.

Miss him.

The call was quickly connected.

Both her side and Jiang Beiyuan's side were very quiet, so quiet that they could only hear each other's breathing.

"Are you at home now?" Yannian asked.

"Well, lying on the bed, how about you?"

"I'm lying in bed too, ready to go to bed."

"Are you used to living there?"

Jiang Beiyuan's voice is very good, low, and even more magnetic and dumb in the night, like the singing of a piano, making it pleasant and pleasant to hear.

Yan Nian said twice, "I'm pretty good. I didn't expect that she would even buy me clover velvet, which is what I told you before. I was very touched by that kind of rare fetal medicine. I feel that I don’t hate her anymore and I can let go."

"That's good."

Jiang Beiyuan moved his lips and sighed in the next second.

The sigh is very soft, inaudible and difficult to catch.

"Daughter-in-law, I'm a little tired."

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