Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 875: Back to her parents' home (1)

"It's not me! I'm that kind of person!"

"Who else would you be? Our family only knows that I'm pregnant!"

She went to the hospital for an examination, she went there alone.

No one should know about this except Ding Baoyi and Jiang Qingchi.

Ding Baoyi is not a big-mouthed person. She has been so busy with work recently, how could she have the heart to chew with Jiang Beiyuan.

So Yannian can only think of her own son!

Jiang Qingchi was holding his head, his heart frustrated, and Yan Nian stared fiercely.

"Mom doesn't have any evidence, so she knows she's wronged anyone! Mother really hates it!"

When I said this, words and thoughts were speechless.

Suddenly remembered that I was having trouble with Jiangbeiyuan because of the massage shop.

Thinking about this, he hugged his son and rubbed his little head.

"Wrong, wrong, beating is cursing or love, I love you to beat you."


Jiang Qingchi didn't talk about words and thoughts, holding his arms, and turning his head proudly.

"If my mother doesn't let Nana come to our house for dinner, I won't be able to coax me well, let me tell you."


Yannian let go of Jiang Qingchi blankly.

"Nana...who is it?"

The previous Cheng Huan wasn’t enough, and the last bus affair wasn’t enough, so how come another Nana?

"Nana is a classmate in the next class, oh yes, there are Tiantian and Xiaomei, I promised them, and I will invite them to our house in the future, let my father cook, and my mother will be responsible for the flower arrangement!"

"Smelly boy! Did your father and mother teach you such a little girl?"

He wanted to beat him again, but held back.

My son, the strange spirit is true, the cleverness is true, but the flower heart and the glib tongue are also true!

Yannian is afraid that he will become a big carrot when he grows up!


When I returned to my hometown, many of the houses here were rebuilt and became second-phase houses, and the greening was much better than before.

The road is a bit bumpy and there are many excavators around.

Jiang Qingchi saw an excavator for the first time and found it very strange.

"Mom, I will open this after I grow up, it looks so tall!"

Yannian was amused.

"Son, let's go and fly the plane, you will be more handsome as the captain!"

While speaking, he arrived at his door.

This is a small western-style building with a large area, but it's too old, so the walls have fallen off.

Before, her father Yan Yuming was in business, and her family was in a good family. In her hometown, their house was the largest and most luxurious, otherwise she would not be able to go to school in the best middle school in Zhicheng.

It would be impossible to know Jiang Beiyuan.

Therefore, the material foundation determines the superstructure. The probability of Cinderella meeting the prince is so small that it is really difficult to reach the rich if the family has no knowledge.

If Yan Yuming is still alive, Yannian feels that their home should be bigger and more spacious now, and maybe Yan Yuming’s company will develop into the size of Jiangnian Group. In this case, she might become more Jiang Beiyuan is even better.

"Mom... won't you open the door?"

The son's words brought back his thoughts.

Only then did I find that I had been standing at the door for a long time.

People are most afraid of memories, seeing things and thinking about people, many past events come to mind.

But the past events do not include her and Jiang Ting's middle school years.

This is her regret.

The missing memory may also be her lifelong regret.

... Yannian opened the door and walked in with her son.

The dust in the house is heavy, and the living room is empty and empty.

After coughing twice, thinking that there is no one at home, the next second I saw my son pointing to the balcony——

"Mom, there seems to be someone sitting there."

Upon seeing this, Yan Nian walked over holding Jiang Qingchi.

An old man with a shaggy body was sitting in a wicker chair with a shabby cotton jacket over his leg.

Facing the sun, her face was pale and haggard, and a black knitted hat was worn on her head.

She had a cigarette in her hand, and the smoke ring curled up, surrounded by bluish white silk. At this moment, the old man stared into the distance motionlessly, as if he was asleep.

Yannian's nose was sore, her lips were pursed, and she stepped forward and called out:


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