Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 704: "One word makes you cold."

"not good."

Jiang Beiyuan leaned over and hugged Yannian.

"The meaning is different."

He rubbed her hair, and his voice became muffled in an instant.

"This chessboard was given to you by your father. You have taken it with you since childhood, I know."

"This is your memory, and the time it spent with you is a priceless treasure, you can't buy it anywhere."

"I want to be with you, always with you, but why did you come? I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"I really miss you so much, I miss you so much."


Yannian felt very uncomfortable. She liked Jiang Beiyuan's confession, but she didn't like Jiang Beiyuan's confession in this situation.

He said that he had waited for her for a long time.

But she didn't know anything.

"Brother Jiang Ting, we are going home."

She patted him on the back and said as if to coax a child.


Jiang Beiyuan let go of his words and thoughts, and looked at her straightforwardly. He laughed naively, silly, and sweetly.

Not far away, Xu Kuangjie, Zhang Fan and Chen Shuo all smiled after looking at each other.

Jiang Beiyuan actually said "Yeah", and said so decently, like an unweaned child.

Yannian also smiled.

But smiling and smiling, I can't laugh.

"Just say ‘um’ from now on. Say one word, not two words." She said softly.


"One word makes you cold."

"Well, good wife!"


Yannian took Jiang Beiyuan's hand and left Chen Shuo's home.

Xu Kuangjie drove her and Jiang Beiyuan back.

"I can take care of him during this period. I am pregnant. I have more than enough energy to do the rest. I will trouble you." Yannian said to Xu Kuangjie.

Xu Kuangjie understands the meaning of words.

After all, she is a layman and doesn't have much business circles.

"Don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt him again, Xiao Chuchen's side, I just have to stare at him recently. You only need to take care of Lao Jiang and don't hurt him."

"I know, thanks for your hard work."

"It's nothing, it's all for him. Let the old fox jump for a few days first, and they will feel better after my old Jiang recovers his memory."

After Xu Kuangjie finished speaking, he parked the car at the entrance of the Funan villa area and left.

He held a burst of fire.

Huo Xiao Chuchen.

Also fire the worries of Jiang Beiyuan.

Jiang Beiyuan's worries are all words and thoughts.

Worried that Yannian will hate him and blame him.

If he is not afraid of words, then Xiao Chuchen should die.

Yan Nian shook Jiang Beiyuan's hand.

She was just holding it briefly, but he squeezed into her fingers particularly domineeringly, insisting on clasping her fingers.

Yannian glanced at him.

It was still that beautiful face, but with amnesia, the whole person's temperament suddenly changed.

It used to be cold and expensive, but now even if he doesn't speak, he looks like an innocent child.

Yan Nian hoped he was acting.

But he didn't like that he was acting.

If he loses his memory in this way, he can have no troubles in his life and forget the unpleasantness before him.

After all, he was too painful before.

"Daughter-in-law, is this our house?"

Jiang Beiyuan looked around, decorated with warm goose yellow accents, and very warm design, like a dream home.

However, he had no impression of this decoration.

Yannian came back to his senses and smiled softly at him, "Yes, we have always lived here, I'm married to you!"

"I'm sorry, I forgot. My daughter-in-law won't blame me?"

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