Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 702: What kind of Jiang Beiyuan is it?

"Director Xiao, I would like to advise you."

The clear voice brought back Xiao Chuchen's thoughts.

He raised his eyebrows, and after the next second he heard a slightly mocking voice:

"It's not that you don't report it. The time has not come. Even if you have more difficulties and secrets behind your back, if you do it wrong, you have done it wrong, not to mention that you have done a lot of mistakes. There will be retribution if you hurt God and reason."

After speaking, he ran away.

She wants to find Jiang Beiyuan quickly!

Xiao Chuchen stared at her back, and slowly twitched the corner of her mouth.

There was a little girl with two pigtails and a skirt running away many years ago.

At that time, the little girl saved a boy's life.


Ha ha.

Maybe it really is.


Yan Nian came out of the company, turned on the phone, and opened WeChat to find Jiang Beiyuan.

"Where is Jiang Beiyuan?!!!"

She made a voice, almost roaring.

"It's his brother, don't hide it from me!!"


Three minutes later, the end sent a string of addresses.

Yan Nian hurriedly stopped a taxi and took a taxi to the address on WeChat.

Now I can't care about the psychological shadow of taking a taxi, I just want to see him quickly.

The driver drove in front, Yannian sat in the back seat of the car, and the sunlight shone diagonally through the window and hit her face.

The sun is warm.

But it's not as warm as the man's eyebrows.

She raised a hand, letting the sunlight flow down between her fingers, and letting tears flow down her face.

Why his weakness has always been her.

Did he not think about it for himself?

Why did he not look like him when he faced her.

Never separate again.

No matter which one he is.

Yannian said to herself in her heart.

Firmness that has never been before.


The destination goes straight to the front of the white villa.

This is a European-style two-story villa built on the edge of the sea. The environment is very good, quiet and comfortable, which reminds Yannian of nursing homes.

Standing at the door at this moment was a black figure.

It was only after Yan Nian got out of the car to see that this person was Chen Shuo.

She strode over.

"Where is Jiang Beiyuan?!"

The irritable hair is scattered, and the forehead, face, and nose are sweating. It is irritable and uneasy.

Chen Shuo lowered his hands, "Sister-in-law, hold on first. I heard Xu Kuangjie said that you are pregnant. Don't move your fetus!"

"You tell me how is Jiang Beiyuan first?!"

"Lao Jiang is very good, you listen to me, we did not deliberately hide it from you, or we were afraid that your stimulation would affect your body. Lao Jiang's operation was very successful a few days ago, and there is no life-threatening!"

"some days ago?"

" was the night Xu Kuangjie told you he was busy."

"Well, I'll go in and see him!"

Yannian was anxious to rush inside.

"Hey wait, wait—"

Chen Shuo was held back again, and Yannian flicked away his hand impatiently.

"Didn't you say he is okay? Then why are you stopping me?!"

"He, he may not know you... Maybe, maybe he doesn't know what your name is."


"Uh, to put it simply, Lao Jiang has amnesia and does not know all of us."

"..." Yannian gasped.

Upon seeing this, Chen Shuo lowered his palm again, "Sister-in-law, don't get excited, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, come, follow me, inhale—"

Just after taking a breath, Yannian smashed his belly impatiently, and Chen Shuo's stomach was gone.

"Okay, I'm not that vulnerable yet, I'm very happy if others are fine!"

How can I care about so much?

If you don't know her, it's a big deal to meet again.

Anyway, he is still alive, she is very happy!

"Then sister-in-law, come in, you..."

Chen Shuo hesitated, "Anyway, when you see Lao Jiang, you must be mentally prepared."


It is false to say not to be nervous.

It is false to say not to panic.

She is in a mess now.

What kind of Jiang Beiyuan will you see?

Indifferent and arrogant, high above, disdain to look at her?

Still arrogant, said contemptuously that she didn't know her and let her go?

Yannian squeezed her fingers firmly.

No matter what Jiang Beiyuan was, she couldn't abandon him.


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