Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 605: Every cloud is lonely

"It's okay. If you are a man, you don’t want mothers-in-laws. I’m your master. I will practice your naked twist at home these days. I can tell you the truth. There is no solution to the formed naked twist. Who do you want to lock? , No one can retreat!"

"Hey, you finally admit that you are my master!"

Jiang Beize grinned, showing two small tiger teeth.

"After all, I have been in your house, although you are stupid, but for the sake of the face, it is difficult to accept you as a foolish apprentice!"

Song Nanye said, only then put the guitar hanging in the front in the bag and carried it on his back.

His back was stiff, which was not easily noticeable, like a wooden stick frozen in the winter night.

"You don't need to deliver it, I'll take a taxi back to the intersection ahead!"

"Okay, but do you have money for a taxi?"

"No!" Song Nanye said unceremoniously.

Jiang Beize smiled, he was used to going out without money.

He took out a hundred-yuan bill from his pocket and handed it over, "Goodbye, master!"

"Cut! Go!"

He collected the money and put it in his pocket at will. The six relatives did not recognize the walking pace. They were very wild, and Jiang Beize wanted to laugh.

He stood at the gate of the community and looked at Song Nanye's back. He couldn't hold back anymore. After all, he couldn't help smiling. It was the first time I saw someone walking a bit strangely.

Song Nanye in front paused and looked sideways.


Jiang Beize clenched his fist with one hand, coughed twice, and quickly reduced his smile.

Song Nanye didn't speak, and turned his head.

He turned his back to Jiang Beize.

"When I think about it, my brother said he would take me to Hokkaido to play. It's only a few days ago. You don't need to call me anymore. See you at the beginning of the eighth grade.

"Okay, I wish you a good time!"


Song Nanyefu took another step, duplicating both hands in his pockets, and left without looking back.

At that time, the sky was full of dark clouds, and no trace of sunlight could penetrate the clouds.

Every cloud is lonely.


Xu Tongtong's flower shop.

Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year. Xu Tongtong came over after lunch. Although it only opened on the eighth day of the new year, the flowers in the store need to be maintained and some new flowers need to be properly placed.

"Hello, Doctor Zhang?"

Xu Tongtong called Zhang Fan. The last time she attended the wedding of Jiang Beiyuan and Yannian, she exchanged contact information with Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan at the other end asked her what happened.

Xu Tongtong smiled, with the shyness of a little woman on her face, "That's it, your corsage accidentally dropped out of my bag. If you want, I can send it to you."

"Ah... I said that when I changed the suit, I couldn't find it. It turned out to be out of your bag. But the wedding is over and the flowers are useless. Or you can throw it away and let you run. It's troublesome."

Zhang Fan was rounding the patient's ward and said to Xu Tongtong.

The patient on the bed winked at Zhang Fan, "Doctor Zhang, you talk a lot today."


Zhang Fan quickly compared it with a "hush" gesture.

Xu Tongtong on the other end of the phone: "No trouble, my throat is uncomfortable. I should have caught a cold. I am in the flower shop and I am planning to pack my things and go to the central hospital. If you are in the hospital, I will come and look for you."

Zhang Fan raised his wrist and looked at the table below, and he still had a minor operation to be done.

But it doesn't get in the way.

"Okay, come here, if it is convenient for the evening, have a meal together or something."


Xu Tongtong pursed his lips and smiled, but he was actually waiting for his words.

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