Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 536: He will die, really

The distortion in her heart reached the extreme, and those unwillingness and resentment were all shown on her face. She stubbornly squeezed the palm of her hand, but quickly let go.

"Ha ha, ha ha..."

Xu Anqing couldn't stop laughing, tears streaming down her smile.

Yu Lili on the side watched her silently.

The stern laughter of women echoed in the center of the square, and the pigeons were all startled, spreading their wings and leaving Xu Anqing's feet.

I don't know how long it has passed before Xu Anqing finally stopped smiling. She stared at the purple sky in the distance, squinted her eyes slightly, and a touch of gloom fell into her eyes again.

"He will die, really."

Xu Anqing's tone is harsher than ever.

Yu Lili was taken aback.

"Are you crazy?!"

"not me."

Xu Anqing's voice was faint.

"There are so many people who want him to die. There is no shortage of me. Maybe he is dead. This is his life."

She curled up the corners of her mouth and said with a smile, then fell silent completely.

There was silence along with the time.

The bell on the hour was ebb and flow.

Yu Lili pursed the corner of her mouth. She looked at Xu Anqing, and at the sadness and sorrow that fell in her eyes.

This grief reached the point of decisiveness, I don't know whether it was for the man who had been in love for eleven years, or for the relationship that ended without a disease for eleven years.


the next day.

Today is sunny and cloudless, Yan Nian is wearing a white half-high-necked sweater, a pair of light blue high-waisted straight-leg pants, her hair is tied in a low ponytail, and a strand of hair is braided from the side. She looks very nice. His face is a standard oval face, and any hairstyle can be controlled.

Sun Bei had come long ago, sitting at the front desk, carelessly wiping the table, staring at Yannian.

"Yan Nian, didn't you quarrel with your husband yesterday?!"

Yan Nian put down her bag and looked over, sneered, "What, do you want to see me and my husband have a conflict?"

"Huh? I, I don't mean that, okay!"


Yannian shrugged her shoulders and said nothing, rolled up her sleeves and started to work.

Sun Bei frowned and looked at her.

It shouldn't.

It stands to reason that her temper is so violent. During this period of time, she also found that Yannian couldn't rub the sand in her eyes, so she wouldn't have trouble with Jiang Beiyuan.

But looking at her mood today, she looks very good, but which link has the problem?


Two hours later.

The meeting room on the 60th floor of Jiang's Group held a morning meeting as always.

The rising sunlight fell in through the window lattices, and Song Yikai pulled the blinds down to cut off the direct sunlight, and then stood behind the man in the middle.

Jiang Beiyuan said this morning that a new secretary would come to report today, and Song Yikai was happy and worried.

The good news is that he finally does not need to be a secretary and an assistant anymore, and he does the work of two people alone.

What's worrying is that I don't know what the character of this new secretary is. Will he be as unreliable as Sui Tong?

But soon, Song Yikai stopped worrying about this problem.

He was worried about Jiang Beiyuan.

My boss didn't know what was going on today. He had been distracted and walked extremely hard. He put a hand on the table and kept tapping. The minister who reported to him had finished speaking. He didn't respond when he called him.

"Boss, boss..."

Song Yikai gently pushed Jiang Beiyuan.

Jiang Beiyuan said, he was calm and distracted. There was no extra expression on his face. After he recovered, he crossed his two slender hands and looked over at his chin.

"You are right, sit down."

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