Jiang Beiyuan didn't speak, and sighed lightly. Is this only discovered?

Yannian: "Sigh, what is it?"

"Nothing, thought of a fool."


"Well, very stupid idiot, I feel like I can't teach it anyway."

"Who? Is your company an employee? What did you teach him?"

It may be that the brain of speech and thought is still in an oxygen-deficient state because of just finishing exercise, and it does not react so quickly.

Jiang Beiyuan looked down at her, raised her small chin, and kissed her with hatred for iron and steel.

"Go to sleep!"


Sleep as you go.

It's eleven o'clock, it's late.

Yan Nian got off Jiang Beiyuan, turned around, didn't want to take a bath, wanted to just fall asleep like this.

Jiang Beiyuan hugged her from behind and embraced her into his arms.

The chin rubbed against her neck.

This is a small gesture he must have before going to bed, he has to hug her and rub her to fall asleep.

Yannian was about to fall asleep in a daze, suddenly remembering the pen, rubbing his eyes, "I can't find the pen you gave me last night, sorry!"


Jiang Beiyuan was also going to fall asleep, when he heard that he opened those black eyes, and there was a thought in the dark eyes.

"Hey, don't be angry with me, I have been searching for a long time, but I haven't found it. I tried my best!"

"Well, I'm not angry."

He rubbed the top of her hair and closed his eyes again.

"Go to sleep, Mrs. Jiang good night."

"Good night, Teacher Jiang~"

A good night dream.

The embrace of a lover is the warmest haven.


The next day.

Jiang Beiyuan has contacted Jiang Beize with the new school, and he is going to report today.

Nowadays, the times have changed, and the past ten years have been like a shuttle bus. The glory of Zhicheng Affiliated Middle School is no longer there. Now the best middle school in Zhicheng is Zhicheng No. 1 Middle School, a private full-time high-intensity management school.

Jiang Beiyuan personally went to send Jiang Beize.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Jiang Beize changed into the school uniform of Zhicheng No.1 Middle School this morning. The red and white uniforms were very old in style. However, a good-looking person looks good in everything. Wearing this upright dress on Jiang Beize does not make people feel ugly, but it highlights the temperament of his gestures.

"Second brother, the school in Lucheng started early." Jiang Beize took the initiative to start a conversation.

"Good schools naturally start early."

"Well, did the second brother go to school here before?"


"Oh... where does the second brother go to school?"

"Attached Middle School."

"Oh, I want to go to the place where my second brother went to school before, okay?"

Jiang Beiyuan glanced at him coldly, the tight jaw line was full of impatience and indifference, "You better shut up."


Jiang Beize covered his mouth with both hands, and was afraid to make another note.

The black Aston Martin stopped at the gate of Lucheng No. 1 Middle School.

Jiang Beiyuan put out the fire.

"Go in and find the teaching office by yourself, and the dean will take you to the head teacher."

"I know the second brother."

Jiang Beize felt a faint loss in his heart.

Today Jiang Beiyuan sent him off, he was very happy, he thought Jiang Beiyuan would go in with him, but if you are content with Changle, you shouldn't ask for so much.


When Jiang Beize was about to get off the car, the man in the main driver's seat spoke lightly.

Jiang Beize was overjoyed, turned his head and looked forward to looking at his second brother.

Jiang Beiyuan didn't look at him, just stretched out his hand at him, his palm is clean and distinct.


"Wh, what pen? Second brother, I don't know..."

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