Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 527: Still in the mood for a wedding?


A biting cold light came.

Knowing what he was going to say, Xu Kuangjie waved his hand wittily and smiled, "Tell you business."

Immediately he reduced his scornful expression, rarely becoming serious.

"The old fox Xiao Chuchen colluded with Lin Jingye and Zhou Rui. Now Lin Jingye is the vice president of the Jiang family and has a lot of shares in his hand. Zhou Rui was also restored to the position of sales department head by your father two days ago. Now Jiang’s situation is precarious. Xiao Chuchen secretly bought a lot of people’s hearts. The key is that the old fox hid so deeply that he couldn’t catch his handle. If you expel all three of them for no reason, the board of directors will definitely disagree. Both the head office and the US branch will put pressure on you, so what do you say?"


Jiang Beiyuan would not explain what to do with Xu Kuangjie.

He crossed his hands on the back of his head, leisurely, seeming to be thinking about this and other things.

Xu Kuangjie waved a hand before him.

"Talking to you, your father gives you the right to execute the company. If Jiang Clan falls, he will definitely not let you go!"

"You may not know one thing."

"What?" Xu Kuangjie puzzled.

"Jiang has long been totally different."

"So you mean...?"

"Go and inform the fat man that they are coming back and the wedding is about to take place."


Xu Kuangjie did not expect that he would say such a sentence at a critical moment.

"Brother, your company is going to fall into the hands of others. Are you still in the mood for a wedding?"

Maybe after the wedding today, Jiang will change hands tomorrow!

"I know it in my heart." Jiang Beiyuan's voice was deep and deep.

"Cut it into..."

Xu Kuangjie felt that he was simply the emperor in no hurry and the eunuch.

"Anyway, don't count on me when the time comes. Recently, my company's capital turnover is also difficult. It's okay to say that it is less than 100 million. I don't know if it exceeds this number. My company still has so many employees waiting for my salary. Brothers can help. Yes, but your brother is not your cash machine either!"


Jiang Beiyuan was just right to remain silent, and gave Xu Kuangjie an expression of "I would ask you to borrow money." Xu Kuangjie was quite vomiting blood.

He is always like this, he is deep in his mind, and he doesn't say it.

But thinking of the three birds with one stone last time, Xu Kuangjie suddenly became less worried.

Jiang Beiyuan must have an idea in his heart, this time he should be a big one.

As for how to come, only he knows.


Jiang Beize followed Song Yikai to the design department.

Jiang's design department is divided into three major departments. Song Yikai first took Jiang Beize to visit the design department.

I ran into Xiao Chuchen head-on.

Xiao Chuchen is the design director, and the design department is his world, so it is not surprising to run into it.


Jiang Beize looked at Xiao Chuchen.

A man in a black suit, around 185, from the tie to the cufflinks is neat, and under the gold-rimmed glasses are a pair of long, black phoenix eyes.

He didn't know this person, and quickly looked away.

Xiao Chuchen stared at Jiang Beize for a moment, and there was an obvious fright in his eyes.

The astonishment was fleeting, and his eyes quickly returned to a smile.

"Oh, who did Assistant Song bring to our design department?"

"It doesn't matter who this is,"

Song Yikai's tough tone was arrogant, "I was ordered by Feng Jiang to take him around the company. I hope Director Xiao will not get in the way."

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