Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 525: Boss, this is your son!

The elevator door was about to close, and a generous hand was suddenly in the middle of the elevator.

Ever since, Jiang Beiyuan met Song Yikai's wretched face.

Song Yikai walked in panting, scratching his neck and smiling, as always, he took out a bottle of yogurt from his bag and presented it respectfully, "Boss, this time is a new taste, apple mango and avocado!"


Jiang Beiyuan took it with no expression on his face and untied it.

Licking the lid.

Song Yikai quietly watched Jiang Beiyuan lick the lid. Jiang Beiyuan has changed in the past few days. The first thing I do when drinking yogurt is lick the lid. He doesn't know why, and he dare not ask.

Jiang Beiyuan only licked the cap and handed the bottle to Jiang Beize, who was aside.

"Would you like to drink?"


Jiang Beize was dumbfounded, and for a while forgot to react.

Jiang Beiyuan particularly likes to drink yogurt. He knows very well that every bottle of yogurt from his second brother's baby will never be touched by the yogurt at home before, but now, he has taken the initiative to share it with him! ! !

Jiang Beiyuan: "Don't forget it."

"of course yes!!!"

Jiang Beize shouted super loudly and smiled super brightly. He took the bottle of yogurt with a little shaking, and then drank it.

Although the apple-mango and avocado-flavored yogurt is really ugly, this is the yogurt given to him by Jiang Beiyuan. No matter how bad it is, he will not drink it all!

Song Yikai on the side looked at Jiang Beize.

What a cute little boy, with so long eyelashes, so big eyes, so white skin, and so delicate features.

"Boss, is this you—"

Just as the younger brother was about to blurt out the words, Song Yikai's face suddenly flashed through his mind.


Yannian was cute and very young before. He said that Yannian was Jiang Beiyuan's sister, and he paid a painful price for it!

So it's definitely not as simple as the younger brother.

What's more, Jiang Beiyuan gave him the baby yogurt, right?

Thinking about it this way, Song Yikai rubbed his chin, secretly admiring his extraordinary wit at the critical moment, and vowed to change his mouth:


Jiang Beiyuan: "?"

Song Yikai snapped his fingers at Jiang Beiyuan, with an expression of "Don't lie to me, I understand."

"Boss, this must be your son, right? No, right? Hey, boss, you are so young and your son is so big, you really deserve to be my excellent boss!"

Jiang Beiyuan squinted slightly and suddenly smiled.

"Madagascar is good, it suits you to grow your mind in the past."


He, is he wrong again?

Jiang Beize on the side drank the yogurt without a sip, burped, licked the corner of his mouth, and looked at Song Yikai sympathetically, "This is my second brother, I am his younger brother, not his son."

"No, no, not a son!"

Song Yikai secretly slapped his broken mouth, he would not change his mouth if he knew it, and committed sin!

Jiang Beiyuan's lips widened, and his smile remained undiminished, with a breezy tone: "I have forgotten that Assistant Song was 170 when he was three years old. It is not surprising that I have a son this old."

The elevator door opened and Jiang Beiyuan went straight out.

Jiang Beize continued to keep up, but Song Yikai, who was left in the elevator, was ashamed and howled.

He opened his mouth before, right?


CEO's office.

Jiang Beiyuan asked Jiang Beize to sit on the sofa first, while he was handling the pile of documents.

Jiang Beize turned his head to look at Jiang Beiyuan who was in the office.

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