Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 503: "I kept her to her white head."

Yannian laughed, "Aunt Qiao, you obviously praised me for being brave two days ago!"

"That was two days ago."

Qiao Zhen left after speaking, and Yannian lay on her side, not wanting to move.

She will take a moment, it really hurts too much.

The sound of footsteps in my ears gradually approached.

She thought it was Qiao Zhen, but didn't pay attention.

It's quiet all around.

It was so quiet that she felt someone standing in front of her, and felt a black shadow enveloped her, but she was so lazy, so tired, so painful, and didn't want to open her eyes to see.

Until the whole person is hugged.

Yan Nian slammed abruptly.

The first thing I saw was the familiar black hair, the handsome-looking man buried his head deep in the fossa of her neck, knelt on one knee, and patted the back of her head with one hand.

"My daughter-in-law, it doesn't hurt anymore."

"Jiang, Jiang Beiyuan???" Yannian's tongue knotted.

"Well, your husband is here."

"Damn it, why are you here?"

She wanted to push him, but he hugged her tighter, and kissed the skin on the back of her neck with a few obvious pinholes on it. It was extremely uncomfortable to see him.

He never liked seeing her accommodating him.

Moreover, he didn't make a noise and didn't let him know.


His voice was low and hoarse, and the guilt and self-blame hidden in his heart spread a little bit, like a ripple on the broken ice, with heavy pain and pity.

Yannian's nose was sour, "Well, what do you apologize to me? Are you drunk?"


He hugged her tightly, and said in a low voice.

Yannian's eyes suddenly turned red.

She understands what he meant, but it was not his fault that she came to acupuncture!

"You are not sorry for me, really, stop saying these three words..."


Do not say anything.

Embracing quietly, letting time flow.

He hugged her for a long time, finally let go, and stroked her head with his generous palm.

"Take you to a place."



Yan Nian didn't expect Jiang Beiyuan to bring her to her father's cemetery.

She didn't even expect that her mother's tomb was brought to her father's side at some point.

Yan Yuming and Han Qingzhu, two husbands and wives who were not well-connected before their lives, are now like two branches, close together, entangled to the end.

Yan Nian was completely stunned.

She slowly and slowly looked sideways at Jiang Beiyuan, who touched her face, and sighed in her ears.

"I know it all."


That's it.

Yannian turned her head, tears came out at once.

She covered her mouth and cried for a long time, the crystal clear tears turned into fragments, silently falling out of her eyes.

Jiang Beiyuan did not comfort her.

He knew she was crying.

Also know that she didn't want to be seen by him in tears.

He let her cry, and finally saw that her shoulders finally stopped shaking, and then he took a scarf from the back seat of the car and wrapped her around her neck.

"Would you like to get off the car and see our parents?"

Yan Nian nodded with apricot eyes red.

He got out of the car first, then took the initiative to open the door for her, pulled her out, and held her waist.

Yannian's eye sockets were blurred, and her tears dried and stuck to her face. When the wind blew, she was frozen stiff.

Her legs tremble a bit. I don't know if it is a sequelae of acupuncture, or because she is too excited and nervous.

She stared at the smiling woman on the tombstone, very beautiful.

This is her real mother.

She is a glamorous and gentle woman with no powder, but her temperament is very elegant. She finds that she looks a lot like her mother, her eyes and mouth are like Han Qingzhu.


Yannian knelt in front of Han Qingzhu's tombstone, holding the tombstone and crying like a child.

Her sight was blank, she wiped her tears, and they flowed out again soon, endlessly.

His fingers were shaking, stroking the woman on the photo, feeling like a knife.

"Mom, I'm sorry... I killed you..."

They were all killed by her.

If it wasn't for her, maybe her mother is still alive now.

In the past few days, I dreamed back at midnight. I don’t know if there was something in my heart, or if I suddenly changed places, so I slept unsteadily. I was always surrounded by nightmares, dreams of blood, dreams of car accidents, and dreams of murder.

She was exhausted.

Too tired, too tired.


Suddenly Jiang Beiyuan knelt in front of the tombstone like Yannian, and glanced at her. His eyes were gentle and firm, his eyes were like stars, and his grace was not cast.


Jiang Beiyuan opened his mouth and turned his attention to Han Qingzhu above the photo.

"Meeting for the first time, hello, my name is Jiang Beiyuan, I used to be Jiang Ting."

Word by word, the voice is thick, but the voice is heavy.

Yannian stopped crying, turned her head and stared at him blankly.

This person has a pair of long and narrow peach eyes that are clear and distinct. At this moment, his eyes are filled with unconcealed determination and affection.

Jiang Beiyuan continued to speak:

"Whether I am Jiang Ting or Jiang Beiyuan, I will be good to Nian in my life."

"Please feel free to give your daughter to me. I'm not a gentleman, but it is definitely possible to protect her with joy and worry-free life."

"For the rest of my life, she will be with me, and I will keep her until she is white. If I violate today's oath, let me--"

"No need to swear!!"

Yannian slapped his spirits and hurriedly covered his mouth.

She didn't want to hear him swear a poisonous oath, it was too scary and unnecessary.

Jiang Beiyuan fixedly looked at her, and there were lights and shadows passing by.

Behind the affectionate he wanted to tell.

The heart that has never been obscure after more than ten years.

Separated from his good intentions, behind his money is affectionate.

Together with her humble contribution all in it.

It depends on whether she is willing to open her heart and go to a marriage appointment with him.

All understand.

Cangtian Baixue, parents as proof.

It's like two people worshiping heaven and earth and getting married in ancient times. That was the most solemn and sacred moment.

Yannian suddenly thought, if a person really has a past and present, then she and Jiang Beiyuan must have known each other in the previous life, otherwise how could she be so familiar now, she can't do without him at all.

"Trust me?"

Jiang Beiyuan pulled down her hand covering his mouth and kissed the back of her hand.

Yannian was silent for a while.

Finally nodded and threw into his arms, howling.

Jiang Beiyuan was protecting her head, and the wind above her head whizzed past the back of his hand, dropping a faint light.

Cry out, everything is fine.


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